Trump is winning

Interestingly though, according to Reuters, despite more republicans being suspicious of the validity of the election, more democrats are apparently prepared to take up arms if the election doesn't go their way.
Well, another research paper suggests the democrats are less likely to go vote in bad weather (rain, storm, etc) and if there is public unrest (rioting). Weird.
Well, another research paper suggests the democrats are less likely to go vote in bad weather (rain, storm, etc) and if there is public unrest (rioting). Weird.
Good thing the election is in November, then.
Very interesting article about Trump's campaign on Bloomberg.

Basically, the campaign is nowhere near as slapdash as it can appear on the outside, running some fairly sophisticated sorta-marketing models and their own polling.

Unfortunately for them, it means they know they're losing right now, and it's not just the ''biased mainstream media'' being wrong. Above all else, I expect Trump to try his damnest to take Florida. If he can't, he's toast.

Yet, also according to this article, Trump's team has built enough of a media presence that he's probably still going to be a force to be reckoned with in US politics even in the (increasingly likely) event that he loses. Which is probably the worst nightmare of the Republican Party's establishment. They already struggle to unite and expand their base as it is, they really don't need Trump playing a one-man show that drives away women and minorities any further.
Some cutting edge journalism there. High quality spelling too.
Well I mean all the evidence is right there plain as day so unless you're blind or one typo is enough to completely invalidate everything then yea. I guess it's just pure coincidence that the timeline between Obama getting that money and the donor getting a position in the government matches up perfectly. It'd be different if it was just Obama's brother saying something happened and there being zero proof to back it up but I mean just look. Meanwhile you're readily willing to believe...
Turns out Trump grabbed the butt of a Miss Finland who was taking part in a Miss Universe - contest. Is there anyone who's butt Trump hasn't grabbed? Ethical question, if you grab the butt of a Miss Universe contestant and get away with it, are you "winning"?
... the word of mouth of some woman with zero evidence a decade after this supposed assault happened.
Heres a question, if you blindly accept whatever you're told without looking into it yourself, are you really informed?
Literally all the other accusations against Trump have been debunked but I'm sure this is going to be the bombshell that finally sinks Trump's campaign. :roll:

btw I'm reporting you for sexually molesting me a month ago. I have no proof of this and me randomly bringing it up now is suspicious but I promise it's true u guise!
Turns out Trump grabbed the butt of a Miss Finland who was taking part in a Miss Universe - contest. Is there anyone who's butt Trump hasn't grabbed? Ethical question, if you grab the butt of a Miss Universe contestant and get away with it, are you "winning"?

I do seem to wonder about all these reports. Why have none of these women come forward before????? Because there is zero evidence of any of this, its a claim by one person against another that can never be proven. Meanwhile there is tons of proof Hillary is a criminal sleezeball, and tons of proof her husband is no better then what these women claim trump has done. This is the media judging Trump in public for stuff that he could never be convicted over. It says right in that article that the newspaper phoned every women that has known Trump. That right there should tell you something, the media is essentially trolling Trump and getting voters to look at anything but what matters,

I look at his policies and agree with most of them. I look at Hillary's platform and see it is filled with babble that makes no sense. Also the only place Hillary will tell you to look for facts is her website that is filled with false info.
I do seem to wonder about all these reports. Why have none of these women come forward before????? Because there is zero evidence of any of this, its a claim by one person against another that can never be proven. Meanwhile there is tons of proof Hillary is a criminal sleezeball, and tons of proof her husband is no better then what these women claim trump has done. This is the media judging Trump in public for stuff that he could never be convicted over. It says right in that article that the newspaper phoned every women that has known Trump. That right there should tell you something, the media is essentially trolling Trump and getting voters to look at anything but what matters,

I look at his policies and agree with most of them. I look at Hillary's platform and see it is filled with babble that makes no sense. Also the only place Hillary will tell you to look for facts is her website that is filled with false info.
I mean it's simple really. Trump has women sometimes 30+ years later right before a major election and some are even openly supporting Hillary tell stories (such as how Trump magically removed the arm rest on an airplane on a flight that never happened to grope her, the woman who claimed she got groped at a Ray Charles concert on a certain day that never happened, a reporter saying she was molested by Trump while his wife was in the other room whilst she had a RECORDER IN HER HAND that she didn't turn on and even better a butler apparently rushed in the break it up besides what would be a witness coming out and saying the story is a total fabrication. This reporter than decided to never break this story about the aggressive in fidelity of one of the most famous people on the planet until right before the election). Meanwhile Bill Clinton has been seen on camera inappropriately touching women, has been disbarred from practicing law, has had to pay damages to his victims and of course was found guilty in the Monica Lewinsky case and much, much more.

The fact that the media just totally ignores this and gives credence to any random woman's story without doing any research into the validity of any of their statements should really show you how Goddamn "reliable" and "unbiased" the media really is.
Sometimes it takes one to come forward for others to have courage to do the same. Also before Trump wasn't running for prez. A businessman can actually get away with stuff like this. You know, Trump can't be fired from being Trump. It's like he himself said on that tape, because he's rich he can do stuff like that.
Sometimes it takes one to come forward for others to have courage to do the same.
And that one who came forward had her story debunked just like the rest.
Also before Trump wasn't running for prez.
So why wait NOW and not during the beginning of his campaign, during the primaries, right before he would win the primaries and wait until now, less than a mouth before the vote? 30+ years of silence until a tape of alpha male posturing and joking around comes out and then all of the sudden the dishinest media is giving any woman with a claim air time even when their story is obvious bullshit.
A businessman can actually get away with stuff like this. You know, Trump can't be fired from being Trump.
Actually they and Trump cant/couldnt. Sexual assault is illegal and all these women would have to do is speak up about their experience and take him to court like some of Bill's victims. But no ofcourse they found no reason to ever mention it until now. Not suspicious at all.
. It's like he himself said on that tape, because he's rich he can do stuff like that.
Im guessing youve never said innapropriate things in private whilst joking around?
A: He was just doing the alpha male "yea i can get so much pussy easily" thing that guys do all the time
B: Are you telling me there arent women out there who don't like the flirtatious advances of rich, powerful and attractive men? Lol even the woman they end up talking about in the video in the purple dress said in an interview from around the time she was attracted to him xD
Sorry Trump isn't a beta who thinks that if he talks about women sexually in private he's going to burn in whatever the liberal crybaby equivalent of hell is for committing a cardinal sin.
So why wait NOW and not during the beginning of his campaign, during the primaries, right before he would win the primaries and wait until now, less than a mouth before the vote? 30+ years of silence until a tape of alpha male posturing and joking around comes out and then all of the sudden the dishinest media is giving any woman with a claim air time even when their story is obvious bullshit

Actually they and Trump cant/couldnt. Sexual assault is illegal and all these women would have to do is speak up about their experience and take him to court like some of Bill's victims. But no ofcourse they found no reason to ever mention it until now. Not suspicious at all.
They might have been fake stories, but you seem to be not taking a few possibilities in to account.

Firstly, you are making the assumption that everyone would happily admit what happened to them immediately after the event. In reality sexual crimes are majorly under-reported, due to victims often either due to being embarrassed, or afraid of the assaulter.

Secondly, you seem to think that because all the victims are admitting it now means that it's false. Actually its quite a common phenomenon for victims of sexual assault to come out as victims if others claim to have been assaulted by the same person, because of a form of safety in numbers.
Im guessing youve never said innapropriate things in private whilst joking around?
All guys do so, it's just that most guys assume that there is some level of consent behind what they are saying.

Saying stuff like "I just go for it, I don't even wait. I can just grab 'em right by the pussy" kinda implies that he doesn't know that the women he's making advances on are going to consent.
Firstly, you are making the assumption that everyone would happily admit what happened to them immediately after the event.
Right I can get not immediately but not "decades" after this guy has apparently just been Mr. Grabby Hands to multiple women (and according to some of these retarded stories, in public) and suspiciously right after that tape comes out and it's towards the end of the election and many of them just so happen to be Hillary supporters?
In reality sexual crimes are majorly under-reported, due to victims often either due to being embarrassed, or afraid of the assaulter.
And this embarrassment/fear is suddenly gone now?
Secondly, you seem to think that because all the victims are admitting it now means that it's false. Actually its quite a common phenomenon for victims of sexual assault to come out as victims if others claim to have been assaulted by the same person, because of a form of safety in numbers.
.... or because it's a great way to get their 15 seconds of fame. All of these women have had their ridiculous stories thrown out OR it's the media completely changes what they say to try and turn it into a sexual assault story. There are even women who have come out and said that what the media said their said was a total manipulation of their words. This whole "safety in numbers" thing doesn't really work for me when all of those numbers have been found out to be total bullshit.

It's not just because of it seeming like a suspicious time. It's that combined with everything else. It's that combined with their lack of evidence. It's that combined with their easily debunked stories. It's that combined with basic logic that when the media literally tells people that if they come forward with some story they're going to cover it no matter how shaky it is.
All guys do so, it's just that most guys assume that there is some level of consent behind what they are saying.

Saying stuff like "I just go for it, I don't even wait. I can just grab 'em right by the pussy" kinda implies that he doesn't know that the women he's making advances on are going to consent.
Well first off you're misquoting the tape and come on, how many people make "fuck her right in the pussy" jokes? People make all sorts of horrifically offense jokes in private. Racial jokes, rape jokes, jokes about the mentally ill, about women, about men etc. It's just fucking around. Like I've said before I've seen way worse shit on here than anything Trump said.
Actually the former Miss Finland didn't call the media, the media called her and interviewed her about her meeting with Trump. The media is looking for people in Finland who have met Trump. There was actually another former Miss Finland who had gone to Miss Universe - contest who had bad things to say about Trump. Trump had brought his buddies (20 of them) to ogle at the swim suit round practice session. They made loud comments about "Finland", Miss Finland didn't like that.
Trump had brought his buddies (20 of them) to ogle at the swim suit round practice session.
>models for a beauty contest get angry when someone comments on their appearance/looks at their body (that they are competing to show off)
Getting mad at someone enjoying looking at you when you're a beauty queen is fucking hilarious.
To me it's pretty much the same which one is elected. I know for a fact that Hillary has been droning little brown babies who live in clay huts in third world nations. So, how could Trump be any worse? So, have fun America and elect whichever one you feel like. Your elections are rigged anyway.
