Did you really expect the bethtard whose made 80+ bethesda apologist posts in a single day to know what the fuck he's talking about? This is the same man(child?) to claim New Vegas is less canon than Tactics.Dead man's hand?![]()
Did you really expect the bethtard whose made 80+ bethesda apologist posts in a single day to know what the fuck he's talking about? This is the same man(child?) to claim New Vegas is less canon than Tactics.Dead man's hand?![]()
Nice job with the wrong name there. Mixing up stimpaks and Med-X before, and now this... Remind me again why I should be following your train of thought again when you easily confuse simple things like this.Dead Man's Hand=hated it. Only DLC I did.
Don't care; back to Fallout 4 bashing again!Blah Blah Blah.
Did you really expect the bethtard whose made 80+ bethesda apologist posts in a single day to know what the fuck he's talking about? This is the same man(child?) to claim New Vegas is less canon than Tactics.
There is non-canon. Fallout PoS is non-canon to both classic and Bethesda games.New Vegas is part of the Bethesda timeline is my argument. Not that there's a canon or non-canon.
And I got overexcited in my posting.
Mah bad.![]()
What kind of Raiders do you actually mean? Goofy, psychotic people that are irrationally homicidal for no proper reasons or desperate people resorting to horrid methods to survive?
Because I have a feeling you're misunderstanding Fallout 2 completely.
Fallout is, fundamentally, about being FUN for the sake of fun. It's to nuclear what Dead Rising is to zombies.
The point of the game is to go out dressed like Zombie Abraham Lincoln and murder slavers.![]()
What kind of Raiders do you actually mean? Goofy, psychotic people that are irrationally homicidal for no proper reasons or desperate people resorting to horrid methods to survive?But yes, basically I think Raiders are criminally underdeveloped in the Bethesda verse.
I love Raider content and Nuka World was a chance to get some.
Which I heartily approve of.
It's a return of an element of Fallout 2 I enjoyed and disliked being missing from Fallout 2.
There is non-canon. Fallout PoS is non-canon to both classic and Bethesda games.
Not quite. The citizenship test for NCR requires you to know who is Tandi, Seth and Aradesh so the first 2 games are history, not legend. The Khans are mentioned to be descendants or linked to the original Khans of 1 and 2 that the player characters wiped out. Events from 2 are recalled by older folk who lived during those times. Ipso facto, history.the details have been obscured to legend on the West Coast
Then Bethesda ought to learn from New Vegas and actually flesh out raiders (like the Fiends whose psychotic nature is directly linked to drugs rather than being homicidal for no apparent reason) rather than copy raiders from 3 and paste them into 4.But yes, I love Raider culture and the aethstetic in Bethesda but I'd like to see the psychotic punk thing wedded to culture and traditions.
Paging @Dr Fallout to argue for the Legion's behalf. They are not pure evil as you claim they are, just barbaric to our modern standards.I understand the Enclave and Caesar's Legion for example, even though both are nearly pure evil.
What the ave did you just fucking say about The Legion, you little degenerate? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Praetorian Guard, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Hoover Dam, and I have over 300 confirmed NCR dogtags. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top arena-fighter in the entirety of Caesar's Legion. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over that pip-boy? Think again, dissolute. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of frumentarius across the Mojave Wasteland and your location is being traced right now so you better prepare for the cross, fool. The cross that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, profligate. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Caesar's Legion and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what Mar's retribution your little “cowardly” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. Degenerates like you belong on a Cross. Ave true to Caesar.I understand the Enclave and Caesar's Legion for example, even though both are nearly pure evil.
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Look dude I'm done insulting you. Frankly that was just me being a dick trying to entertain myself and I have nothing against you.
But I'd like to point out why that is wrong. This may seem a crazy notion but fallout 4 is not fun. To me. Its gameplay is shit and actually worse than NV's apart from some improved animations IMO. (Also roaches on walls is fucking rad but I digress). That's not a compliment to NV's gameplay either, which is also kind shit. In fact they all kinda had shit gameplay. Every. Single. One. Fallout has never had great gameplay IMO. I enjoy the fallout games for the same reasons I enjoy morrowind: the lore, story, and world consistency were top motherfucking notch. Fallout 1&2 had one of the best dialogue systems for an rpg I'd ever seen. 3 & NV dialogue system was a bit of a downgrade IMO but it got the job done. With NV we have the best written dialogue and NPC's in ANY fallout game. Once you take all that away do you know what you're left with? Garbage. And that's my big problem with fallout 4 and by extension nuka world. They're garbage.
Fallout: New Vegas is better than either 3 or 4. Stop associating New Vegas with such trash.Fallout 4 is an objectively inferior game to Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.
Ceasar's legion isn't evil. Its a society that thrives on conquest. They aren't doing it just because. What they do is fully necessary for them to function as a society. And it is worth noting that the function much more efficiently than the "good" NCR.
I'm starting to wonder whether or not you actually played New Vegas based on some of the retarded shit you're saying.Caesar's Legion is basically the Lord's Liberation Army. It's a religious fueled terrorist organization based around the charisma of a single man playing God while indoctrinating Child Soldiers as well as slave soldiers into the idealogy. It's a very realistic organization but it's entirely a testament to one man's ego. The Khmer Rogue of the Falloutverse versus the Enclave's Nazis.
Honestly, I kind of wish we'd gotten to see it under Lanius as I wondered if it wouldn't be more interesting and ambiguous in its morality.
Then again, I'm with Arcade. "This shit isn't Rome! Rome was cool!"
Not quite. The citizenship test for NCR requires you to know who is Tandi, Seth and Aradesh so the first 2 games are history, not legend. The Khans are mentioned to be descendants or linked to the original Khans of 1 and 2 that the player characters wiped out. Events from 2 are recalled by older folk who lived during those times. Ipso facto, history.
Then Bethesda ought to learn from New Vegas and actually flesh out raiders (like the Fiends whose psychotic nature is directly linked to drugs rather than being homicidal for no apparent reason) rather than copy raiders from 3 and paste them into 4.
Fallout: New Vegas is better than either 3 or 4. Stop associating New Vegas with such trash.
I'm starting to wonder whether or not you actually played New Vegas based on some of the retarded shit you're saying.
Ah. This would be the argument of someone with nothing to back up their claim. Look, I too enjoyed fallout 3. But the story is full of plot holes and shit that just makes no sense and because of that it is inferior to NV. I also don't consider fallout 3 canon. Oh and if any DLC should have been a full game then I'd vote either Honest hearts or the Pitt. Honest hearts has more to work with.
...Caesar's Legion is basically the Lord's Liberation Army. It's a religious fueled terrorist organization based around the charisma of a single man playing God while indoctrinating Child Soldiers as well as slave soldiers into the idealogy. It's a very realistic organization but it's entirely a testament to one man's ego. The Khmer Rogue of the Falloutverse versus the Enclave's Nazis.
Honestly, I kind of wish we'd gotten to see it under Lanius as I wondered if it wouldn't be more interesting and ambiguous in its morality.
Source of change? Don't make such a statement without proof.Tandi, Seth, and Aradesh can testify to the Vault Dweller's history but it's clearly changed by the time they reached Arryo. Likewise, they can only attest to the events they personally witnessed. A hundred years is a long time and recording of history is hard with no mass communication. They even mention this in Shady Sands with the Vault Dweller's sex obscured in their statue.
Don't care, 4 is still bad.Mumbo jumbo