Carolinian Shaolin Monk
When I look back at it now I really begin to think the Enclave were really the only ones who could've actually saved the Capital Wasteland and restored some form of order to the capital. Look at Fallout 4. Obviously the Lyons chapter moved on from the CW and went to Boston and left D.C behind with no form of governance. Which leaves a question for me. Could the Enclave ever had made a new government in the Capital Wasteland? No no not with Eden in charge. That would've never happened or let alone work, but with say Colonel Autumn in charge of being the new Head of State (pun intended). I think if they Enclave with Autumn in charge would've worked. But it'd be a hard dictatorship in the first few years. Nearly every raider tribe in the Capital Wasteland would be wiped out, Vault 87 would be destroyed along with the Mutants, Talon Company would probably get destroyed, a lot of people would have to leave in constant fear of those powered armor troopers. But the bright side, the roads are safer and people don't have to worry about caravans getting attacked on the roads by raiders or mutants. And reconstruction efforts are underway in D.C. I think that by the time the Second battle of Hoover dam rolls around in 2282; at least the mall area of D.C would've been rebuilt to sustainability and a big majority of the ruble would've been cleared out. But to really get D.C back to the way it was, would've took at least 12 years maybe. 16 at the most. But what do you think? Thoughts and opinions?