Vault Dweller

Been playing it for a few hours, and despite not being a fan or newcomer, I'm really liking this game.
- World Exploration and side activities play into each character, so one is the cook, the photographer, etc.
- The skill unlocking system takes the few good parts of XIII's system and marries them with the old Sphere Grid style of X.
- The dialogue has choices that rewards certain actions, and asking friends is always there.
- In battle, achieving challenges means more skill points and XP.
- The fighting is smooth and fun, with just enough mechanics to keep from being overwhelming, and there's a Wait function that puts freeze time to use, and VATS to shame.
- The open world looks vast, but so far seems pretty empty, though you'll start in a Mojave Desert type of place so we'll see what later areas bring.
Square Enix certainly learned a few things from western devs, and the Kingdom Hearts series, and I'd wager the absolute abysmal gameplay/production goals of XIII and its sequels.
- World Exploration and side activities play into each character, so one is the cook, the photographer, etc.
- The skill unlocking system takes the few good parts of XIII's system and marries them with the old Sphere Grid style of X.
- The dialogue has choices that rewards certain actions, and asking friends is always there.
- In battle, achieving challenges means more skill points and XP.
- The fighting is smooth and fun, with just enough mechanics to keep from being overwhelming, and there's a Wait function that puts freeze time to use, and VATS to shame.
- The open world looks vast, but so far seems pretty empty, though you'll start in a Mojave Desert type of place so we'll see what later areas bring.
Square Enix certainly learned a few things from western devs, and the Kingdom Hearts series, and I'd wager the absolute abysmal gameplay/production goals of XIII and its sequels.