The Ayatollah of Rock and Rollah!
That's what Viagra's for.I find that these hard-on's die when you're actually in a desert.
That's what Viagra's for.I find that these hard-on's die when you're actually in a desert.
I guess... you could use it.That's what Viagra's for.
Nah, hoth is my least favorite part of empire. And I'm sure it has to do with the darker tone, the big reveal of Luke's heritage, and the ending. Its also the Lucas fucked up the least so...What is it about Empire that folks especially like? The winter planet setting?
I voted for New Hope but I can see the appeal of Empire, it's fun to watch beloved characters get the shit kicked out of them sometimes.What is it about Empire that folks especially like? The winter planet setting?
Meh that combat was really anti-climatic, especially in comparison to the battle with Sion. It's basically just a lightsaber wielding dude fighting another lightsaber wielding dude, something you get to do many, many times before you even reach his battle ship. While the story behind Darth Nihilus is cool, the actual battle is really simple and fails to show his true power. It's basically the equivalent of those jedi master fights, so nothing special.Darth Nihilus is such a cool character. I love how he's pretty much a foil for The Exile. You two are so unique that you're pretty much made to combat eachother highlander style. Whether you're a Light Side character and thus only you can defeat what's basically your Dark Side alternate self (and the dichotomy between the two is even more so if you're a Light Side Female Exile, making the two of you total opposites) OR if you're a Dark Side Exile (aka not a huge fucking pussy) you're proving that of the two planet eating wounds in the force (of which THERE CAN ONLY BE OOOOOOOOOOONE!) you're the strongest by defeating what is essentially your only equal at that moment. Eitherway it's a fucking amazing and climatic clash to have. I always prefer fighting him one on one without sacrificing Visas to weaken him as I always love the idea of a totally balanced fight between two equals in terms of power.
If I recall, there is an in-story reason for Nihlus being weak and not showing his true power in his boss fight: Nihlus attempted to drain the Force from the Exile who is a fellow Wound in the Force, severely weakening him. Nihlus at his prime could destroy plenty of Jedi and worlds (Cathar was completely wiped out by him) but the Nihlus that fights the Exile was weakened by his hunger and further weakened when he attempted to drain the Exile (the Exile can even goad him into said draining). It would be impossible to make a fight with a fully-powered Nihlus in the game since he'd probably destroy most normal Force-wielding opponents rather quickly so the story provides a situation that makes for a more feasible fight.Meh that combat was really anti-climatic, especially in comparison to the battle with Sion. It's basically just a lightsaber wielding dude fighting another lightsaber wielding dude, something you get to do many, many times before you even reach his battle ship. While the story behind Darth Nihilus is cool, the actual battle is really simple and fails to show his true power. It's basically the equivalent of those jedi master fights, so nothing special.
I always enjoyed those Jedi Master fights though. Perhaps it's not exactly the most complex combat but I find a lot of joy in them due to the characters we're fighting. Cutting down that old bastard Vrook after him being a cunt in KotOR I and him being a fucking bitch to fight was so satisfying even if it wasn't all that new in terms of gameplay mechanics.Meh that combat was really anti-climatic, especially in comparison to the battle with Sion. It's basically just a lightsaber wielding dude fighting another lightsaber wielding dude, something you get to do many, many times before you even reach his battle ship. While the story behind Darth Nihilus is cool, the actual battle is really simple and fails to show his true power. It's basically the equivalent of those jedi master fights, so nothing special.
Oh so did I, it's just that they fail to provide epic fights but not fun ones. Honestly, Vrook was a cunty bastard in Kotor 2 as well, remember when you rescue him? That fucking gratitude though.I always enjoyed those Jedi Master fights though. Perhaps it's not exactly the most complex combat but I find a lot of joy in them due to the characters we're fighting. Cutting down that old bastard Vrook after him being a cunt in KotOR I and him being a fucking bitch to fight was so satisfying even if it wasn't all that new in terms of gameplay mechanics.
Fair enough, though again even in his weakened state the battle failed to feel epic due to the gameplay mechanics which aren't bad... just limited.If I recall, there is an in-story reason for Nihlus being weak and not showing his true power in his boss fight: Nihlus attempted to drain the Force from the Exile who is a fellow Wound in the Force, severely weakening him. Nihlus at his prime could destroy plenty of Jedi and worlds (Cathar was completely wiped out by him) but the Nihlus that fights the Exile was weakened by his hunger and further weakened when he attempted to drain the Exile (the Exile can even goad him into said draining). It would be impossible to make a fight with a fully-powered Nihlus in the game since he'd probably destroy most normal Force-wielding opponents rather quickly so the story provides a situation that makes for a more feasible fight.
The Restoration Project even restores in a cutscene where Sion and the Sith serving with him attempts to betray and kill Nihlus (because they assumed the Exile was dead at some point) only to be completely destroyed by Nihlus in one fell swoop (only Sion survives because of his unique ability).
Typical Jedi. Crotchety old man who lashes out at everyone because he's 73 and probably still hasn't had his balls touched.Oh so did I, it's just that they fail to provide epic fights but not fun ones. Honestly, Vrook was a cunty bastard in Kotor 2 as well, remember when you rescue him? That fucking gratitude though.
Screw the Jedi.Typical Jedi. Crotchety old man who lashes out at everyone because he's 73 and probably still hasn't had his balls touched.
Walking into the Jedi Council and basically dropping your pants and telling them to suck it was the best. Almost as good as later in the game:My favourite battle in the game wasn't even a battle... it was the verbal spar with Atrius where you justify your actions and wreck the Jedi order.
True. I blame the tech at the time (I believe it was the old Aurora engine being used for KOTOR 2, correct me if I'm wrong). Short of a remake (that keeps everything good about KOTOR), we may never see a proper epic duel between the two that showcases the raw power wielded by the Exile and Nihlus.Fair enough, though again even in his weakened state the battle failed to feel epic due to the gameplay mechanics which aren't bad... just limited.
Yeah, being able to throw all of Atris's statements and insults to her face and leave her speechless was so worth it along with the trial by the Council where you can call them out for their complacency and self-righteous attitudes. Then again, most of the Jedi Masters around that time period had become complacent and self-righteous (I've always disliked Vrook and Atris) who claim to be masters of the Force and champions of justice but fail to understand the Force and the people they claim to was the verbal spar with Atrius where you justify your actions and wreck the Jedi order.
I'm probably going to fire it up and start yet another playthrough this weekend. I'm just struggling to figure out which head I want to use.I've got to play KOTOR 2 again.
Yeah I'm planning to play a Sith character this weekends, go around killing everyone.I'm probably going to fire it up and start yet another playthrough this weekend. I'm just struggling to figure out which head I want to use.
Right now I've narrowed it down to either these two or Jedi Jesus:
Ughh... a remake... under today's standards? No thanks!True. I blame the tech at the time (I believe it was the old Aurora engine being used for KOTOR 2, correct me if I'm wrong). Short of a remake (that keeps everything good about KOTOR), we may never see a proper epic duel between the two that showcases the raw power wielded by the Exile and Nihlus.
It was probably my favourite part of the game... the only dialogue I've enjoyed better was with HK, that bad ass piece of shit.Yeah, being able to throw all of Atris's statements and insults to her face and leave her speechless was so worth it along with the trial by the Council where you can call them out for their complacency and self-righteous attitudes. Then again, most of the Jedi Masters around that time period had become complacent and self-righteous (I've always disliked Vrook and Atris) who claim to be masters of the Force and champions of justice but fail to understand the Force and the people they claim to protect.
True... If Bioware was remaking KOTOR 2, I doubt it'll be good. Then again, I doubt most triple-A companies could remake KOTOR 2 properly.Ughh... a remake... under today's standards? No thanks!
Remember the HK protocol pacifist package? That entire sequence was hilarious (and beneficial in-game to an extent). I think HK-47 truly shined in KOTOR 2 when compared to KOTOR 1 since his personality and skills were presented more here (his entire lecture on how to kill Jedi was quite interesting to say the least).HK, that bad ass piece of shit.
I doubt most companies would bother. Honestly I'd rather a new game in the style of KOTOR 2.True... If Bioware was remaking KOTOR 2, I doubt it'll be good. Then again, I doubt most triple-A companies could remake KOTOR 2 properly.
Remember his... 'truthful' retelling of Kotor 1 with the sounds?Remember the HK protocol pacifist package? That entire sequence was hilarious (and beneficial in-game to an extent). I think HK-47 truly shined in KOTOR 2 when compared to KOTOR 1 since his personality and skills were presented more here (his entire lecture on how to kill Jedi was quite interesting to say the least).