What the fuck happened to Fallout 4's weapons?


Residential Zealous Evolved Nano Organism
10mm pistol? Nothing like the past games.

Pipe guns? Only existed in super rare amounts, because guns are so damned easy to come by (Or melee weapons, if you're poor).

Minigun? Not even a canon design...

Gatling laser? WHAT HAPPENED TO MICROFUSION CELLS!? (or electron charge packs...)

energy weapon ammo...Just...Piss off with that garbage...at least 3/NV tried to do the energy cell/fusion cell difference.

Ammo choices? Fuck, at least NV did what Fallout 1-2-Tactics did, how hard is it to make different ammo choices for the same gun!? AHH!

Seriously, the weapon choices in this game infuriate me.

How could they have failed THIS HARD!??

They made Fallout 3, which wasn't TERRIBLE when it came to gun canon.
Fallout 3 was pretty bad on it's own though. Like there were 50 weapons total, the unique weapons looked the same, except they had a bonus or something.

There were no mods, no different ammo types, and they introduced their own brand of weapons just like that (Plasma rifle anyone?).

Not only that, they redesigned some of the most iconic weapons into their own crappy version.

Still, I liked Fallout 3 more, but just a little bit more. It is still a piece of shit, at the end of the day.

Fallout 4 though is a joke. There are like 20 weapons total, all of which end up basically the same way due to the way mods work.

The uniques are gone, replaced by legendary/magic/bullshit/retcon weapons.

And they even fucked up all the ammo types, without adding any overcharged or other type of special ammo (It probably would have broken their engine as there is no degradation).

Not to mention the explanation for Pipe weapons == Built PRE-WAR by CITIZENS due to shortage of materials. So, bethesda Sole shit can turn a sanctuary into a heaven in twenty minutes, but people couldn't construct something better than pipe weapons?

How about actually some weapons that were made, I don't know, AFTER WAR????

Basically, fuck bethesda, have a nice day.
What happened? They're designed around being able to be modified in the first place, question of actual design wasn't there.
Another thing which genuinely infuriates me, is the weapon mod system!

I mean, guns which fire 2 bullets per bullet? That's just plain breaking the laws of physics! Even for Fallout!
The pipe guns infuriate me. Not only are they an ugly design choice, which they could've at least made them look a little better, but trying to use it is so awful too.
You forgot to mention the amazing 4 "punching" weapons in the vanilla game... Wow you can punch things with such variety of weapons!
(Yep, I usually play unarmed characters in Fallout games).

Let's be honest, Bethesda is bankrupt in the creative department, not only in the writing but also in the weapons department. They thought that there is no need to make a variety of weapons because players can mod weapons now "It will keep them entertained for a while trying all these awesome mods and stuff, so we don't need to make many weapons. One weapon can become hundreds of them! (I totally exaggerate the number, but Bethesda always exagerate their numbers, like more than ten thousands lines of dialogue and tens of endings and so on.)".

Also I am pretty sure no one who worked on actually making and designing the game ever played any Fallout game before Fallout 3 (and for sure didn't play Fallout New Vegas, some probably never even played Fallout 3 either). They have no idea what weapons in the classic games look like at all :shrug:.
Bethesda's rule of cool? Remember that Fallout 4 is a game for 18-25 year olds with the minds of 8-12 year olds. They can't have things be overly complicated for their target audience.

Also I'm pretty damn sure that the devs that made the guns for FO4 have never even held or fired a real one. EVER.

Left-handed hunting rifle being fired by a right-handed PC = FAIL.

Also I'm pretty damn sure that the devs that made the guns for FO4 have never even held or fired a real one. EVER.

Left-handed hunting rifle being fired by a right-handed PC = FAIL.

Yeah that sniper rifle shit is BS, the most annyouing by far is pipe weapons. Who made all these weapons ? It would of been better to give raider mele weps

^ That's an assault rifle now.

I don't have to say anything else.
the most annyouing by far is pipe weapons. Who made all these weapons ?
Pre-war people who had all their normal guns taken away by government occupation forces, and resource shortages.

Post-war people who needed a cheaply/easily made, highly customizeable weapon for self defense, that used easy to find ammo so they could actually stay armed.
Pre-war people who had all their normal guns taken away by government occupation forces, and resource shortages.

Post-war people who needed a cheaply/easily made, highly customizeable weapon for self defense, that used easy to find ammo so they could actually stay armed.

You honestly expect me to believe this ? How would people learn to make guns. My point of view is that sure pipe weapons are believe and a good idea. But every goodam raider owning/making pipe weapons ? Thats beyond stupidity. Also its pretty stupid that you think that people would built pipe guns before the war and they would survive 200 years in a safe or some shit? I mean honestly what ? How would people learn to make them ? Its beyound silly. I like that gun runners exist in fallout law because that show that are people who can make guns and repair them etc.

It so stupid/Werid/silly/brain-dead that you think that both pre-war and after war that people would able to make these 'guns' actually functional. That can fire likem 9,000 rounds with out breaking or jaming. You thinking people can just make like what a vickers gun ? Homemade with out changing the barrel or what ?

' took place in August 1916, during which the British 100th Company of the Machine Gun Corps fired their ten Vickers guns continuously for twelve hours. Using 100 barrels, they fired a million rounds without a failure. "It was this absolute foolproof reliability which endeared the Vickers to every British soldier who ever fired one."

just change vickers to 'pipe gun'
But every goodam raider owning/making pipe weapons ? Thats beyond stupidity.
I would argue that it is potentially plausible that raiders could perhaps have a few craftsmen in there gangs.

But then again, why would they need to?, There's a guy in Diamond City who builds and sells his own weaponry, so surely they could just buy better quality weapons from him.
How would people learn to make guns.
Same way people know how to make pipeguns, aka zip guns, IRL today? Its not particularly complicated or difficult. Any redneck with a tool shed and some basic housing supplies can make one.
I would argue that it is potentially plausible that raiders could perhaps have a few craftsmen in there gangs.

But then again, why would they need to?, There's a guy in Diamond City who builds and sells his own weaponry, so surely they could just buy better quality weapons from him.

Yeah I mean sure they would however i would agrue that every raider gun seems against each other really. I mean it really does't make sence that raider are one big faction with weapon deals making pipe weapons. Like I said I cna buy a few but why the fuck every ass whloe has one is far beyound me
I checked the wiki (I know I know wikis aren't 100% accurate) and found this


Street gangs must have been major arms dealers in their time.

The Pre-War government would NOT have allowed such a large proliferation of homemade weapons. This is the same government that branded Patriot's Cookbook (a book that details how to make explosives) banned and marked for burning.