Bethesda Lies Repository

"Settlements (thus crafting) are optional"
Proof: Fallout 4
- You really didn't do the game right, you even say so in an interview, and it is the lowest ranked Fallout game to date.

Todd is great, glad to see someone like him admit his own games actual strengths and weaknesses. This is why Bethesda is so great. Sure they make mistakes but they are probably one of the best developers out there.

Actually that's a comment left on the video (with 280 likes). Thing is, Bethesda keeps making mistakes but for some reason people say "Well it's Bethesda, they're ok. They get a pass." Why? Are people content to buy a product that everyone knows could be so much better?

Seeing all these untruths though is quite interesting.
That was mentioned during e3 prior to the additional DLC weapons, he was also referring the the core game.
I know, only tracking a possible logic in this statement full of mislead. BTW, good job at remembering lies that should not be forgotten and forgiven.
Good thread, well put together. But to be fair...

No 3d modeling tools, no texture tools, no audio tools, no external scripting tools, no nif editing tools, no proper unpackers for bsa, no LOD generation that works, No animation tools.

It would be kind of illegal for Bethesda to release all the programs they use for that for free, so anyone who for a second thought that's what they meant should check back in reality.
People shouldn't have expected to get all of the tools used to make the game. But, they also shouldn't have promised to release them to the public. Im going to err on the side of "the enormous AAA development and publishing company should know better."
I think it's simply very poor wording on their part, not an intentional lie. I hate Bethesda just as much as the next guy, but even those kooks must realize the absurdity of making such a claim. "The same developement tools" is PR speech, made to make the tools sound powerful and a must-have for fans.
I think it's simply very poor wording on their part, not an intentional lie. I hate Bethesda just as much as the next guy, but even those kooks must realize the absurdity of making such a claim. "The same developement tools" is PR speech, made to make the tools sound powerful and a must-have for fans.

Unfortunately such marketing faux pas are par for the course with Bethesda.

They strike me as like that friend that always wants to get everyone hyped and be impressed so they talk their shit up but fail to realise that all that does is set up disappointment and an ultimate realisation that they are completely untrustworthy. Its not necessarily malicious but it is certainly irresponsible.
The many endings lie is infuriating because there's no damn good reason not to do Ending Slides. You can trigger them for completed quests.
"It just works."
Well, the phrase is too abstract to consider it lies but it sure worth actually discussing it.
I mean, what works? Settlement building mechanic? AFAIK it was implemented as a mod for F3 & NV and later appeared in Skyrim, first, so already not amazing. And second, it's not so amazing just because it's works since Rust did the same routine better because of more convenient and gamepad-friendly menu F4 lacks despite the last being developed for consoles first and Rust for PCs. Oh, implemented UI? I should be amazed because bethesda did an UI for settlement building mode, are you nuts or trolling me? Weapon modding works? Strongly disagree. First, this very weapon modding system killed all the fun of hunting for unique guns presented early in F3 and FNV since you can max out your gun anyway and leveling crap won't give you a better gun if you are low level character, you can't try and hunt for a better gun, RNG factor doesn't work this way, it's leveled and tied to yours. So much customization it's possible to turn pistol into a rifle and oh so-so many mods available (700)? Wow such Dead Space 3 (has to offer the same gun modding system), not impressive enough to consider it amazing. It's all done by Bethesda? No comment, I wanna hear your opinion on this one.
Here's funny gif to spice this rant up, thank you for attention.
If Bethesda was graded for that.

The thing is, they actually ARE graded for that. They distributed Dishonored, which has simple, yet excellent and subtle writing. Say what you want about the consistency/maturity of the Elder Scrolls series, it has quite a solid world building. The Pitt DLC has a decent writing, even by the old titles' standard.
Bethesda is like any other firm of the industry : with time, a proper team and seriousness, they can produce a more than decent script and offer an interesting world. A mediocre storyline is not mandatory, no matter what company we're talking about. Square Enix hired Pratchett when they felt that Tomb Raider could use a reboot, and she insisted in hiring a script doctor to proof read her production. That's seriousness, and that's nothing too hard to achieve, if you have the time and the budget.