There should have been extra endings for NV?


First time out of the vault
Does anyone wish there was more endings for NV? For example, what about helping the Great Khans taking over the strip and New Vegas being under Khan control as one example? Or even having the Brotherhood of Steel taking over New Vegas?

Or basically a ending where the Raider gangs take over New Vegas?
I'm not against more endings its just the plausibility of raiders or any small faction taking Vegas is kinda meh.
But i will grant you that an expansion to the Independent end could have perhaps included more nuance with these small factions.
Khans are nearly dead by this point. They wouldn't be able to take Hoover Dam by there own, and certainly wouldn't be able to conquer the Mojave.

Brotherhood of Steel; maybe.
Highly unlikely, considering the low amount of people in their tiny bunker. They wouldn't be able to old both- but that doesn't really matter, as there is no reason for why they would want the Strip at all. Hoover Dam itself is a different thing though.
Highly unlikely, considering the low amount of people in their tiny bunker. They wouldn't be able to old both- but that doesn't really matter, as there is no reason for why they would want the Strip at all. Hoover Dam itself is a different thing though.
I also don't think they have the numbers for it.
But they could gain a lot by capturing the Strip, they can get their hands on a lot of securitrons, they can get all the pre-war anti nuke system that saved New Vegas, they can get all the tech, advanced computers and the "live forever" machinery and knowledge from the Lucky 38 and they can even secure Mr House. Imagine if they managed to "capture" Mr House and make use of his pre-war knowledge and genius.
Highly unlikely, considering the low amount of people in their tiny bunker. They wouldn't be able to old both- but that doesn't really matter, as there is no reason for why they would want the Strip at all. Hoover Dam itself is a different thing though.
They can rule indirectly. Like Mr House and the Casinos, it's not like I expect the Brotherhood to be interested in direct rule. Also, there are no real feelings of dislike with the Brotherhood, many people are more worried of the Legion and even NCR. We're not going to see a revolution the second they arrive. Not to forget, while they do lack the numbers they are WAY better armed then the civilians of the Strip.

Numbers aren't fucking everything guys. The Mongols ruled the Russians for centuries without direct control.
If any fallout game desperately needs more endings I'd say it's fo1. I mean sure new Vegas doesn't account for some possibilities but doesn't it have like 186 endings in total?
If any fallout game desperately needs more endings I'd say it's fo1. I mean sure new Vegas doesn't account for some possibilities but doesn't it have like 186 endings in total?
Way, way, way less. More like 156.

But yeah Fallout 1 needs way more.
furiouspeachcollectionlove asked: I've seen some New Vegas fans claim that A: There was supposed to be an entire DLC set in a Legion-controlled city, but console memory limitations prevented that, and B: There was supposed to be an alternate ending where you could go through Mojave Outpost at any time and leave the region its fate, But as far as I can tell there is no source for any these, do you know if either of these have any truth to them?

There was never going to be DLC in a Legion city, but we were going to have Legion settlements and camps on the east side of the Colorado River. Those were cut due to time constraints, not memory constraints.
We joked about doing a Mojave Outpost false ending where you could ask Major Knight if you could head back into NCR. He would warn you that the way back likely wouldn’t open up for a while and you could confirm that yeah, you didn’t have any interest in sticking around. Roll credits.
There is also a quest option in the NCR quest line to make Mr. House surrender.

I wonder what if the game was more like FO1? The Second Battle of Hoover Dam isn't whenever you feel like it but a clock like the Water Chip and the Super Mutant Invasion. Certain quests can delay it or speed it up and the faction that you back isn't necessarily the one that wins (or ignore that last part).

Was an ending like that, though I think they cancelled it...
I think that it is the alternate way to end the Yes Man route. If you destroyed the robots in Fortification Hill and pissed off both the Legion and the NCR, I guess that you have no other choice.

BTW: I realized that the dam would only run at full efficiency in the House or Yes Man ending.
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BTW: I realized that the dam would only run at full efficiency in the House or Yes Man ending.
Why not with the NCR? They have the technology and knowledge to run it well. And for the Legion it's a matter of time. They capture, torture and teach select members how to run the Damn.
I dunno if more endings where necessary but it would have been nice woth more slides for more characters/locations. The guy who thinks he's a ghoul doesnt have personal ending slides right?
The guy who thinks he's a ghoul doesnt have personal ending slides right?
He doesn't but his faction does.

Why not with the NCR? They have the technology and knowledge to run it well. And for the Legion it's a matter of time. They capture, torture and teach select members how to run the Damn.
Fixing the dam seems pretty easy but NCR held the dam for a while. It seems like only House or Yes Man know how to fix the dam fully. Considering the Yes Man is immortal, I guess that it would eventually get fixed.

What happens to Yes Man in the endings other than Independent?
NCR: Made to fix the dam and spill the beans.
Caesar's Legion with Caesar: Made to fix the dam, gets destroyed, gets a new body, and locked in a room.
House: Dehacked and gets Emily Ortal killed or hired by Mr. House.
First, the BOS and the Khans are not major factions. The Khans do not have the numbers or the know how (they are not retarded, they are just not businessmen) to take control of and run the Strip. Doing so requires more than brute force and the Khan are basically post apocalyptic 'bikers' with some of them have some knowledge of history or chemicals.

Even if the BOS had the numbers they would not have any interest in running the Strip either despite how it could benefit their organization with finances. They would just strip it of all the available technology which they would lock up in their bunker and probably destroy any type of progress New Vegas has enjoyed since House took over. (for all his failures, House did develop the Strip and the rest of New Vegas somewhat)

The only endings I would have liked to have added is if Lonesome Road took place after the Second Battle for Hoover Dam, if the player decided to launch missiles at NCR, the Legion, or both. (I would actually have allowed the option in which the player can nuke the Mojave as well, 'resetting' all of the South West)

Depending on your choice the NCR would have difficulties expanding Eastwards because of the radiation and fallout that now covers large parts of Arizona and neighboring states.
Or the Legion can no longer expand Westwards after NCR got destroyed by the missiles, leaving them without new territory to expand into and prices such as slaves, eventually making the Legion turn against itself.
Or New Vegas suddenly find itself the sole bastion of civilization with their two neighbors gone and its economy based on gambling being useless.
Or a radioactive no man's land now exists between the NCR and the Legion, preventing either from getting at each other and forcing them to direct inwards.
Or all of the South West has been reset to pre Fallout 1 conditions, and America sleeps once more.