Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

The "done by different people" seems pretty likely IMO. I would choose brotherhood armor stats for all cybernetics brain levels, with sentry bot EMP resistance (10~15%) at max.
Also its base proto (00000079.pro) should be changed to IN 10 instead of IN 5.
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The "done by different people" seems pretty likely IMO. I would choose brotherhood armor stats for all cybernetics brain levels, with sentry bot EMP resistance (10~15%) at max.
Also its base proto (00000079.pro) should be changed to IN 10 instead of IN 5.

Thanks. It could be argued that it takes a level for Skynet to get accustomed to the new brain, hence the lower starting intelligence. But nah, I'm with you on this.

There is a bug with the Highwayman.
When vehicle fuel ends disappears. No locations car without fuel. I drew where it occurs on the map.

This is a strange one and I'm surprised no one has noticed this before (to my knowledge). It's not only the car but also the permanent special encounters that are affected. Seems like the game engine refuses to add any temporary green circles on the two lowest rows on the grid. The car doesn't really disappear, it's just the map marker that never gets added. If you click on the green triangle when you stop, you will be taken to the car out of fuel map. You can move the car to a city of choice with the fallout2 save editor in case you have screwed up a save game.
As for the special encounters, the ones that normally gets a green circle on the world map gets a red circle instead (the one used for encounter locations that don't get saved). Very strange.
I tested on an unmodded/ unpatched version of Fallout2 and it was the same there.
Not sure if it's possible to fix this properly. One solution could be to just move the car to back to NCR, that's easily doable, but it would be a bit annoying to have to go back there on foot if you are close to San Fran. Still, it's better than losing the car.

As for your slowdown issue Adolf, I tried your save and didn't notice it at all.
Angry Bandits Encounter is empty between Den and Modoc (with car). On entering, nothing happens and there is nobody there. The landscape and scenery is all fine. Since the Angry bandits are persistent and they show up multiple times until resolved; I kept getting these empty encounters over and over again. I take it that I could have gotten other encounters, e.g highwaymen or robbers or perhaps even special encounters but in stead I got that. This is bad and has to stop.
RP version 2.3.3 with GoG's F2 version, no other mods. Perhaps it's relevant that I'm playing at 220% game speed (sfall feature).
1. Resolve the issue OR permanently remove Kaga from the game.
2. Make Kaga encounter optional in the installation (turned off by default) Why? Kaga is in no way tied into the game beyond just showing up and declaring himself important. There is no mention of this Kaga anywhere else besides the actual random encounter. The supposedly appropriate difficulty level of the encounter is incorrect (I play on hard/rough only and he gets a cheap burst/critical off with an assault rifle somewhere around the time where the heaviest guns used against my party are hunting rifles)
Persistence of the random encounter is annoying and detrimental because it means that it is an issue that eats away other random encounter possibilities that can not be resolved without being overpowered or cheesing the game into having Kaga get stuck somewhere as he is running away.
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Well I was talking about an official version for the Mac not wineskin. Back in 2002 a Mac version of Fallout 1 & 2 was made by Interplay, unfortunately Bethesda never continued the trend forcing Mac users to use wine or bootcamp to play Fallout 3 and onward.
Well I was talking about an official version for the Mac not wineskin. Back in 2002 a Mac version of Fallout 1 & 2 was made by Interplay, unfortunately Bethesda never continued the trend forcing Mac users to use wine or bootcamp to play Fallout 3 and onward.
Currently impossible, because sfall won't work with Mac version of FO2 and is a critical component for RP.
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It is almost a year since the last release of Restoration Project. Is Killap still alive? Killap please .......
Ok now I know what it is, an update to the original game engines allowing it to be used on modern OSs. It also allows for higher resolution textures, which explains this project's dependency on it.
Has any one tried to port this engine update to Mac? If anyones willing to try, we might even be able to make it universal binary allowing for native support on intel Macs.
Some funky RP stuff:
Slaver's camp:
*If you go straight to Sulik's sister and pick the second option to wait until you free other slaves, if you change your mind (you'd have to take on all of the slavers) and return to her you can no longer free her right away and return later (if you return to talk to her without freeing other slaves you should definitely have an option to say:"I'll free them later let's go" or something of the sort)
Umbra Tribe:
*Quest to conduct transaction with stimpak salesman -> if you choose to resolve quest by combat, the game forces you to return immediately back to Umbra Tribe without the opportunity to loot the bodies.
*Nessa the ghost quest -> during the night when she appears in the forest, you can talk to her and then kill her for 60xp... and then when the shaman does his ritual she appears as a talking corpse lying face down.
*there is no rope for the well in Umbra Tribe vicinity? Why?
*The well guy at Umbra Tribe just takes your SMG and doesn't give you any reward? Why? (smg's worth a 1000g on the market so the reward should be equivalent or greater)
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The easiest way for anyone is that you install windows, instead of hiring 10 computer scientists to your fees for 3 months...