So I'm sorry of this is against forum rules, but after months of having built in frustration in me, I just felt like it's time to really get this out there, really tear this game apart, which upsets me as it's something I don't want to do, but as the title suggests, fuck it, here it goes.
And yes, I've said my opinions of Fallout 4, but I don't feel those do anything justice, so here it is...
Fallout 4 is a game that gets more and more disappointing by the day. From the minute it was released, I was there, I bought into all the hype and thought "this game just couldn't fail me".
After buying Phantom Pain earlier in the year and I disagreed with a lot of the problems people had with that game.
So, I forked out £100 of F4 and the Season Pass (I also bought the Strategy Guild cause it seemed like a nice collectable) and I played it when I got home. I enjoyed the start, sadly Ron Pearlman didn't narrate it, but he was there in spirit at least.
The prologue seemed a little short for me but when I got to Vault 111, this felt like Fallout. For me, the Vaults now feel like a 3D version of the Vaults from the old games.
So I continue playing and escape the Vault. The first few hours were pretty good, but as it went on, I just sort lost the will to play it. I wanted to go back to Metal Gear Solid V, explore that open world, do the same shit I had done in that a hundred times again.
The world of Fallout 4 is impressive, I like how open it is, but the fact that every enemy is a bullet sponge just takes me out of it. The voice acting went from being decent into it just being a terrible idea. The dialogue system I'm certain is the reason new born babies cry, The writing is so weak we may as well shoot it before it suffers any more pain, the perk system makes progression so boring, the fact that the two genders both have a different back ground in a fucking role-playing game, when they have no reason to have a different back ground is not only stupid beyond belief, but insulting in the fact that Bethesda believe a woman cannot be a pre-war soldier and is just insulting to the player's intelligence ("Oh you're a guy, well you have to a tough manly man, you're a woman, you have to be smart and charismatic even if it makes no fucking sense in the actual game"), and the ending just pissed me off beyond belief, there are not enough words or anti-depressants in this world that could possibly get me through that ending.
But the worst thing about this game is, and it's the reason why I'm just like "Fuck it",
it's actually a good game.
Yes, the biggest problem this game has is that it's actually good, never has that been a problem with a game before. But the World is a lot better than 3, we have farms while still having that depressing atmosphere.
The characters have a lot more personality, companions feel like actual people this time.
There are new factions at last, even if they are weak compared to the ones we had in New Vegas.
Some of the missions were actually some of the best in the series, the ones with the Pod thing were the highlights of actually showing extremely good back story.
The small details from the Holotapes are where the writer's shine through. We get small areas where we see the results of post war and it just adds to the overall world. Some of these actually make me feel like shit.
The gunplay is by far improved, power armour has some weight to it. The story (well, story concept) is also pretty good, it just needed to be worked on more.
Like, this isn't a bad game, and there are things in it that can keep me occupied for hours.
But when New Vegas, a game that was released 5 years ago on a dated engine, feels more progressive in terms of gameplay mechanics, story branching and the writing overall, of course expectations are going to be high.
In a way, Fallout New Vegas has gone from being the game that Fallout 3 should have been, to the game Fallout 4 should have been. And I can see Bethesda at least tried to make a better game. The story branching is there, but it makes no difference. It's managed to retain the crucial flaws of Fallout 3 while only working on the minor details. Which is a polar opposite to New Vegas.
But maybe I'm being too harsh comparing Fallout 4 to New Vegas, afterall, New Vegas is one of my favourite games of all time, 2nd only to Metal Gear Solid 3.
Maybe I should compare it to F3,in which case I prefer 4. But it's still the same just with a few new improvemnets. Heck, even the stories are similar.
Anyway, I'm sorry if I went off on one there, in all honesty, you can just ignore this or tell me off if this breaks forum rules, I really just needed to get this all of my chest, of which I'm sure you guys understand at least (I'd much rather post this here than some Bethesda forum, even through that would be amusing).
I don't hate Fallout 4 or anything, I'm just tired of a game like this receiving the praise it does when we have much better games on the market. Of which case, F4 should be with those better games. My only hope is that Bethesda at least listens this time, they have to, people won't be fooled again. And maybe they will release decent DLC, all I'm asking is for at least one, at least one Pitt or Point Lookout (and no Mothership Zeta 2, please God no).
I hear they have DLC set underwater, that sounds nice.
Anyway, again, I apologise for this long rant thing, it's seriously stuff I just wanted to get out there.
I will give F4 one thing, it's made me able to sympathise with this forum a lot more.
And yes, I've said my opinions of Fallout 4, but I don't feel those do anything justice, so here it is...
Fallout 4 is a game that gets more and more disappointing by the day. From the minute it was released, I was there, I bought into all the hype and thought "this game just couldn't fail me".
After buying Phantom Pain earlier in the year and I disagreed with a lot of the problems people had with that game.
So, I forked out £100 of F4 and the Season Pass (I also bought the Strategy Guild cause it seemed like a nice collectable) and I played it when I got home. I enjoyed the start, sadly Ron Pearlman didn't narrate it, but he was there in spirit at least.
The prologue seemed a little short for me but when I got to Vault 111, this felt like Fallout. For me, the Vaults now feel like a 3D version of the Vaults from the old games.
So I continue playing and escape the Vault. The first few hours were pretty good, but as it went on, I just sort lost the will to play it. I wanted to go back to Metal Gear Solid V, explore that open world, do the same shit I had done in that a hundred times again.
The world of Fallout 4 is impressive, I like how open it is, but the fact that every enemy is a bullet sponge just takes me out of it. The voice acting went from being decent into it just being a terrible idea. The dialogue system I'm certain is the reason new born babies cry, The writing is so weak we may as well shoot it before it suffers any more pain, the perk system makes progression so boring, the fact that the two genders both have a different back ground in a fucking role-playing game, when they have no reason to have a different back ground is not only stupid beyond belief, but insulting in the fact that Bethesda believe a woman cannot be a pre-war soldier and is just insulting to the player's intelligence ("Oh you're a guy, well you have to a tough manly man, you're a woman, you have to be smart and charismatic even if it makes no fucking sense in the actual game"), and the ending just pissed me off beyond belief, there are not enough words or anti-depressants in this world that could possibly get me through that ending.
But the worst thing about this game is, and it's the reason why I'm just like "Fuck it",
it's actually a good game.
Yes, the biggest problem this game has is that it's actually good, never has that been a problem with a game before. But the World is a lot better than 3, we have farms while still having that depressing atmosphere.
The characters have a lot more personality, companions feel like actual people this time.
There are new factions at last, even if they are weak compared to the ones we had in New Vegas.
Some of the missions were actually some of the best in the series, the ones with the Pod thing were the highlights of actually showing extremely good back story.
The small details from the Holotapes are where the writer's shine through. We get small areas where we see the results of post war and it just adds to the overall world. Some of these actually make me feel like shit.
The gunplay is by far improved, power armour has some weight to it. The story (well, story concept) is also pretty good, it just needed to be worked on more.
Like, this isn't a bad game, and there are things in it that can keep me occupied for hours.
But when New Vegas, a game that was released 5 years ago on a dated engine, feels more progressive in terms of gameplay mechanics, story branching and the writing overall, of course expectations are going to be high.
In a way, Fallout New Vegas has gone from being the game that Fallout 3 should have been, to the game Fallout 4 should have been. And I can see Bethesda at least tried to make a better game. The story branching is there, but it makes no difference. It's managed to retain the crucial flaws of Fallout 3 while only working on the minor details. Which is a polar opposite to New Vegas.
But maybe I'm being too harsh comparing Fallout 4 to New Vegas, afterall, New Vegas is one of my favourite games of all time, 2nd only to Metal Gear Solid 3.
Maybe I should compare it to F3,in which case I prefer 4. But it's still the same just with a few new improvemnets. Heck, even the stories are similar.
Anyway, I'm sorry if I went off on one there, in all honesty, you can just ignore this or tell me off if this breaks forum rules, I really just needed to get this all of my chest, of which I'm sure you guys understand at least (I'd much rather post this here than some Bethesda forum, even through that would be amusing).
I don't hate Fallout 4 or anything, I'm just tired of a game like this receiving the praise it does when we have much better games on the market. Of which case, F4 should be with those better games. My only hope is that Bethesda at least listens this time, they have to, people won't be fooled again. And maybe they will release decent DLC, all I'm asking is for at least one, at least one Pitt or Point Lookout (and no Mothership Zeta 2, please God no).
I hear they have DLC set underwater, that sounds nice.
Anyway, again, I apologise for this long rant thing, it's seriously stuff I just wanted to get out there.
I will give F4 one thing, it's made me able to sympathise with this forum a lot more.