Yet still they form a plague on trade routes and cause damage to caravans and travelers. Also, sand storms sometimes imp
I played 150+ hours of FNV and never seen a sandstorm. I dont think sandstorms would be useful anyway. If its a proper divide sandstorm they wont be able to see 5 feet in front of them, so wont be able to ambush properly. They would need infra red heat vision tech, which they certainly dont have. Also we never here people from Crimson Caravan etc complain about the weather, so I dont think its an important point.
Yet even if they're upgraded they can be taken out by Legion and NCR soldiers
I know but it takes about 5 of them, its very hard to kill off securitrons, and don't mention the Legion because after Houses win at Hoover Dam they are irrelevant.
Well, each of a Mark II Securitron were admitted to be equal to a platoon of NCR soldiers. That's saying a lot, especially considering that if you go House route the Mark II Securitrons won't be few in number. Securitron Vault under the Fort were mentioned to have the capability to produce additional Securitons. How much more these additional Securitrons it can produce and how far into the future it can do so wasn't mentioned, but House surely kept the blueprint/schematics or whatever necessary to make even more Securitrons/armed forces. It's not too far fetched to say so if we're to believe House has what it takes to reignite hi-tech development sectors and so on and so on. Just take a look out of those windows in the Securitron Vault into the factory, some of the Securitrons are getting assembled, and after activating the securitron army, the noise of moving hydraulics will sound throughout the vault, which points to additional robots being assembled in other unseen sections in the vault.
I think you are underestimating how hard it is to kill securitrons:
5 Brotherhood of Steel Paladins to take 1 down.
Actually the Fiends have plasma and laser weaponry and some Vipers and Jackals have grenade launchers, flamers and advanced melee weapons.
Still pretty pathetic compared the securitrons:
The PDQ-88b securitron is a large, monowheel robot with a titanium alloy housing, resistant to shrapnel and small arms fire. The PDQ-88b securitron is heavily-armed. Its left arm contains a
GlastinghouseX-25 Gatling laser for medium range engagements. For close-range suppression and crowd control, the securitron mounts a
9mm machinegun in its right arm. However, these are only secondary weapons; concealed compartments in its shoulders contain
M-235 missile launchers for long range and surface-to-air engagements, and a rapid-fire
G-28 grenade launching system for close range engagements. The robots also have onboard auto-repair systems to repair any damage sustained from combat. Thus armed, a securitron can handle nearly any combat situation.
The securitrons would just have to patrol the routes and act as an escort to the caravans and the raiders probably would not have much success attacking them. A big purification run of the Mojave would probably be very successful, remember the Mojave's not an endlessly large place and they seem pretty adapt at tracking already (found the BOS Hidden Valley and Boot Riders HQ). Also given House is working closely with NCR so he could ask them to send in special forces like rangers to go on a search and destroy mission to deal with them.
and raiders rarely gather in large numbers.
So they can easily be destroyed. Thing is we've seen how easily securitrons can kill individuals so small groups should not be an issue. Of course it would be easier to kill them all in one go with rockets, but they only come in small packs. 5-10 raiders vs 5 Mark 2 Securitrons, is not gonna go well for the raiders.
He only sends a couple to Goodsprings, ignores Primm and leaves Freeside (RIGHT NEXT FUCKING DOOR) alone.
They are not moneymaking assets, and he has no obligation to protect anyone like NCR does. And your wrong about freeside, he pretty much kills everything there after the end so there is a large securitron presence there for a while, and he could get a large presence there quickly.
Either he's hoarding them all up or he just doesn't have enough.
He probably has over 500. Remember the vault? Look out the windows and there are hundreds in all directions. There are probably around a 100 more on the strip. House himself says: "
Broadcasting encrypted VMQ-boosted command signals to hundreds of Securitrons eats up more power than you might expect."
Except it won't put the NCR in a weaker position.
It will because they will LOSE MONEY. They both trade and trade is a two way thing so they will lose profit.
You have totally missed the point of what I am saying. Your trade war/embargo Idea is silly and you cannot justify why they would want to do it, and who would do it, and how it would actually
benefit them. They would only lose money, so why would they? People dont do stuff like that unless it would really benefit them. You say they could, but there's no reason why they would. I've asked you time and time again why they would want to suddenly embargo and raise tariffs. It makes no sense. People dont just do things like that for no reason. You cannot justify it. It wont happen. Its almost as if you dont understand how this kind of stuff works.
You ignored half the stuff I said about the huge debt and deficit they will have after the war. Vietnam style wars that last a decade are not cheap. They will be in a bad situation because of that. The NCR will have lost immense amounts of money during the war, and for what?
Russia, France and England were all down the drain economically but they still continued on after WW2
But they didn't prance around starting trade wars with more powerful economies for shits and giggles because they knew they couldn't afford it. All it would result in is a lower GDP for both sides and a pissed off House. It will just put NCR in a weaker position than it already is, so no President in his right mind would do something so stupid. People would lose jobs, they have many people working on farms around Vegas and they would be prohibited to go near the city.
I am fed up of debating your trade war ideas so that is my final post about it.
I dont think they would start a trade war/embargo on a nation that is holding its arms open and saying "lets both be at peace, lets both trade, and you can send as many tourists in as you like." Given NCR is a mature nation I dont think it would just go "fuck off I dont want peace and prosperity I'm going to embargo you for no apparent reason".
They'll gain money from the agreements they have with House. Anyway House has the balance of power after the battle of Hoover dam, have you read the print out document he gives to the leadership?
On the subject of blocking tourism and immigration, and NCR crippling House Black Angel said:
Well, you did insisted that Mr. House relied on 'Immigrants'. That's not 100% right. If you say 'Tourists', okay I agree. Squatters, however, are unwanted. Anyway, I don't see how the NCR can prevent their own citizens from visiting New Vegas. Remember, the NCR's territory are too big, and the political structure of their ruling council allows for each of the representative of each cities to pursue their own agenda. While they seemed to eventually gets united in their voice of denouncing Kimball and Oliver when Hanlon called them out, we have no idea how they are going to deal with New Vegas in the future. I don't see how could they unite in preventing their own citizens and trades from ever entering the Mojave. It's just too unrealistic even in the world of Fallout. Those water and electricity are, like I've said, too much to let go to try haggling any further with Mr. House.
Well, they better present something equal in the deal for more energy and more resources. Again, I see no reason and no way they can just prevent their citizens and trades to enter the Mojave. Also, now that I think about it, even without the NCR's tourists flowing to New Vegas, Mr. House still managed to rebuild it. The NCR's tourism are only there to provide Mr. House with profits. If he wanted to rebuild New Vegas without the help and profit from the NCR, he can still do it, since, like I said, the Mojave was actually pretty self-sufficient with all those water sources from Lake Mead, Colorado River, and Goodsprings sources. Any settlements can thus farm their own food, coupled with the fact that most of the Mojave was intact and no difference from what it was in pre-War, and then there's also the power from the Dam, the Mojave can still rebuild. Albeit, of course, the progress would slow down, without the profit generated from NCR's tourism and trades with New Vegas.
Go read some more of Black Angels stuff. He totally debunks the idea that an NCR embargo would destroy House and the Mojave.
He wants to stay in the Mojave.
Not necessarily, the brahmin trade, gun trade and various other trades will remain untouched by House.
TBH most of the people who prop up the corrupt NCR government would be pissed off about an embargo because of the business they lose. That includes brahmin barons (who are very important, as you have emphasised), where do you think they get the steak in the casinos from? They are too interlinked. And as I said House
could easily bankroll the new leadership and tell them to play nice.
Of course, please feel free to show yourself out if you feel it necessary.
Are you implying you have won the debate and I should leave? Thats arrogant. Because your trade war point is moot and I have justified how securitrons can easily protect against and destroy raiders.
Mr House has never mentioned he got an education from Repconn
He has the information in his database.
and if he started talking about spaceships surely he would mention that, you know to BUILD TRUST IN YOUR EMPLOYERS? Wasn't he good at that?
Why would that build trust? Anyway what I am saying is just logical, of course he has the info about rockets in the database.

(I'm sorry if that came across as arrogant but I just had to. No hard feelings?)
My feelings are very hard. I probably shouldn't have said "I'm sure", I meant it as speculation
Why does he HAVE to have one? Because it makes LOGICAL sense
Jesus this isnt about House's logic its about yours. Think about it. Some things just
have to be true, how is he supposed to keep all this info stored away without a database. He'll probably have several.
I think you know it makes logical sense that he has one but you are just denying it to prolong this. He has a fucking database, stop denying it. there is actual hard evidence in the game. The FOTA ask you to bug it and you bug it, and House mentions how it took him 30 seconds to debug it.
blowing up the BOS makes logical sense
They were stealing and hoarding (not doing anything productive with it) technology that House could have. Also they posed a threat to Vegas, and didn't like the securitrons because they were robots.
Wrong! You actually said that Mr House could have made a moon base BEFORE the war, not just the US. Do you want me to back it up?
'a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.'
You're assuming that Mr House has the senators and brahmin barons on his bankroll without proof or evidence. Where's the problem?
I am not accepting it as true nor certain to happen. Nor am I accepting he has them on his bankroll, just he COULD have them on his bankroll. How hard is that to comprehend.