Vault 22 Survivor
Yeah, I'm against BS practises like that.
If they do a free director's cut ending (much like what Mass Effect 3) then I can at least let that slide.
My overall hatred comes from the fans, they are the most annoying bunch of people on the internet. One guy message me constantly for like a month on Facebook just showing me the same screen shots of the Dog. Or a screenshot of a Deathclaw (and then he got pissed when I didn't reply, like, I have a life outside of Fallout>
He eventually deleted me cause I stopped talking to him.
And then there was the whole thing in the Facebook groups where they cried that Fallout didn't win GOTY and talked about how shit Witcher 3 was.
I was just amused that the Metal Gear fans were a lot more open that Witcher won, I gave respect to them purely because Bethboys (that's my new term for Bethesda Fanboys) didn't respect any other game than Fallout.
I think this is just an instance of whichever game is the most about "you are awesome, let's celebrate how awesome you are, what would you like to do right now oh awesome one" is going to collect some of the worst fans. That's not to say that everybody doesn't enjoy some of that feeling, but there are going to be some people who don't quite grok that it's just a fantasy and that a steady diet of that sort of thing to the exclusion of everything else is going to rot your brain.
I really think one of the big creative revolutions in video games coming is when video games start regularly telling players "no" and upbraiding them when they do something they oughtn't. I think something like that is necessary for the medium to grow.