furiouspeachcollectionlove asked: I've seen some New Vegas fans claim that A: There was supposed to be an entire DLC set in a Legion-controlled city, but console memory limitations prevented that, and B: There was supposed to be an alternate ending where you could go through Mojave Outpost at any time and leave the region its fate, But as far as I can tell there is no source for any these, do you know if either of these have any truth to them?
There was never going to be DLC in a Legion city, but we
were going to have Legion settlements and camps on the east side of the Colorado River. Those were cut due to time constraints, not memory constraints.
We joked about doing a Mojave Outpost false ending where you could ask Major Knight if you could head back into NCR. He would warn you that the way back likely wouldn’t open up for a while and you could confirm that yeah, you didn’t have any interest in sticking around. Roll credits.