Fallout 4: The Nature of Generic Bad Dudes

There's none, that's the point. Ask Mr. Emil for them, not me.
No, i mean, where is the lore saying all the Vaults in Boston should have gotten GECKs.

You keep saying there is lore all the Vaults got GECKs, yet have not provided it, and Tactics, Fo3, NV, and F all disprove it. Hell, so does Fallout 1. As Vault 12 in Bakersfield didnt get a GECK

There is absolutely nothing semantic about this. Human history is the story of the triumph of society and culture all of which is only made possible by human beings working together for the greater good. It starts with tribes and family groups and works up from there. Your fantasy about seeing other people as 'the enemy' is a complete fabrication. What you are saying is patently wrong and intellectually dishonest.
Go back to history class. Humans only came together out of a outright need of other people to achieve greater things.

That does not change the fact those people weren't all holding hands and singing songs together out of mutual like, only that they begrudgingly accepted the help of others to elevate themselves to a higher position.

Nor does it change the fact the fundamental fear of "the other", as well as the belief that you, and people like you, are more important, is the base cause of things like racism, which is still heavily prevalent in the modern world.

You want to talk about intellectually dishonesty, go look in a mirror
You keep saying there is lore all the Vaults got GECKs, yet have not provided it, and Tactics, Fo3, NV, and F all disprove it. Hell, so does Fallout 1. As Vault 12 in Bakersfield didnt get a GECK
GECKs were used where it's feasable. Putting GECK to work in Bakersfield, a ruined city? Not gonna work. Not to mention what GECK is should be.
So I have a couple comments of my own :D
First off, I was unaware that there was a legit reason and explanation for how FEV got over to the Institute. Still, I wish it was elaborated and explained to you, other than a hidden terminal somewhere (I have a distaste for such lazy writing)

Second, I do feel that there was a legit reason for the mutants to be present in Fallout 2 and New Vegas, and in my opinion, its to show how far the Wasteland has come since the more darker age that Fallout 1 took place in. Everything regarding the mutants appear much more tranquil, and for someone who played the original before playing 2, I felt that the transition was cool. And then Bethesda just butchered them, in my opinion. Idk, I've always loved the way mutants were handled in the old games and NV.
GECKs were used where it's feasable. Putting GECK to work in Bakersfield, a ruined city? Not gonna work. Not to mention what GECK is should be.
So you don't expect it to work in a ruined city like Bakersfield, but do expect it to work in an even larger ruined city like Boston?

And you don't see how that is contradictory?
So you don't expect it to work in a ruined city like Bakersfield, but do expect it to work in an even larger ruined city like Boston?
Are all Vaults inside Boston? No? Is Fallout 4 a well-thought game in this question or another half-retard experiment crap? Yes it is? Get out, then.
So glad I was able to strike up a discussion! Hope you guys liked the video, I'll read through everything when I get a chance :D
This isn't really a discussion but more like a triggered Fallout 4 fanboy trying to refute your points by bringing up his points on 4 and the rest of us pointing out that how his points have been nonsensical at times.

First off, I was unaware that there was a legit reason and explanation for how FEV got over to the Institute. Still, I wish it was elaborated and explained to you, other than a hidden terminal somewhere (I have a distaste for such lazy writing)
Didn't they say that the FEV in the Institute was obtained through unknown means though? This terminal entry seems to indicate that they obtained it through handwaving:
Uhh... This is Doctor Elliott, with the official report for the Directorate from BioScience. The date is, umm, August 2178. I'm pleased to report that, as has been the case during my tenure, crop yields exceed expectations. In point of fact, everything down here is fine... with... one notable exception. Doctor Frederick has informed me that the Directorate has pre-approved research on samples of the FEV virus, which he already has in his possession. Now, I'm not one to question the Directorate... you all know that. I don't even want to know where this came from. But... well, this is troubling. Dangerous, possibly. I will do my best to make sure risks are minimized, but I really do hope that the consequences are understood

Which begs the question of why no one in Vegas proper made a farm until the NCR showed up.
Goodsprings? Novac? Must all the towns in New Vegas be excluded from your list or do you want to target the Strip precisely? We do know how the White Gloves have survived and as for the rest, it would be feasible that they did make some form of small agriculture (but also could have relied on raiding settlements beyond the Strip) before Mr House had their society reorganized
And way to concede to my point on towns being able to exist with pre-War buildings.

None of the Vaults there were made to save anyone, so there was no need to ship one there.
Which brings to mind this question: Why should Boston's population be discarded then? If control vaults existed in California and Vegas, why is Boston excluded?

No, i mean, where is the lore saying all the Vaults in Boston should have gotten GECKs.
The existence of control vaults should have been proof that some vaults should have gotten GECKs. Let's face it, supply mistakes happen all the time (how else would Vault 13 not get the spare water chips and instead gotten a spare GECK?)
Are all Vaults inside Boston? No? Get out, then.
Wait. Are you actually trying to imply that the people of Bakersfield, and the Vaults inside Boston proper, couldn't have been expect to walk a little bit to an area just outside the city to use their GECKs?
Wait. Are you actually trying to imply that the people of Bakersfield, and the Vaults inside Boston proper, couldn't have been expect to walk a little bit to an area just outside the city to use their GECKs?
V75 inhabitants could and should (why they didnt - ask Bethesda, not me), but V114 ones are lost cause due to the same radiation question.
1. Goodsprings? Novac? Must all the towns in New Vegas be excluded from your list or do you want to target the Strip precisely? We do know how the White Gloves have survived and as for the rest, it would be feasible that they did make some form of small agriculture (but also could have relied on raiding settlements beyond the Strip) before Mr House had their society reorganized
And way to concede to my point on towns being able to exist with pre-War buildings.

Which brings to mind this question: Why should Boston's population be discarded then? If control vaults existed in California and Vegas, why is Boston excluded?

The existence of control vaults should have been proof that some vaults should have gotten GECKs. Let's face it, supply mistakes happen all the time (how else would Vault 13 not get the spare water chips and instead gotten a spare GECK?)
A. According to the offical New Vegas game guide, Goodsprings was founded by NCR citizens given a land grant. Thus, those are farms made by people from the NCR, and not people from the mojave
B. Novac doesn't have a farm, it has three brahmin, and nothing else.
C. Nice headcanon.

2. Because there are only like 12 control Vaults, and theres like 30+ major cities in America. theres a bigger chance of a major city not getting one then a major city getting one.

3. Sure, SOME Vaults got GECKs, that wasn't being disputed.

Yeah. Yeah, it is. Read the page. Just read the page.
I have, there is nothing on there suggesting that radiation would render a GECK inert.
Second, I do feel that there was a legit reason for the mutants to be present in Fallout 2 and New Vegas, and in my opinion, its to show how far the Wasteland has come since the more darker age that Fallout 1 took place in. Everything regarding the mutants appear much more tranquil, and for someone who played the original before playing 2, I felt that the transition was cool. And then Bethesda just butchered them, in my opinion. Idk, I've always loved the way mutants were handled in the old games and NV.
Many of us agree with that sentiment from what I can tell. The mutants in 2 & New Vegas seem less like orcs and more like former soldiers attempting to return to their lives but unlike human soldiers, they are ostracised for their distinct appearances (though it has more to do with what they tried to do). Some are not as ostracised but most are forced into isolated locations like Black Mountain & Jacobstown to stay away from humans. A few however have reintegrated successfully though their purpose seems to be protection of those communities they live in.

That's not how GECKs work.
That's how normal GECKs work, the matter recombinator is a different kind of GECK that exists in Bethesda's zany universe. Their contents can be damaged from radiation which renders them mostly useless save for a few items inside:
In practice, a G.E.C.K. contains a fertilizer system with a variety of food seeds, soil supplements, and chemicals that can fertilize arid wasteland (and possibly selected sections of the moon's surface pre-conditioned to accept the G.E.C.K.) into supporting farming. The GECK is intended to be "disassembled" over the course of its use to help build communities (for example, the cold fusion power source is intended to be used for main city power production), and so on. Anything else people need, they are meant to consult the How-To Books/Library of Congress/Encyclopedias in the G.E.C.K. holodisk library for more knowledge. The little pen flashlight is just the cherry on top.[4][5][2]

C. Nice headcanon.
Thanks, yours is still a lot more nonsensical than mine though since all I did was expect some form of normal society and all. I mean, human evolution to cope with radiation only after 200 years. Even I would not consider saying stupid notions like that here and I'm the one open to clarification :roffle:.

One could argue that there was some form of settlement that there became Goodsprings once the NCR recognised the need for develop a low-risk mining environment near a reliable source of clean water. I mean the clean water would have been good cause to make a minor settlement there before the events of New Vegas. Plus there were already some pre-War houses.

Were you trying to imply he farmed?
I think @a721402 is implying that your point on how only people from the NCR live in Goodsprings is objectively false. Another person I can point to is Easy Pete, a prospector who only settled down in Goodsprings recently.

Anyways, thanks for helping fill up my posting quota for the week. Seeing you attempt to justify your head-canon on a site that dislikes 4 with legit cause is amusing as it is perplexing. I mean, did you actually make an account here just to comment on the OP's video but then got side-tracked into defending your head-canon?
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>The guy who literally never goes outside due to fear of the outside caused by staying in a Vault most of his life.
Were you trying to imply he farmed?
Excpet he was a traveling doctor before settle down in goodspring after his wife's death, and he do keep a small farm in the backyard of his house.
I think @a721402 is implying that your point on how only people from the NCR live in Goodsprings is objectively false.
I never said only people from the NCR lived in the town... I said the town and farms were made by people from the NCR.

The basic model is largely made up of seeds and fertilizer/soil enhancements. So, if those organic components are exposed to high doses of radiation as well as ambient aerosolized FEV...do you see where this is going?
Wait, are you actually trying to imply that airborne FEV is canon despite the fact Avellone and Tim Cain expressively denied so in the Fallout Bibles?
Anyways, thanks for helping fill up my posting quota for the week. Seeing you attempt to justify your head-canon on a site that dislikes 4 with legit cause is amusing as it is perplexing. I mean, did you actually make an account here just to comment on the OP's video but then got side-tracked into defending your head-canon?
He was expecting us to believe through his long-ass spewing terminilogy that Fallout 4 is actually a well written and well designed game with everything on it's place.