would Fallout set in Canada gonna work?


Artanis "Altáriel" Nerwen Nos Finwe
assuming its done by obsidian for all matter first

what's really like if fallout were set in wilderness and complete with winter survival thing? we know that canada is being annexed by USA to provide supply line for anchorage front, and it meet heavy resistant that were showed as it showed in fallout 1. obviously this mean there is US soldier act as occupying force there, but we dont really know if canada were nuked too. so could possibly these abandoned soldier still active like enclave in post war and want to rebuild the image of america.
For a proper story we need a good conflict, like the dam. Is there any lore regarding weather in that region, I'm just curious how much conflict there would be outside of jack frost kicking your ass, unless the resource that's in demand is firewood and kindling.
Oh, definitely. I've had enough of their criticism of the United States. I'd like to see a parody of Canada or an exposure of the problems of communist China. Oh wait, that might "offend" someone. :roll:

You don't need Americana for Fallout to work, that's Bethesda logic. All you need is a developed story, interesting characters, and well-built locations. The culture of the old world has always been a background element.

Post-war Toronto could be one of few habitable places in Canada thanks to the harsh winter weather, and because of this it could be some sort of refugee camp of people going south. Who knows, maybe slaver camps would be causing trouble. According to Fallout Extreme, there is a tribe of Inuits dominating western Canada too.

It would also allow for an exploration of the pre-war history involving the Canadian annexation. Also, the whole map doesn't have to be in Canada. There could be a part in the United States.
Oh, definitely. I've had enough of their criticism of the United States.
Well deserved criticism I find. America has a large list of shit they've done, with many of it in the 20th century alone. Hell, Kentucky wanted to ban negative America history at it's school! And they were serious about it!

I'd like to see a parody of Canada or an exposure of the problems of communist China. Oh wait, that might "offend" someone. :roll:
Parody of Canada? How can you even do that? I doubt making fun of nice people and peaceful country would work. They already do that, a LOT. In fact they don't do enough exposure on the failures of capitalism.
I never played through Mothership Zeta, is it canon that Canada was nuked by a space laser or is that an optional thing? Because being space nuked would probably negatively impact a Canadian Fallout game.
I don't think so. Fallout is too heavily based in Americana for it to work, imo.

I think that's precisely why it would work. Canada is not entirely dissimilar to America, so the differences would stand out. In particular in the Fallout universe Canada was annexed by force by the U.S. and so the *ahem* Fallout from that would be pretty interesting.

Unlike how in previous Fallout games there have been undercurrents of "America good" in the various factions (the NCR, the Brotherhood, the Enclave) a Fallout game set in Canada would have more of a sense of "America bad" (because they executed a military operation against the ancestors of these people.)

A hypothetical Fallout game where the Brotherhood (midwestern or otherwise) tries to expand into Ontario and meets *heavy* resistance from the locals whose tolerance expires as soon as outsiders try to assume some position of authority or power could be pretty interesting.
Well deserved criticism I find. America has a large list of shit they've done, with many of it in the 20th century alone. Hell, Kentucky wanted to ban negative America history at it's school! And they were serious about it!

Parody of Canada? How can you even do that? I doubt making fun of nice people and peaceful country would work. They already do that, a LOT. In fact they don't do enough exposure on the failures of capitalism.
Wow. I have just lost a lot of faith in the world.

Very hypocritical, considering that the Canadians are actually a bitter group that hate pretty much everyone around them. You'd be surprised at how deep their hatred runs. Also hilarious to see that someone who stands against stereotypes is promoting one right now, what with this 'all Canadians are right' business.

What great atrocity has the United States committed in the modern world? Have we killed every one of our leaders in show trials? Did we rape the women in Berlin? Have we killed millions of innocent people and sent millions more to re-education camps? Have we rolled our tanks in to Tiananmen Square to shoot down peaceful protest? Everyone has blood on their hands, but to say that the empires that commit these atrocities in the name of 'equality' are good sickens me. Might I remind you that all of the horrific events mentioned above were the work of communists. You have just shrugged off the 78,000,000 innocents murdered by Mao, the 23,000,000 killed by Stalin, Pol Pot's 1,700,000 and Kim II Sung's 1,600,000. Yeah, and we're the bad guys.

You do realize that communist countries are the ones that censor, right? Yeah, criticizing a country for a minor case of revision then supporting another for massive, national revision. Great logic there. That little 'failure' bit cracked me up there, considering that the countries of the west have stood firm, time tested, while every single leftist country has fallen. No, Fallout doesn't teach enough about the failures of communism. They should at least balance themselves out in their criticism.

Frankly, you have such a skewed perception on things that I'm having a hard time believing that you're not kidding.
Wow. I have just lost a lot of faith in the world.

Very hypocritical, considering that the Canadians are actually a bitter group that hate pretty much everyone around them. You'd be surprised at how deep their hatred runs. Also hilarious to see that someone who stands against stereotypes is promoting one right now, what with this 'all Canadians are right' business.
I've been to Canada, I have yet to find your description stand true. Oh please do examples.

What great atrocity has the United States committed in the modern world? Have we killed every one of our leaders in show trials? Did we rape the women in Berlin? Have we killed millions of innocent people and sent millions more to re-education camps? Have we rolled our tanks in to Tiananmen Square to shoot down peaceful protest? Everyone has blood on their hands, but to say that the empires that commit these atrocities in the name of 'equality' are good sickens me. Might I remind you that all of the horrific events mentioned above were the work of communists. You have just shrugged off the 78,000,000 innocents murdered by Mao, the 23,000,000 killed by Stalin, Pol Pot's 1,700,000 and Kim II Sung's 1,600,000. Yeah, and we're the bad guys.
Nah, that's too obvious, instead they used assassinations, dealt in drugs to fund terrorist groups, helped destroy various regimes just for being Socialist and a threat to American dominance, bombing many countries, arresting various peaceful rioters and having heavily militarized police, who kill a lot of people in police brutality. Did Americans rape women in Berlin? Yep! Historians accept that Americans did rape women in Germany, though not as widespread as the Soviets. Killed millions? Yep. Sent Millions to re-education camps? Well do Japanese concentration camps count? I have never said that, and you should know. I never ignored them, I just said America has done a LOT of shit.

You do realize Americans censor as well though not as bad? Where have I done that? Now you're creating strawmen and responding to arguments I never used. Stand strong? Of course they did! They didn't spend money on free healthcare, free education and cheaper housing. Also many Leftist countries have fallen apart due to American intervention, so it's kind of obvious. Also isolation cannot face NATO and a massive alliance of nations dominated by America. The Korean war was on American Interests, and yet the UN fought there. So, it's kind of... excuse me for saying it, dumb about your assumptions on Leftist countries. They didn't fail because of the system directly, the Soviets and Chinese are the only examples that can be considered and both had terrible starts by dictators.

Frankly, you have such an ignorant perception on things I'm having a hard time to believe you're not from the fifties.
Woah dude, calm down, America deserves criticism the same way most super-powered countries do. Also don't go off in a rant about how bad communists are, America supported numerous brutal dictators as long as they took anti-communist stances, fuck America's partly responsible for Spain remaining fascist after WW2 because America was cool with Franco's reign of tyranny as long as he didn't like communists; all governments commit atrocities, it's a fact of life.
I agree, Stalin wasn't a good communist. Hell he wasn't even communist! Mao wasn't communist and Pol Pot was crazy. They all used communism as an excuse.

Also, like Izak said America has supported too many dictatorships, for example Saudi Arabia and South Vietnam.
Everyone is trying to off load "blame" on other cultures and countries but doesn't any remember that Hitler got the idea for his eugenics program from the United States? (I'm sure we all know how that ended up)

The thing to remember is the countries interact with each other and idea sharing is common. Just because A did this B didn't do it doesn't make sense considering that every country has a long and dark past they are not proud of.

When it really comes down to it, no one has the right or the moral position to say that their country is better than another, or that their culture and beliefs are more tangible or viable in the long run as we are all hurtling through space in a pale blue dust mote.

The idea to focus on is what would work for a Fallout game, not to have a wizzing contest of who has the longest stream.

Personally I think a Fallout set in Canada would be a great idea as it would let players explore what has happened outside of the United States while still being close enough to be effected by potential variables from the aftermath in the original games.
Not a bad idea imo. Still BGS could set next Fallout in Eastern Europe and still managed to explain super mutants, Enclave, BoS and FEV there.
I agree, Stalin wasn't a good communist. Hell he wasn't even communist! Mao wasn't communist and Pol Pot was crazy. They all used communism as an excuse.

Also, like Izak said America has supported too many dictatorships, for example Saudi Arabia and South Vietnam.
I'm sure the Pope isn't a Christian either, and that ISIS aren't true Muslims, right?
Nobody is saying that America is without sin, just that the amount of criticism it recieves in comparison to other far more sinful parties is hugely disproportional.

Canada is boring as it is, I doubt a nuclear apocalypse and ensuing winter would make it any more lively. I don't think they're going to go for a "frozen north" theme in the next game.
Not a bad idea imo. Still BGS could set next Fallout in Eastern Europe and still managed to explain super mutants, Enclave, BoS and FEV there.

Sure if you consider some of the worst handwaves ever conceived "explanations"
Considering we know the city of Toronto still exists (known as Ronto and mentioned in Fallout 2 by a couple of Canadian NPCs) and that Canada had their own Vaults, there's plenty of potential for Canada as a Fallout game. As long as, like you said, Obsidian made it.
If Obsidian made it then yeah, because Bethesda Nuked the hell out of Canada with Mothersip Zeta's Death Ray (I wonder if that is canon, the Lone Wanderer shooting the Death Ray at Canada :facepalm:)

EDIT: Damn I didn't see @Izak post before...
I never played through Mothership Zeta, is it canon that Canada was nuked by a space laser or is that an optional thing? Because being space nuked would probably negatively impact a Canadian Fallout game.
I'm sure the Pope isn't a Christian either, and that ISIS aren't true Muslims, right?
Nobody is saying that America is without sin, just that the amount of criticism it recieves in comparison to other far more sinful parties is hugely disproportional.

Canada is boring as it is, I doubt a nuclear apocalypse and ensuing winter would make it any more lively. I don't think they're going to go for a "frozen north" theme in the next game.

The pitfalls of being a world-leading superpower.

America is at the centre of the world stage, of course it's going to attract more criticism than other countries. Controlling the media means you have all kinds of attention, not just criticism.

While I'm not very partial to the "America is more deserving of shit than other countries" rhetoric, I also generally dislike the "but look at x, y and z, clearly we're perfect angels undeserving of all this harshness" retort. Other people's faults aren't an excuse to ignore your own and everyone is always slinging shit at everyone else regardless, so the best course of action is to ignore it.

(I don't mean to address you personally, I'm just not going to bother quoting a conversation-worth of posts).

As for the actual point of this thread, I think a hypothetical Fallout: Canada could work. I'm thinking in particular about the canceled Fallout Extreme, with the BoS now being the villains (to complete the entire spectrum of morality) and the player being part of a philanthropic paramilitary faction called "the Cause".

Obviously, I'm not saying the hypothetical developers should mirror that word for word, just that they could feasibly borrow elements from it. The factions could be a pseudo-fascist military organization that promises security in exchange for freedom; the Cause as the freedom-fighters whose sole goal is to liberate their land from the fascists' oppressive regime but ultimately have no real intention to create a unified government; a known Fallout faction (possibly the NCR) to link it back to the previous games and offer a third alternative of some description (possibly a union of tribes lead by the planned Issaquah faction that want neither one nor the other) and, of course, the independent route.

I'm no expert on Canadian landmarks and I've only ever been to Vancouver, so I don't really care where exactly it's set; as Bethesda has shown and Obsidian already knew, nobody gives a shit about the actual location apart from the people who live there.

Theme-wise, I think rebellion and civil unrest would work quite nicely; it's already tied into the place's history and the created factions easily follow that scheme. It would also provide an interesting contrast between the companions which could be capitalized upon.

Visually, I actually agree that stars-and-stripes would be a good choice. In pre-war newly annexed Canada, propaganda would have been at an all-time high; some tribes could even come to believe that "America" is actually some form of god, and the presidents are spirits.

Lastly, hardcore mode could be expanded to become more than just an annoyance; in the harsh post-apocalyptic Canadian wilderness where there are only tribes and few real cities, gathering your own resources would be essential.

For a proper story we need a good conflict, like the dam. Is there any lore regarding weather in that region, I'm just curious how much conflict there would be outside of jack frost kicking your ass, unless the resource that's in demand is firewood and kindling.

New lore could simply be created, and it doesn't have to be a McGuffin every time. Obsidian always likes to create a situation of political turmoil, introduce the player to a moment in history where shit is about to go down; the Dam was just the catalyst in New Vegas.

Either way, I believe there was a planned area called the Sound in Canada which although lacks a description or even a proper location, sounds mysterious enough to be some kind of super-weapon.

It'd be great to see the Troll Warrens introduced as well since it's a concept I really like. An entire city populated by nothing but super mutants and ghouls established almost a century ago. How does a childless society develop? How much would change in a community where everyone is functionally immortal? How does this mix with their shared history of persecution? Are there conflicts between the ghouls, who for the most part maintain their intellect but are generally weaker and the super mutants, who rule the city and are superior in almost every way but the majority of whom have an IQ no higher than that of a child's?

TL;DR Yeah, I think a game set in Canada would be cool.