Power Armour changes.

Why not roleplay a psychopathic father who kills himself and some other people to stop someone, having the same goals as him activate something not needed?
I like this idea. And lets add that power armor in general, no matter the version, should be much less common, so fewer spots where they spawn, and no random loot with PA parts. And no raider PA please. And no Atom Cats, dig?

Of course.

Raiders should get something more makeshift.

Atom Cats have no fix. They need to be purged.

And purge them I did. They were cleansed by nuclear fire.

But your post. Well thought of. If I ever do part 2 of my PnP Fallout campaign, I'll definitely take inspiration from it :)

It's a good thing you can kill them. Your character being an American warhero can also explain why he killed them. Damn communists want to ruin our All American PAs. Good American scientists worked on these things, dammit.

Thanks. That's just an ingame part though. I might do a more story based part later. Explaining the traits of each one in detail, giving it a little story, etc.
That's why the Ancient Aliens quest was really important.
Imagine if you refused it, all those raiders immortal and stronger than before, so scary... glad we got the choice of doing the quest or doing the quest !
That's why the Ancient Aliens quest was really important.
Imagine if you refused it, all those raiders immortal and stronger than before, so scary... glad we got the choice of doing the quest or doing the quest !

The whole time I was on the Cabot House affair I was like "And now we discover that all of them are actually crazy and this is all a delusion.... right? How about now, then?"
-"And now we discover that all of them are actually crazy and this is all a delusion.... right? How about now, then?"
-"Here, take that Laser Pistol that do not shoot lasers and is actually a gamma gun with a fossilized beetle attached to it."

It's not a troll, it's a train without brakes.
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-"And now we discover that all of them are actually crazy and this is all a delusion.... right? How about now, then?"
-"Here, take that Laser Pistol that do not shoot lasers and is actually a gamma gun with a fossilized beetle attached to it."

It's not a troll, it's a train without brakes.

And the thing is, it would be FAR more interesting the other way around! This family of delusional History-Channel guys, that locked their patriarch into a pre-war insane asylum... That's could be an awesome mini-psychological horror story! But they go and ruin it with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer and I thought "Oh, so it is a bunch of ancient aliens immortal guys... Now I must kill everybody to forget their existance"