So is the next Fallout game by Obsidian gonna be Isometric?

Erich van Loon

Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?
I'm pretty sure Obsidian is working with Paradox Interactive to make an isometric RPG. So why wouldn't the next Obsidian Fallout game be isometric?

Also, Paradox makes the best strategy games.
No one knows. But from what we've gotten from various tweets and stuff it doesn't seem like it'll happen with Obsidian at least. We have no idea whether or not Bethesda will want to do a third party isometric title either.

We simply don't know. :/

They did the mobile game with Fallout Shelter and they entered the world of MMO's with Elder Scrolls Online so anything's possible I suppose but an MMO has a large market. A mobile game has a large market. Isometric cRPG's? Not nearly as big of a market as those two.

All we can do is speculate but while a spin-off may happen it is unlikely that it will be isometric.
Mobile isometric fallout RPG? I pitched it once in another thread I honestly believe it could be good.
According to a tweet by Chris Avellone, Obsidian isn't actively involved in the development on any Fallout game and, Bethesda is no longer considering Obsidian for spin-off development. It's possible that the Meta-critic debacle harmed their relationship more than previously thought.
Aside from that, they're currently developing Tyranny, PoE 2 and, an as of yet unannounced game that may be Vampire the Masquerade 2.
Stupid me didn't see your post before mine :facepalm:

Is obsidian really big enough to juggle 3 different projects?
Ain't Sawyer not working on Tyranny? Maybe he is with a different team working on Project Louisiana for an unannounced project? If I'm not mistaken, PoE 2 was only in a planning phase (by words of Feargus Urquhart, correct me if I'm wrong), so that's basically only 2 projects being actually worked on.
Is obsidian really big enough to juggle 3 different projects?

Sure. Alongside Tyranny, they have two card games in the works (PoE and Pathfinder), Armored Warfare, Pillars of Eternity 2 is in the works on some level (probably not full on production yet), Sawyer is cookling something (that's might be PoE 2, but who knows - I got the impression that it might not be that yet) and then Tim and Leonard are cooking up something that isn't AW or PoE 2. And I don't know if they're still doing something with that Russian MMO. They've got plenty on their plate.
But I mean, like, if they spread around their talent on too many projects how good will each project turn out exactly?
That remains to be seen. Also depends on how big they aim with each game; a smaller team can well do good with (relatively) smaller games.
Yeah but a small team here and a small team there and all of the sudden the big team for the big project ain't so big any more. Maybe they've been hiring people again? I remember that after FNV was all done they had to lay off people so I dunno how big they are. Obsidian has a tendency to get a bit too ambitious is all I'm saying.
It's Tyranny, not Fallout.

Actually Obsidian is currently working on 2 games right now. A lot of the team is working on Tyranny. However, a few prominent members of Obsidian, such as Tim Cain and JE Sawyer, aren't working on Tyranny, they're working on "a different project". We don't know what exactly that entails yet, but if I had to guess I'd say it's a new Vampire: The Masquerade. Even Chris Avellone said he didn't think Obsidian was going to get to make another Fallout game.
OP was talking about their project with Paradox. The only project with Paradox that we know of is Tyranny. Not Sawyer's swamp trip. Not Tim and Leonard's annual trip into the closet with one another. Not daydreaming about PoE2 while munching down dorrito's.

Tim + Leonard = manly love away from prying eyes.
Sawyer + Louisiana = Vampire edging.
Tim + office daydreaming when not locked in a closet with Leonard = PoE 2.
Paradox + Obsidian = Tyranny.

And after Tyranny? We simply don't know.
Maybe Faergus will become so hungry that he devours the entire studio with everyone inside of it.
Probably just as likely as Obsidian doing another Fallout game.
Yeah but a small team here and a small team there and all of the sudden the big team for the big project ain't so big any more. Maybe they've been hiring people again? I remember that after FNV was all done they had to lay off people so I dunno how big they are. Obsidian has a tendency to get a bit too ambitious is all I'm saying.

Perhaps they aren't going for anything "big" right now that would require a "big" team. It certainly seems so from the outset. And it would be a good thing too if they weren't, big things always come with a big baggage of limitations.
Wouldn't a game the scope of Tyranny (assuming that it is going to be the same size as PoE) require a relatively big team?
Wouldn't a game the scope of Tyranny (assuming that it is going to be the same size as PoE) require a relatively big team?

Yes, it would, but you must remember that "White Wolf Studios", despite being owned by Paradox now, is still technically its own company, and we have no idea what any of them are doing. They're responsible for the World of Darkness, AKA the universe Vampire: The Masquerade takes place in. If I had to guess, I would assume Tim Cain, JE Sawyer, etc aren't working on Tyranny because they're working on a big project with the White Wolf guys. It makes sense to me, and also explains why we haven't really heard anything from WWS after they were bought out.
Probably just as likely as Obsidian doing another Fallout game.
I just hope they write worthy script IF only they'll get their hands on another Fallout game. But without Avellone and Gonzales it's unlikely.
Another Vampire game like Bloodlines they'll certainly won't make. I just can't believe in it since the talk about modular NWN2-like engine and the fact that they released an isometric game and planning another two.