Fallout 3 is like.....?


Carolinian Shaolin Monk
In your opinion, what would you compare Fallout 3 to? Person, game, tv show, book, whatever you want.

IMO Fallout 3 is like- That one chick you thought you'd like back in high school and 5 years later you meet her again and finally date but then you find out you don't really like her because she's boring, dull, one sided, self absorbed, over-hyped, broken, and full of bugs (like Fallout 3). But for some reason you'd come back to her because like the Capital Wasteland; she's wide and interesting to explore. Anyway any comparison here?
Star Trek '09. Audiences loved it. Fans of the series either hated it or liked it on a purely superficial level.

As it turns out, Fallout 4 is like Star Trek Into Darkness, another film that audiences and critics liked, and was not only worse than its predecessor, but also outright pissed off fans of the show.
a very sweet candy that is good for five seconds and then makes you sick. it's very fun in short bursts but quickly becomes stupidly bad.
The Star Wars Prequels - awesome to the kids who see/play them when they were released, but everyone else is just disappointed.
That scene in the Simpsons, where Homer comes home from a Job interview, and Bart has that cake prepared for him saying "At least you tried."
In your opinion, what would you compare Fallout 3 to? Person, game, tv show, book, whatever you want.

IMO Fallout 3 is like- That one chick you thought you'd like back in high school and 5 years later you meet her again and finally date but then you find out you don't really like her because she's boring, dull, one sided, self absorbed, over-hyped, broken, and full of bugs (like Fallout 3). But for some reason you'd come back to her because like the Capital Wasteland; she's wide and interesting to explore. Anyway any comparison here?


How can a girl that is shallow be wide and interesting to explore?
Just because there's a lot of nothing doesn't make it any less shallow.
In your opinion, what would you compare Fallout 3 to? Person, game, tv show, book, whatever you want.

IMO Fallout 3 is like- That one chick you thought you'd like back in high school and 5 years later you meet her again and finally date but then you find out you don't really like her because she's boring, dull, one sided, self absorbed, over-hyped, broken, and full of bugs (like Fallout 3). But for some reason you'd come back to her because like the Capital Wasteland; she's wide and interesting to explore. Anyway any comparison here?


How can a girl that is shallow be wide and interesting to explore?
Just because there's a lot of nothing doesn't make it any less shallow.
Hahahaha. You got me there. I was saying there was some interesting thing about Fallout 3 like the Capital Wasteland. How it's so wide a bit interesting to explore mainly because of the environment. She's wide and interesting to explore because you got it on with her but the only reason you keep coming back is because of that reason, she got perks and side quests in those walls.