What the fuck happened to Fallout 4's Armour!?


Residential Zealous Evolved Nano Organism
All right, made a thread on weapons...Now it's time for armour!

What the fuck happened to it!?

I won't be talking about power armour, that's another topic.

But the main armours, leather, combat, metal, etc.

What happened!?

What happened to something practical looking, like this!?


Or this!?


Instead, we now have three options.


"Bigger shit"

"Superheavy shit"


Don't get me started on the more random armours, since when was 'cage' a suitable armour material!?
Rule of Cool - All the explanation you need for everything in shitout 4.

Don`t even get me started on the amount of armour there is.

Raider, leather, metal, combat, heavy combat.

The armour is treated just like weapons with mods. Who wants twenty unique sets of armour, let`s make 5 and just change colour and stats. There all the work done. /s

Not to mention bullshit damage system, no dt, magical armour (cameleon), or the fact that the basic armour is indestructable, while power armour breaks apart from being slapped by ghouls.
Yeah leather was they only good armour in fallout 4 but again because of leveling you have to change to the new shitty version of combat armour witch looked kinda rusty and shit considering combat armour was on the best armours in FNV and FO3
But...but you can put on extra bits over these armours for extra coolness! Bits that can have magical powers too!!!!!!

Reinforced leather armour in New Vegas is one of my favourites. It looks badass and practical.
I was always a fan of the "Light" leather armour in NV, the mad max looking one.

Then I moved onto a duster.
I actually like how they broke it up into individual armour pieces, beyond that though the whole customization/mods and having regular, sturdy, and heavy are horrible. I originally thought that the customization would be just visual with things like mag pouches, backpacks and such. Instead we got magical mods that don't affect the actual armour beyond its colour.
All right, made a thread on weapons...Now it's time for armour!

What the fuck happened to it!?

I won't be talking about power armour, that's another topic.

But the main armours, leather, combat, metal, etc.

What happened!?

What happened to something practical looking, like this!?


Or this!?


Instead, we now have three options.


"Bigger shit"

"Superheavy shit"


Don't get me started on the more random armours, since when was 'cage' a suitable armour material!?
I'm still waiting for you to go into detail about DR vs DT. And I did liked the attempt at getting back to morrowind's patchwork armor system But its just so shit in fo4. Instead of all the options we got in morrowind we just get head right leg left leg and right arm left arm. As a result Most armor leaves 70% of the body exposed. It's looks... Retarded.
I'm still waiting for you to go into detail about DR vs DT. And I did liked the attempt at getting back to morrowind's patchwork armor system But its just so shit in fo4. Instead of all the options we got in morrowind we just get head right leg left leg and right arm left arm. As a result Most armor leaves 70% of the body exposed. It's looks... Retarded.
"Behold! Your arms and legs are armored! ...But the rest of your body will still be left open... But don't worry about that, we have token RPG elements to magically shield you from damage in any case!"
I'm still waiting for you to go into detail about DR vs DT. And I did liked the attempt at getting back to morrowind's patchwork armor system But its just so shit in fo4. Instead of all the options we got in morrowind we just get head right leg left leg and right arm left arm. As a result Most armor leaves 70% of the body exposed. It's looks... Retarded.


Well, I personally prefer DR/DT combined, like Fo1-2.

I could do a bigass thread with loads of maths I guess.

Would you like that?

I'll try looking at all the stats of say, plasma rifles, and compare it to the respective game's T51b power armour or something.


Oh DR is so lazy.
Yes that's what I'm confused about. How is DR lazy compared to DT? What's the diff between the two?
Yes that's what I'm confused about. How is DR lazy compared to DT? What's the diff between the two?

DR is just making a healthbar bigger by a specific percentage. (50% dr=2X health, nothing else, etc)

DT is more dynamic, so 10 DT can make your HP 900%+ larger against .22lr, but only make it 2% larger against a .308 round. (Just throwing numbers, I'll try getting the actual maths someday)

DR+DT makes it even more dynamic.
DR is just making a healthbar bigger by a specific percentage. (50% dr=2X health, nothing else, etc)

DT is more dynamic, so 10 DT can make your HP 900%+ larger against .22lr, but only make it 2% larger against a .308 round. (Just throwing numbers, I'll try getting the actual maths someday)

DR+DT makes it even more dynamic.
Okay that makes sense. Fallout 4 was all DR. It must have been right? Conidering the low amount of ammo types And guns and armies in that game. Plus iirc@dirtyoldshoe claims the "enemy has mutated" thing is based around how long you've been shooting the thing rather than how much health it has.
Okay that makes sense. Fallout 4 was all DR. It must have been right? Conidering the low amount of ammo types And guns and armies in that game. Plus iirc@dirtyoldshoe claims the "enemy has mutated" thing is based around how long you've been shooting the thing rather than how much health it has.

Yes, Fallout 4 is entirely DR. Not a speck of DT to be seen.

In a nutshell, DR+high numbers of heatlh=damage sponges.

And yes, legendaries spontaniously regenerate their health if you don't knock them down in a couple of shots.

NV's damage mechanics, while still nowhere near as good as Fallout 1-2, was stupidly more dynamic, even moreso with the ammo types.
Wasn't NV the same as 1-2 (damage reductions mixed with resistance)?

But, either way, damage resistance just a bad system. High vs low damage weapons are a great example.

[I'm ignoring stuff like weapon skills, AP ammo, ect for this explanation, as the specifics are not the important part]
Let's say you have a damage threshold 31 (t51-b in NV) and are shot at with a mini-gun (12 damage a shot, 20 shots a a second). Because your DT (31) is higher than the damage (12), the mini-gun will do minimum damage (20%), or 2.4 damage. Over two seconds of sustained fire you will take 96 damage. A dramatic decrease of 384 from it's maximum theoretic damage of 480. A direct hit from a missiles launcher (full splash damage) does 325 damage. The DT would block 31 of that, so 294 damage. A missiles launcher can fire one missile in those two seconds. So it makes sense that the missiles launcher would be better against armoured targets, while the min gun should be used against lightly-armoured ones.

Now lets look at DR. In FO3, t51-b power armour had a DR of 60. Using the same weapons the mini gun would do 4.8 damage a shot or 192 damage over those two seconds. So not as good, but we are talking about two different games. The missile launcher would do 130 damage, significantly less than the 294 it did to the ones with DT. It's lower even that what the mini-gun is doing. With DT low damage, high rate of fire weapons are actually better against armour than high damage, low RoF weapons. Because of DR a mini-gun is better against power armour than a missile launcher.
I think the best system would be like this:

DR specific -》DR overall -》DT

So lets say enclave power armour has got:

50% Fire resistance
35% Damage Resistance
34 DT

Against fire based attack the damage would be:
End Damage = Start damage *0.5*0.65 - 34.

However against ordinary bullets it would be:

End damage = Start Damage * 0.65 - 34.

Also make it so there is no bleedthrough. That way you always have to keep in mind what weapon to use. Instead of just holding the trigger.