Final Fantasy XV


Vault Dweller
Been playing it for a few hours, and despite not being a fan or newcomer, I'm really liking this game.

- World Exploration and side activities play into each character, so one is the cook, the photographer, etc.
- The skill unlocking system takes the few good parts of XIII's system and marries them with the old Sphere Grid style of X.
- The dialogue has choices that rewards certain actions, and asking friends is always there.
- In battle, achieving challenges means more skill points and XP.
- The fighting is smooth and fun, with just enough mechanics to keep from being overwhelming, and there's a Wait function that puts freeze time to use, and VATS to shame.
- The open world looks vast, but so far seems pretty empty, though you'll start in a Mojave Desert type of place so we'll see what later areas bring.

Square Enix certainly learned a few things from western devs, and the Kingdom Hearts series, and I'd wager the absolute abysmal gameplay/production goals of XIII and its sequels.
About to pick this up after I go to the doctor. Will leave impressions later.
Yep that sucks. Wish I could preload the patch before buying it.
I'll bet it eventually.
I'm a huge fan of the series (and one of the very few to actually like FFXIII), so I'll certainly play through it. Already played the demo and was very impressed.
Expect a 10 GIG patch when you do. Took all day to get it for me.
If this was Steam that wouldn't be an issue. But given Sony's godawful servers that can STILL barely push 500kb/s to 1MB/s at best... yeah, that ain't going to be fun. I'm just going to wait for the eventual Steam release anyway, got plenty of occupy me for the next year.
Now downloading 9 gigabyte patch. For a minute I thought my godawful internet had been drastically sped up, but it was just loading the patch. Shit. It has now become common to have 9 gigabyte patches day one.
Is there any arousing homo-eroticism?

No. The four male protags is as far as that goes, and even the most goofy of the bunch doesn't give that impression.

Now downloading 9 gigabyte patch. For a minute I thought my godawful internet had been drastically sped up, but it was just loading the patch. Shit. It has now become common to have 9 gigabyte patches day one.

Because gamers don't speak up enough and refuse to buy games from companies that do this on habit.
Hmm... I may check it out though from what I've read and heard, the second half of the game has issues that bog down the experience. The open world for this game, I hear, is pretty good though so that's something to consider.
They went open world so it sounds better than 13 off the bat. It does sound like they may have rushed the last part, and they may be trying to spread it out for the Season Pass. Someone mentioned multiplayer being added in....keep that shit in 14.

Hey 14 hours left. Yay third world quality internet.
They went open world so it sounds better than 13 off the bat. It does sound like they may have rushed the last part, and they may be trying to spread it out for the Season Pass
The funny thing is, from what I have read, FFXV seems to be a reverse of 13. Big wide open sandbox filled with activities before being forced down a corridor for story. Though to XV's credit from what I have heard, apparently it is possible to return to the sandbox during the corridor half of the story.

Someone mentioned multiplayer being added in....keep that shit in 14.
Ew... no. All I've heard is that they are making DLCs so that you can play as characters other than Noctis (like Stell- I mean, Luna) [Yes, I am still a little miffed that Stella got cut out of the game plus
Luna, as I predicted, wound up becoming a very one dimensional token sacrificial love interest character that does not really play an important role in the story

Also, did anyone get to check out their token VR game?
I did here it is like a reverse 13, which makes sense anyway as a game winds down. With it being around a 20 to 30 hour main quest I'll actually beat the damn thing too.
I only ever played FFIX ages ago, loved it, didn't get to finish it (not my playstation)
I'm downloading XV now, I've always been curious of FF games, but always were of the PC MR

The only other PS exclusive I am eagerly awaiting is Gran Turismo. It's probably the 6th time I mention this now, without any acknowledgement whatsoever, so
Had this on pre-order and been enjoying it so far, since I got a physical copy I was able to play it unpatched.

One sidequest bugged out on me but I was able to complete it a different way luckily. Was one of the first quests you get in the game, my memory is awful so I don't recall it's name.

Besides that I don't have any complaints. I can see why the patch included some additional cutscenes because if you haven't watched the film then some parts of it probably wouldn't make any sense.
I only ever played FFIX ages ago, loved it, didn't get to finish it (not my playstation)
I'm downloading XV now, I've always been curious of FF games, but always were of the PC MR

The only other PS exclusive I am eagerly awaiting is Gran Turismo. It's probably the 6th time I mention this now, without any acknowledgement whatsoever, so
After 5, I can't honestly agree with that. The standard cars ported more or less verbatim from 4 killed most of my enthusiasm for it, never bought 6 as a result.
After 5, I can't honestly agree with that. The standard cars ported more or less verbatim from 4 killed most of my enthusiasm for it, never bought 6 as a result.

To be honest, I only ever played GT2, but I really liked it, and have missed the franchise ever since, which is why I'm eagerly awaiting the next installment, cus I can finally play it again