Was the Enclave the only hope for saving the Capital Wasteland?


Carolinian Shaolin Monk
When I look back at it now I really begin to think the Enclave were really the only ones who could've actually saved the Capital Wasteland and restored some form of order to the capital. Look at Fallout 4. Obviously the Lyons chapter moved on from the CW and went to Boston and left D.C behind with no form of governance. Which leaves a question for me. Could the Enclave ever had made a new government in the Capital Wasteland? No no not with Eden in charge. That would've never happened or let alone work, but with say Colonel Autumn in charge of being the new Head of State (pun intended). I think if they Enclave with Autumn in charge would've worked. But it'd be a hard dictatorship in the first few years. Nearly every raider tribe in the Capital Wasteland would be wiped out, Vault 87 would be destroyed along with the Mutants, Talon Company would probably get destroyed, a lot of people would have to leave in constant fear of those powered armor troopers. But the bright side, the roads are safer and people don't have to worry about caravans getting attacked on the roads by raiders or mutants. And reconstruction efforts are underway in D.C. I think that by the time the Second battle of Hoover dam rolls around in 2282; at least the mall area of D.C would've been rebuilt to sustainability and a big majority of the ruble would've been cleared out. But to really get D.C back to the way it was, would've took at least 12 years maybe. 16 at the most. But what do you think? Thoughts and opinions?
My opinion? There was never any hope for the CW, it was little more than a great big cartoon set piece with a new thing shooting at you every twenty feet.

Setting that aside for a moment, though, had the Enclave had their way they would have simply killed everyone and left the entire place more or less barren, as they see pretty much everyone as a mutant, including those living in settlements like Megaton and Rivet City. So, no.
I'm pretty sure "kill all the mutants" was Eden's plan. From what we see, Autumn just wants to switch on the water purifier.
The Enclave's entire aim was to purge all "mutants" from their introduction in Fallout 2, I don't know why Autumn's motivations would be any different.
So? Why should we assume Autumn was a nice, misunderstood guy whose personal motivations ran contrary to the established goals of his organisation?
From the fact that he tries to stop you from taking the Modified FEV out of Raven Rock.
What makes you think he's trying to do anything other than kill you? Maybe I'm forgetting details, but what happened in Raven Rock didn't appear to be anything more than Autumn making a power play to me.
Eden gives you the FEV, not Autumn. Autumn just wants the code to the water purifier. At no point is it made clear that Autumn wants to use the FEV on the purifier. If he does want to use it, why is Eden asking you to do it, and not Autumn? That would suggest a disagreement. Hence, his trying to kill you when you have the FEV.
But is there anything to even suggest that Autumn knows about Eden's plan? Or that he wouldn't happily have done the same thing himself, and that his disagreement with Eden wasn't over something else, like his softly-softly approach to the PC?
I just find it weird that Eden trusts the protagonist with the Modified FEV more than he trusts Autumn. Eden trusts you, and you alone, to activate the water purifier with the FEV installed. If Autumn was going to do it anyway then you are totally useless to Eden, making your conversation with him completely pointless.

EDIT: ugh, reading the Fallout wiki on Autumn and Eden and it is just such a contradictory mess. There's no information about who wanted what done, why they wanted the purifier, why they were even in DC to begin with. Nothing.

Honestly, there's just no point discussing whether Autumn wanted the FEV installed or not because the fact is, we don't know because the game doesn't bother to tell us.
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If Autumn was going to do it anyway then you are totally useless to Eden, making your conversation with him completely pointless.
Not completely useless to him; neither Eden nor Autumn know the code to activate the purifier and both think you do. FEV aside, the main difference is that Eden thinks he can convince you to willingly work for him and Autumn wants to interrogate the code out of you.

Honestly, there's just no point discussing whether Autumn wanted the FEV installed or not because the fact is, we don't know because the game doesn't bother to tell us.
Well, yeah, it's Bethesda, the people who wrote Autumn probably didn't attribute him much more in the way of personality than "main antagonist".
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Seems like a godawful plan to me: "Hello mister stranger I have no reason to trust, considering that the FEV in the water supply would be detrimental to your health; instead of keeping you locked up in the facility until you give us the passcode, I'm going to let you go with the valuable Modified FEV with the vague hope that you might decide, after having killed your way through my guards at Project Purity, to help my Enclave plan to poison the water supply."

The writing is just so broken.
Ah, but he also thought that you were pure-strain human or whatever since he believed you were descended from Vault dorks, so he thought he could totally get you on board with his purge-the-wasteland plan.

It's still broken and incredibly stupid, not to mention a badly-thought out repeat of Fallout 2's plot line. I would side with Autumn over President Idiot, except, like I said, we have no idea what Autumn's plan actually is.

Sigh...Game of the Year, Writing Award!
"Kill all mutants" Refers to pretty much everybody except The Enclave and Vault Dwellers. So no, Vault 101 would probably be the only form of civilization in the CW if the Enclave was in charge and would probably still be destroyed by the Enclave due to them starting up trade with the outside wastes and becoming "impure".
Yeah I think so. We really don't know how many people the enclave have since it's not really to scale, Realistically Vault 101 will have a few thousand people. So its not unrealistic to think that Raven Rock could also house a few thousand, Adams airforce and the Satelite Relay Station could also have a good few more.

It's obvious that if the Lone Wanderer never came they would of likely won, and with their plan destroyed all the mutants and the unpure and brought back humanity.

Also I'm sure with their technological expertise they can figure out how to modify sperm with some sort of virus to prevent inbreeding in their population.

Inbreeding hasn't been a problem in over 200 years so it seems unlikely that they haven't figured something out.
"Kill all mutants" Refers to pretty much everybody except The Enclave and Vault Dwellers. So no, Vault 101 would probably be the only form of civilization in the CW if the Enclave was in charge and would probably still be destroyed by the Enclave due to them starting up trade with the outside wastes and becoming "impure".

Actually Vault 101 wouldn't be a thing either. As we read on the Overseer's terminal, the Enclave came by Vault 101 before and tried to break their way in. For what purpose we don't know, but they clearly weren't being friendly about it.

We also see that, if the player breaks Vault 101's water purifier, Amata ends up running into a small group of Enclave soldiers. They ask her where Vault 101 is after she tells them she's a member of it. Once she divulges the location, they shoot her immediately. So there's clearly something inside Vault 101 that they want. They don't care about the people.

So in essence, if the Enclave were to take control of Project Purity, they would kill literally everyone, including the people of Vault 101. Just goes to show how one dimensional and "lul evulz" the Enclave are in FO3.