most overrated movies?

Citizen Kane, I've tried watching it 3 times, so boring, Maltese Falcon was a far better film from that year.
Captain America: Civil War. Best superhero movie ever? Not likely.
Your talking about the new Ghostbusters right? The one with the kickass chicks that can do anything a man can do only better?

No the one with Bill murray. I don't get the love. I like the movie and all but it's not that great imo
Fair enough, I thought Ghostbusters was good, funny, good VFX for it's age, definitely original. I always liked Harold Ramis movies though, I like[d] his humor.

The Matrix... yeah OK, it's kinda overrated, but it has an awesome storyline/plot and Keanu Reeves is a fantastic human being IRL, there should be more like him.

Not a movie, but I think 'Game of Thrones' is extremely overrated. And fucking terrible to say the least. What's with all the penises? George R. R. Martin sure likes a lot of cock. My 2c ;-) :hide:
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It's staring to look like I'm trying to shit on the 80s but
.Tim Burton's batman. Maybe I've been spoiled by the dark knight but Michael keaton was better as beetlejuice imo. Also the joker shot Tom and martha? Wtf? How does that even work out with the timeline?

I'll give you a hint:
it doesn't
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The Godfather.

I see how it may have been interesting to people back in the day when the mafia was something new, but it has held up poorly. It's slow, boring, and feels a lot less authentic than any of Scorcese's mafia movies.
Even as a preteen watching Howard the Duck I thought that she was going to bang the duck.

It's staring to look like I'm trying to shut on the 80s but
.Tim Burton's batman. Maybe I've been spoiled by the dark knight but Michael keaton was better as beetlejuice imo. Also the joker shot Tom and martha? Wtf? How does that even work out with the timeline?
Burton's Batman was a decent Tim Burton movie, but not a great Batman movie. Beetlejuice though, fucking classic on all levels.
Even as a preteen watching Howard the Duck I thought that she was going to bang the duck.

Burton's Batman was a decent Tim Burton movie, but not a great Batman movie. Beetlejuice though, fucking classic on all levels.

I respectfully disagree burtons made better films

- Edward scissorhands
- Sweeney Todd
- 9
decent Tim Burton movie
Is that even a thing?

Charlie and The Choclate Factory was a grog turd rubbed in the face of the original, like modern Robocop and Total Recall, there was absolutely no reason to remake them other than money and propaganda messages. Beetlejuice was always a childhood favorite of mine, very original. Mars Attacks! I thought was also good.