So what lore has Bethesda done gone fucked up?

So Bethesda decided that the alien easter eggs in Fallout were "firmly established" but jet being developed on the west coast was "up in the air"?
They didn't make it any more stupid than the original games, which some of the more... bizarre elements Bethesda has added in, but I'm not one to complain like all of you.
No, I don't like complaining. Yes, you do complain a lot. No, I don't care about being the next Dragonborn. Yes, I did just do it like a no, yes, no thing.
Say what you like, your statements like that aren't gonna mean crap to the majority of people not on this site who also love the Bethesda-era games of Fallout.
Say what you like, your statements like that aren't gonna mean crap to the majority of people not on this site who also love the Bethesda-era games of Fallout.

No shit Sherlock, the people who love Bethesda's Fallouts are the same who argue stupid crap like "New Vegas did a lot of things good, but Fallout 3 has better companions and a better atmosphere".

I've said it once, I'll say it again: I've never, ever, found convincing arguments about why Fallout 3 is a better Fallout game than New Vegas. For two reasons: 1) Almost no argument makes sense. And 2) The arguments that do make sense are purely based on opinion that is factually incorrect, like how Fallout 3 has a "better" atmosphere, when in fact it went against what Fallout atmosphere is about.

This is something people need to figure out by themselves. Do you think I entered NMA and said "wow, New Vegas is better than Fallout 3!". No, I didn't, I loved Fallout 3, then I started playing New Vegas, first I had my doubts, now I know I will never go back. Playing FO1 after NV made me realize how much things FO3 got wrong and how many NV got right.

But sadly this is something the Bethesda fanbase will never understand, because to them "the older games are outdated".
Say what you like, your statements like that aren't gonna mean crap to the majority of people not on this site who also love the Bethesda-era games of Fallout.
That's why the people here say what they like. It's an opinion on a forum that they use. I imagine you don't have one since you'll blindly follow the hive-mind that controls the Bethesdrones.

0/10 Try harder with your trolling next time.
Hey, what if @Slayerite is actually voicing his opinion?
Hmm... I have not considered that possibility... If it was, I'll retract the whole "imagine you don't have one since you'll blindly follow the hive-mind that controls the Bethesdrones" statement then. I'm not that mean after all...
Anything that hasn't been firmly established is free up in the air. So Bethesda has every right to make any new lore as they see fit, and at the same time trying to keep their lore consistent with the originals. F:NV is an indirect sequel, and since F4 takes place 6 years after F:NV, it has pretty much established F:NV into its own side canon, they are still separate.
Fair point. Anything that hasn't been firmly established is free up.
Synths, for example. I'm fine with it. Thought it was poorly executed, but at least, it was something new and that was okay.
But the thing is : Bethesda buttf... dozens of firmly established lore elements, and apart from Synths, Mirelurks and three illogical, lazily written factions, they didn't invent anything new.
If you want to debate, let's. Here's the elements that Bethesda changed with Fallout 4.

1 - "War never changes." The main element, the Fallout motto, established as hell. Yet, Fallout 4, which repeats this line 4 more times than its predecessors, introduces a war that HAS changed in every single way possible.

2 - Caps. Established as a currency backed by water merchants in an arid desert. Zero reason to see it anywhere else (especially not in Boston, which is basically a swamp), especially a century after the world decided that federal banks worked better.

3 - Jet, apparently possible to make by anyone, and also suddenly a pre war drug. Sent to Vault 95 under the name JET, a century before Jet was even named.

4 - Apparently, FEV suddenly make people racists for no reason. Until then, FEV mutated people, and that was it. In the previous titles, the reason why Super Mutants felt superior was because of brainwashing. The ones who weren't brainwashed (or the ones who survived long enough away from the children of the cathedral, like all mutants from F2 and tactics...) made peace with humans and ghouls.

5 - All super mutants are idiots, apparently. Let's remember that the Master had hundreds of intelligent mutants, and all he didn't have the CIT's resources and two entire centuries to refine the product.

6 - The brotherhood of steel blows up their holy graal (in total contradiction with everything they stand for), and Maxson doesn't get shot on the spot for high treason, despite being surrounded by former outcasts. The ones who recently waged war against their brothers for a similar reason.

7 - The Institute is supposed to be the peak of technology and intelligence within the wasteland, which is even hinted by Mr.House. Yet, in the end, we realize that they didn't invent anything. Every single one of their accomplishments was already made 200 years before them. The SHI shit on them on every single technological point, and they are a gang of submariners. The Institute even get outsmarted by Curie, which is a 200 years old product.

8 - Domestic robots are suddenly self aware, capable of judgement, empathy and emotions. When the only technology able to do so was a military, secret, building sized CPU which didn't gain awareness before decades AFTER the bombs fell. Yet, a normal american family has a way superior technology inside their cheap, domestic robot butler, for some obscure reason.
Remember that even the freaking Enclave, a century after the bombs, didn't even believe that robots could ever have any self awareness or personality.

9 - Radiation suddenly stopped working, apparently. Shaun, in sight of one of the dirtiest bomb we have ever seen hitting American soil, doesn't get irradiated, apparently.

10 - The Californian brotherhood approved Maxson's rise to power. But when it happens, the Californian brotherhood is in ruins, sheltered in their last bunkers, making a suicidal last stand against the NCR. Even Elijah, a freaking Elder, didn't manage to contact them.

11 - "The brotherhood of steel is back to its roots. It is now, again, a fundamentalist faction"... Yet somehow, they forgot their own codex ("the chain that binds" is completely ignored, for example), got rid of their original political structure (where's the council of elders ? The high elder has to gain their approval for any militaristic action), accept foreigners within their ranks and suddenly don't care about protecting technology. Yeah, fundamentalist, right.

12 - The technological elements, established, are also distorted as hell. Vertibirds before the bombs ? Check. X-01 power armor in the wild ? Check. X-01 rusting ? When the only reason it's a superior armor, is because it's not made of metal, but of polymers ? The T-60 power armor, which makes zero sense ? The robobrains suddenly having built in lasers for no reason ?

13 - Vault Tek suddenly turning into Umbrella Corporation for no reason.

14 - Ghouls no longer need to eat or drink, despite the fact that if you take the water chip from them at Necropolis, they die of thirst... And Harland in REPCONN clearly states that if he doesn't eat, he dies of hunger. Yet, in Fallout 4, ghouls no longer have basic needs. They don't even need to breathe anymore...
Oh, and ghouls now heal themselves with radiation for no reason.

15 - Ghouls can run, charge and dodge bullets for zero reason. The most basic survival instinct should be that : "If I run, I break my legs. I'm immortal, so if I break my leg, I'll stay crippled for centuries. So, even if I could, I won't charge". As confirmed by Lenny in Fallout 2, who was a freaking DOCTOR who lived with ghouls for two centuries, so I'm assuming that he knows his business.

16 - Society apparently doesn't evolve in time anymore. Nobody rebuilds, nobody invents new music, new clothes, new art, new technologies. Nobody repairs anything. Everyone lives with the scraps of the old world, when Fallout has ALWAYS been about new societies. It has never been about survival ; that's why it takes place centuries after the apocalypse.

17 - There has been a resource war, when resource was... widely available. Electricity can run fine for two centuries, apparently. Fuel is no longer an issue, since cars run with batteries, same for military tech. So... Why was there a war, again ?

18 - The Pipboy can now be removed, when it was quite clear that you couldn't do it before. You even see a guy with his own arm chopped off in Fallout 3, because he wanted to get rid of the pipboy.

19 - Aliens. Because there was an easter egg in Fallout 2, right. So, it means that Fallout is also in the same universe as Godzilla and Doctor WHO ?

20 - There's FEV near central cities. Which basically ignores the reason why the project was moved to isolated mountains, far away from nuclear targets (like, you know, harbors and the freaking capital ?)

21 - Super mutants take risks (suicidal risks, litteraly), while they have zero way to reproduce. Yet, the lore clearly established that they HAVE survival instincts.

22 - No statement on slavery. No explanation on why Boston has 100 citizen at most.

23 - Makeshift, yet effective water purificators, which shits on Bethesda's own lore (which was already stupid, considering that people had plenty of clean water available in Fallout 3 and didn't need James' purifier in the first place)

24 - Deathclaws on the east coast. Why ?

25 - The master had to become something... else to gain psychic powers. Yet, Mama Murphy, a random junkie, seems to be about as powerful as him, for no reason.
The Pipboy being locked to your arm was a dumb retcon from FO3, and it's a good thing they backed out of that because it's a retarded concept.
There is a different type of PIPBOY for every game, so not every PIPBOY is guaranteed to be the same.