Power Armour changes.

My position is this: They wanted a new "signature armour" for the game cover, and it had to be better than the T-51 while also looking like their "original" design, the T-45. But it also had to be in the prologue scenes as they were heavily featured in the pre-release footage, so it couldn't just be a BoS-improvement of the T-45 (which would have made a lot of sense).
But there was probably a lack of communication, so the loading screen featuring the T-51 was overlooked.

I feel that we can say, to a certainty, that this is exactly how it happened. I firmly believe that each and every game by Beth will feature "newer and better" things with little to no regard for lore.

The T-70 PA design! The latest design in PA technology deployed to the front-line 30 sec. before the bombs droped!
My position is this: They wanted a new "signature armour" for the game cover, and it had to be better than the T-51 while also looking like their "original" design, the T-45. But it also had to be in the prologue scenes as they were heavily featured in the pre-release footage, so it couldn't just be a BoS-improvement of the T-45 (which would have made a lot of sense).
But there was probably a lack of communication, so the loading screen featuring the T-51 was overlooked.

I feel that we can say, to a certainty, that this is exactly how it happened. I firmly believe that each and every game by Beth will feature "newer and better" things with little to no regard for lore.

The T-70 PA design! The latest design in PA technology deployed to the front-line 30 sec. before the bombs droped!

T-80 PA design! Deployed as the bombs fell, because this model is AN ATOMIC BOMB YOU WEAR AS ARMOR!
My position is this: They wanted a new "signature armour" for the game cover, and it had to be better than the T-51 while also looking like their "original" design, the T-45. But it also had to be in the prologue scenes as they were heavily featured in the pre-release footage, so it couldn't just be a BoS-improvement of the T-45 (which would have made a lot of sense).
But there was probably a lack of communication, so the loading screen featuring the T-51 was overlooked.

I feel that we can say, to a certainty, that this is exactly how it happened. I firmly believe that each and every game by Beth will feature "newer and better" things with little to no regard for lore.

The T-70 PA design! The latest design in PA technology deployed to the front-line 30 sec. before the bombs droped!

T-80 PA design! Deployed as the bombs fell, because this model is AN ATOMIC BOMB YOU WEAR AS ARMOR!

T-1000 Liquid Metal Suit! Developed by a secret BoS-Precursor-Templar-Order shortly before the War! Singlehandedly won the Anchorage Campaign, but it had to be kept secret for political reasons!
The fact that they made a mess of this whole new power armor model thing (shocking, I know) is nothing compared to the fact that they explicitly state that they don't care if makes sense at all. That's simply depressing, I feel we are going backwards in terms of worldbuilding, writing and so on (although it is kind of forwards if you think about it, if you go back you just find 90s RPGs, then Cyberpunk, then Tolkien, so and so on... So, rejoice, the future is worse!)
My position is this: They wanted a new "signature armour" for the game cover, and it had to be better than the T-51 while also looking like their "original" design, the T-45. But it also had to be in the prologue scenes as they were heavily featured in the pre-release footage, so it couldn't just be a BoS-improvement of the T-45 (which would have made a lot of sense).
But there was probably a lack of communication, so the loading screen featuring the T-51 was overlooked.

I feel that we can say, to a certainty, that this is exactly how it happened. I firmly believe that each and every game by Beth will feature "newer and better" things with little to no regard for lore.

The T-70 PA design! The latest design in PA technology deployed to the front-line 30 sec. before the bombs droped!

T-80 PA design! Deployed as the bombs fell, because this model is AN ATOMIC BOMB YOU WEAR AS ARMOR!

T-1000 Liquid Metal Suit! Developed by a secret BoS-Precursor-Templar-Order shortly before the War! Singlehandedly won the Anchorage Campaign, but it had to be kept secret for political reasons!

T-Infinity PA Ohh what do you want!! Just buy our fucking game!! (ps. deployed the moment we thought about it in the Bethesda offices!)
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The fact that they made a mess of this whole new power armor model thing (shocking, I know) is nothing compared to the fact that they explicitly state that they don't care if makes sense at all. That's simply depressing, I feel we are going backwards in terms of worldbuilding, writing and so on (although it is kind of forwards if you think about it, if you go back you just find 90s RPGs, then Cyberpunk, then Tolkien, so and so on... So, rejoice, the future is worse!)
World-building is a real drag, they like to let their writers have fun!
I wonder would it be too hard to just say: "BoS upgraded their t-45s by using remnant personel, resources and knowhow of Enclave"?

Bethesda doesn't want to make sense. I guess...
I wonder would it be too hard to just say: "BoS upgraded their t-45s by using remnant personel, resources and knowhow of Enclave"?

Bethesda doesn't want to make sense. I guess...

As I said: They wanted their signature armour to be in the prologue scenes as they were shown prior to release. Of course it would have made much more sense if the "homefront" soldiers were similar to National Guard units, fitted with obsolete hardware like the T-45 (kinda like the Van Buren tech demo) instead of wasting precious cutting-edge military technology on guarding Vaults.
Bethesda realy makes random choices in favor of being "marketable", like all BoS suddenly using T-45 which was the new design for T-51b at first(Thank god they didn't go with that.).
Which kinda makes you curious, from where the BoS in F3 got all the fusion cores from to power their T-45 models ...
My position is this: They wanted a new "signature armour" for the game cover, and it had to be better than the T-51 while also looking like their "original" design, the T-45. But it also had to be in the prologue scenes as they were heavily featured in the pre-release footage, so it couldn't just be a BoS-improvement of the T-45 (which would have made a lot of sense).
But there was probably a lack of communication, so the loading screen featuring the T-51 was overlooked.

I feel that we can say, to a certainty, that this is exactly how it happened. I firmly believe that each and every game by Beth will feature "newer and better" things with little to no regard for lore.

The T-70 PA design! The latest design in PA technology deployed to the front-line 30 sec. before the bombs droped!

T-80 PA design! Deployed as the bombs fell, because this model is AN ATOMIC BOMB YOU WEAR AS ARMOR!

You forgot the T-95abc model with buzz lightyear wings that let you fly. Used instead of the T-51b during the dropping of the bombs.
I have read somewhere why the Germans gave many tanks/units the names of animals, the Russians technical sounding names and the Americans names of real people. Sadly I can't remember it anymore.
I have read somewhere why the Germans gave many tanks/units the names of animals, the Russians technical sounding names and the Americans names of real people. Sadly I can't remember it anymore.

The russians also like to use really cutesy names in addition to the long-ass codes.
Hmm. Really? Such as? I knew that the soldiers in general can get really creative with nick-names. For example, the M3 Lee/Grand, send to the Russians trough the Lend&Lease contract was nicknamed by it's tankers coffin-for-5-friends, sounds more catchy in Russian I guess, because of how useless it was. Even though the Lee was a decent tank in the desert of 1941, the Brits quite liked it, but well hopelessly underguned and outclassed in 1942 and 43. The Su-76 self propelled gun was also called by its tankers Suka, which translates to something like Bitch, for it's overly complex engine I think. The SU/ISU 152 self propelled gun/tank hunter was called Zveroboy, or animal killer, due to the fact that it's 152mm howitzer was capable of defeating the German zoo, like Panthers, Tigers, Elephants. The Germans and US troops would do quite often the same, for their own and enemy equipment. The heavy KV2 was called Big Bello or Cooking Pot, due to it's large turret and gun. The 37mm anti tank gun was called by it's users Panzeranklopfgerät, which means roughly translated tank knocker, even though the 37mm was actually a pretty decent gun during it's time. However, the Sherman never got the name Ronsons by the troops, it most probably is an false anecdote that was created after the war. But the Sherman as tank, was in general much better than it's reputation.
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I have read somewhere why the Germans gave many tanks/units the names of animals, the Russians technical sounding names and the Americans names of real people. Sadly I can't remember it anymore.

Depends on what you mean by many. There are a lot of German vehicles with animal names, but there is A LOT of ones that don't have such names. I would say there's probably far more that don't have such names than ones that do. Also, do you mean official names, or nicknames?
But many German vehicles got more or less animal names that saw regular use by the troops and officials, there have been definetly quite a lot of them. Nashorn/Hornisse, Wespe, Hummel, Panther, Tiger, Marder, Elephant, Maus/Mamut. Where as the Russians prefered completely technical names, as the T34, Su76, SU/ISU 85-120-152. I am not saying those where the only designations. The Germans had technical names just as how the Russians had real names and the US animal names. But certain classifications have been simply more common with certain nations. I remember that there is an explanation for it ... or I think there is ... I am not sure. Like I said, it is simply more a tradiation really, that seems to continue even today. More or less! I just thought it's intersting.

Another funny fact is, that prototypes in the US army get often the designation T infront of it, like T-30, T-34, T-25 etc. The Russians gave their prototypes often the name Object, Object 279 for example. And the Germans called their prototypes very often VK, for Voll Ketten I think, meaning fully tracked.
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But many German vehicles got more or less animal names that saw regular use by the troops and officials, there have been definetly quite a lot of them. Nashorn/Hornisse, Wespe, Hummel, Panther, Tiger, Marder, Elephant, Maus/Mamut. Where as the Russians prefered completely technical names, as the T34, Su76, SU/ISU 85-120-152. I am not saying those where the only designations. The Germans had technical names just as how the Russians had real names and the US animal names. But certain classifications have been simply more common with certain nations. I remember that there is an explanation for it ... or I think there is ... I am not sure. Like I said, it is simply more a tradiation really, that seems to continue even today. More or less! I just thought it's intersting.

Another funny fact is, that prototypes in the US army get often the designation T infront of it, like T-30, T-34, T-25 etc. The Russians gave their prototypes often the name Object, Object 279 for example. And the Germans called their prototypes very often VK, for Voll Ketten I think, meaning fully tracked.

I always thought the "V" stood for "Versuch", or "Experimental" in English. Like the VT1, where it stood for "Versuchsträger".
Anyway, yeah, some russian weapon systems have rather cute names. The TOS-1 "Buratino" heavy flamethrower for example (Buratino being a russian variant of Pinocchio), or the RPO "Shmel" rocket-flamethrower (Shmel meaning bumblebee). Hm, maybe they just use those names for their flamethrowers :D Their self-propelled artilleries appear to be all named after wind & weather (like Whirlwind, Hail and so on).