Deacon FO4 voice actor leaks existence of FO5 pre-production


Stalwart Prick

Staying true to form, Beth has eyes on a new Fallout world already. Any speculative minds want to have a stab at location? Are they gonna make it as dumbed-down as Fallout 4? I really hope not. I really do hope they actually pay attention to PC owners and optimize a version of the game specifically for PC, the UI and Dialogue OPTIONS in particular.

You know that thing called "optimization" right Beth? It's what Rockstar did with GTA5 PC version - albeit, two whole years after the console versions came out. The game ran very well for me and my potato.

:falloutonline: Is the Creation Engine gonna be the horse again Todd?
[just realized he's whacking that horse right in the balls]
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I couldn't care less about optimization if they fire Todd Howard and Emil, and deliver a good story in an interesting setting that is not a theme park. Not going to happen.

My prevision is that Fallout 5 is going to sell more than Fallout 4, and it's going to be even worse. 10/10 GOTY IGN.
I bet it's going to be in and around New York. Then in F6, if Bethesda still owns Fallout by then, the location will be some lesser known location in our world, but that supposedly became famous in the Fallout universe, like Ohio.
Seeing as this seems like the framework for a yearly/bi-yearly release schedule they have to milk all the available areas, so FO5: Other Parts of Massachusetts is my guess.
They're probably going to take the location I used for my own stories and butcher them. That's right, get ready for the south to be turned into a theme park.

Hey, at least they're not getting their grubby hands on Nevada.
Does this mean Obsidian will have to wait until Bethesda shit another turd onto the franchise for them to make New Vegas 2? Or does this mean Bethesda will try and make New Vegas 2 by themselves? Because that would just be really fucking funny.
Anyway, Fallout 5: Florida so that they can make a "really cool" retro 50's Disneyland rip-off with Walt Disney acting as a Mr. House stand in.
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While I had fun with Fallout 4, I'm going to be very vary of the next Bethesda Developed game. The last two (Skyrim and F4) have been huge letdowns, I can't do it again.
I'll more than likely wait for "Fallout 5: The Ultimate Pack" if it looks like a somewhat improvement.
But if it doesn't, then I'm leaving the Fallout universe, which is a shame as it's my 2nd favourite series.
If Obsidian or a good developer work on a spin-off, I'll be more than happy to pre-order the most expensive edition with a season pass. Obsidian have proved they can make a good Fallout. People want another Obsidian Fallout, Obsidian want to do another Fallout.

I would rather play a game from a company who love their product even when they don't own it, over a company who feel the need to "Sequel Bait"

And if Bethesda say no to Obsidian, I may just decide to never play another Bethesda game again.
Does this mean Obsidian will have to wait until Bethesda shit another turd onto the franchise for them to make New Vegas 2? Or does this mean Bethesda will try and make New Vegas 2 by themselves? Because that would just be really fucking funny.
I don't think Obsidian will do another Fallout, and I'm glad for it, Obsidian is better than needing BGS handouts. I really hope they are getting to work on a new Vampire game and that's what that whole New Orleans tweet from Josh Sawyer was about.
I want Obsidian to try their hand at the series again because most of the employees have said that they would like to make another one, not to mention how much money they would make from it; otherwise sure new Vampire or PoE would be great.
Fallout 5
"The best simulator of killing raiders in any game ever-Todd Howard

I hate this game-A "True" Fallout fan

Best game ever the shooting mechanics are like TeS"-IGN

[Interview with Todd Howard]

Fallout 5 is simple
We removed everything that dealt with any RPG mechanics because RPG's are boring and Fallout fans don't want it. So we just made Fallout 5 a straight up shooter.

No more pesky dialogue and boring reading because there's only ONE QUEST in the game!

That quest is to kill everything in the African wasteland, all animals and people, except children.

Pre-order now for the Settlements on the Moon DLC pack!

Also there will never be another Obsidian made Fallout.

[Camera zooms over to Chris Avellone and Obsidian coworkers being held at gunpoint by Emil in a Vault Suit]"-Bethesda's E3 2023 Reveal Trailer
Fallout 5
"The best simulator of killing raiders in any game ever-Todd Howard

I hate this game-A "True" Fallout fan

Best game ever the shooting mechanics are like TeS"-IGN

[Interview with Todd Howard]

Fallout 5 is simple
We removed everything that dealt with any RPG mechanics because RPG's are boring and Fallout fans don't want it. So we just made Fallout 5 a straight up shooter.

No more pesky dialogue and boring reading because there's only ONE QUEST in the game!

That quest is to kill everything in the Chinese wasteland, all animals and people, except children.

Pre-order now for the Settlements on the Moon DLC pack!

Also there will never be another Obsidian made Fallout.

[Camera zooms over to Chris Avellone and Obsidian coworkers being held at gunpoint by Emil in a Vault Suit]"-Bethesda's E3 2023 Reveal Trailer

This hurts me because it's likely.
It hurts more knowing we live a World where Bethesda made Morrowind.
Yet they progress to Fallout 4. Which is like devolution.

Morrowind was made back when Bethsodt actually gave a shit. But Fallout isn't their own originally made game and you know what's hip with the kids? Call of Duty. So they stuck CoD's dick into Fallout's vagina and Fallout birthed Fallout 4.

And all real Fallout fans cried that day.
Morrowind was made back when Bethsodt actually gave a shit. But Fallout isn't their own originally made game and you know what's hip with the kids? Call of Duty. So they stuck CoD's dick into Fallout's vagina and Fallout birthed Fallout 4.

And all real Fallout fans cried that day.

So that's why Fallout 4 is the best Call of Duty game made.

Anyway, I hereby rename New Vegas Fallout 3.
And it's a trilogy.