I don't know if this has been mentioned or not, yet as there are still 10 pages or so I'm bit too lazy to read through. 16 pages is enough for me to be bothered with xD
But anyway, one of the biggest things that annoys the absolute hell out me, is how agile everything is, and how practically every enemy, even feral ghouls, have a reaction time faster than Usain Bolt, not to mention how feral ghouls somehow also run faster than him, yeah a 200 year old thing that's been locked in a bunker the whole time, can still sprint at me with full speed and inflict a hit that deals half my health in damage.
I hate how every enemy (Except Deathclaws, they were designed to be agile killing machines afaik, kinda makes sense they can do this) can consistently dodge my bloody bullets from an automatic rifle.
It annoys me even more with feral ghouls who are constantly described in FO3 and other places to have had their minds degraded, making them 'feral', this mental degradation includes the degradation of their "critical thinking and reasoning" sections of their brain as stated by the wikia. The more important part of this is "critical thinking" though reasoning plays into it too, if Google's top result for the definition of "critical thinking" is trustworthy, then here: "the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement." How in the actual fuck are feral ghouls supposed to be able to judge that a waist high wall is in their way, let alone make the insanely quick judgement that they do make (Somehow) to dodge out of the way of my bullets, if they've had their critical thinking degraded? Like they literally dodge out of the way as soon as I pull the trigger most of the time, and almost 4 different times each time I encounter one, what.. how? Not even a person should be able to do that (Which they can, somehow, it'd make some sense if a raider got lucky once in a fight, but they don't, they do it consistently) yet these ghouls with degraded critical thinking, sure can.
I also read that apparently there's anecdotal evidence, not exactly the most trustworthy but still, anyway, it's that isolation/being non-social is apparently something that's been observed to be a condition that makes the ghoul more prone to going feral. Which if true, conflicts with the whole sanctuary hills deal since the vault-tec guy complains about being so alone for 200 years, yet he's not feral, however, in a random encounter you can find a pack of feral ghouls with the unique names of the neighbours in Sanctuary hills who didn't get into the vault. Which doesn't make sense since the ferals that were part of sanctuary presumably stayed together and went feral, but the vault-tec guy who remained alone and isolated for 200 years didn't go feral?