CT Phipps
Carbon Dated and Proud

Post the things you'd want, good, bad or silly!
* A strong lead developer like Chris Avellone or Sawyer or both.
* A Giddy-Up Buttercup mount.
* A Highwayman car which can be damaged or used to batter people.
* The Enclave Remnant as a joinable faction.
* A return of the original Power Armor without Fusion Cores
* Customizable houses with themes like Pre-War, Vault, Raider, Enclave, Brotherhood of Steel, and Nuka Cola
* Pip-Boy themes.
* 4 DLC Expansions
* Lots of references to Fallout 3, New Vegas, and 4 with a confirmed canonical path.
* Perk Choices during dialogue.
* A return of the original dialogue system or at least many more questions as well as a clear descriptior of what you're going to say.
* Less in the way of bullet sponges so you can head-shot enemies.
* Retcons which establish Zetans as canon but of Earthborn origin.
* CASA, a Moonbase level, and a Vault Colony in space
* More successful Vaults like Vault City and Shady Sands having given birth to cities.
* More New Reno quests like becoming a Porn (or Movie) Star, Boxer, Gladiator, Prostitute, Lounge Singer, and non-violent professions.
* Joinable Raider factions
* A more adult, Mature Witcher-esque storyline and elements.
* A strong lead developer like Chris Avellone or Sawyer or both.
* A Giddy-Up Buttercup mount.
* A Highwayman car which can be damaged or used to batter people.
* The Enclave Remnant as a joinable faction.
* A return of the original Power Armor without Fusion Cores
* Customizable houses with themes like Pre-War, Vault, Raider, Enclave, Brotherhood of Steel, and Nuka Cola
* Pip-Boy themes.
* 4 DLC Expansions
* Lots of references to Fallout 3, New Vegas, and 4 with a confirmed canonical path.
* Perk Choices during dialogue.
* A return of the original dialogue system or at least many more questions as well as a clear descriptior of what you're going to say.
* Less in the way of bullet sponges so you can head-shot enemies.
* Retcons which establish Zetans as canon but of Earthborn origin.
* CASA, a Moonbase level, and a Vault Colony in space
* More successful Vaults like Vault City and Shady Sands having given birth to cities.
* More New Reno quests like becoming a Porn (or Movie) Star, Boxer, Gladiator, Prostitute, Lounge Singer, and non-violent professions.
* Joinable Raider factions
* A more adult, Mature Witcher-esque storyline and elements.