Mr Fish can be the shaman and impart wisdom on our souls.
Yeah I'm gonna give ya'll a heads up cause I like you guys, if I ever get that kind of power and influence I 'am' going to use it to form a death-cult that sacrifices themselves so that I can feast on their blood and flesh. (I ain't kidding around when it comes to yummy cannibalism.)
I have heard theories and have my own ideas that the loss of freedom of speech, egalitarianism, responsibilization and so on are linked to the loss of the importance of the atomic family. Kids that are raised by two loving parents perform significantly at school and the workplace on average, the percentage of teenage pregnancy is much higher with girls that have been raised by a single mother, I have also heard that 80% of rapist have been raised by single parents but I did not hear much of how they reached to that conclusion.
Overall I wish that we as a culture took marriage more seriously, that housewives are not frowned upon but instead more celebrated. I have talked about this with people my age and they never or barely think about getting married in the future and what responsibility that will ask of them.
Marriage isn't the important factor here though. The important factor is that they are "single parents" and that there isn't enough "joint custody". I have two friends who got divorced from their wives who they had a kid with (guy+woman+baby, guy+woman+baby, two separate couples n babies) and the important thing here is that they are helping with raising the kid and they're all doing just fine.
Taking marriage seriously
for the sake of family values isn't important at all cause marriage is an archaic institution that is outdated and just used by media and shit to sell things. What 'is' important is taking responsibility for your actions. That's what being a grown up is all about. And if you bring a child into this world you need to take responsibility for your actions. What is important is the child, not the marriage. You can't force yourself to love someone you've outgrown. You can't accept the person you used to love has now become. You can't throw your ideals and principles out the window cause it suddenly conflicts with the one you once said you'd love your entire life out. Relationships like that aren't forever. We outgrow our jobs, our home towns, our friends and for some of us (like me) even our family. And we have to move on to new jobs, homes, friends or family. And if we can outgrow those things then it shouldn't be the slightest bit surprising that we outgrow love. But if we let some ideal chain us down then we'll never grow and we'll just grow ever more miserable (just look at my parents...) as we're not comfortable were we're at and eventually we might become complacent with our shitty lives and won't even 'try' to grow anymore and we just stagnate.
true marriage, 'should' be taken seriously, but it isn't necessarily important to the growth of a child nor the health and progress of your future self.
As to what true marriage is? Basically, you been together for 10 years and you're still madly in love? Get married, might as well reap the tax benefits at that point. (I really don't see how marriage is important at all in any other way. If you love someone then why exactly is marriage important? You don't level up your Love stat from 27 to 30 just cause you get married. Marriage is just legal shit really. The romanticized idealistic marriage is not possible for many people, it's only for those who truly find their soul-mates and for religious people that somehow feel more spiritually connected once they share rings)
Another thing is to be cautious about marriage. Cause divorce? It can be a bitch.
(And this is a big
but )
I have never been married nor have I ever even had the faintest sliver of interest to get married so I may be completely speaking out of my ass.