Carolinian Shaolin Monk
Me and a friend had this discussion yesterday. We judged that the NCR is facing the problem of expansion by being spread to far and too thin, suffering from incompetent politicians and senators, the basic issues that comes from imperialism. But as Ulysses said for the Legion "Once it takes over the NCR and spreads to the Pacific, the Legion will turn on itself and die". Well he may have not worded it like that it kinda reminded me of Nazi Germany. Did the people follow Hitler and not his ideals? Similar to Caesar. Will they face the problem of expansion in about 20 years and won't be able to secure their new found territories? Likely, similar to Nazi Germany waging a war on the Eastern front. They couldn't secure the East because of Polish and Russian resistance.
So much that they expended most of their resources to fighting on the eastern front that by 1944, the Western front fell. Which is likely what would happen to the Legion if they expanded far west and took over the NCR. They would fight an unpopular war with the NCR in the west, they wouldn't be able to secure territory. They would spend so much on resources to fighting in the west that they'll face civil unrest in East likely from slaves and disappointed commanders. And when they manage to reach Shady Sands or San Francisco. The Legion will turn on itself and die out. Some what similar to Nazi Germany. So tell me, what do you guys think? Should it be compared?
So much that they expended most of their resources to fighting on the eastern front that by 1944, the Western front fell. Which is likely what would happen to the Legion if they expanded far west and took over the NCR. They would fight an unpopular war with the NCR in the west, they wouldn't be able to secure territory. They would spend so much on resources to fighting in the west that they'll face civil unrest in East likely from slaves and disappointed commanders. And when they manage to reach Shady Sands or San Francisco. The Legion will turn on itself and die out. Some what similar to Nazi Germany. So tell me, what do you guys think? Should it be compared?