First time out of the vault

Goris's hide is the equivalent of combat armor, not leather armor.
While he does remove his robe whenever he fights, I imagine that robes are the type armor that he wears.Goris is a deathclaw, his hide is tough as leather armor, I wouldn't worry about making armor for him, let alone rebuilding his animations. Marcus got done because the animations already existed.
Goris is a deathclaw, his hide is tough as leather armor, I wouldn't worry about making armor for him, let alone rebuilding his animations. Marcus got done because the animations already existed.
;This will change the physical speed at which you move across the map
;Set to 0 to leave at the default. (i.e. limited by vwait in windowed mode, or by processor speed in fullscreen)
;If set to something other than 0, it enforces a maximum fps on the world map screen.
;Changing this to something other than 0 is not recommended if you've already applied a world map speed patch to your Fallout exe.
;Only set to 1 if your systems high performance timer is unreliable for some reason
;Set to 1 to enable Ray's patch to make world map encounter rate independent of your travel speed
;Obsolete, but can still be used if you know what it does.
While it may make the map playable it does not fix the problem. What is happening is that you are playing with the old map and the new one is never used. The first time you enter a map that whole map file gets saved into your save game slot, and it never reads from the map file in the map folder again. I can't remember what has been changed but it's probably nothing major, so for now your workaround is probably the way to go.Found a odd fix for the den black screen problem.
Move out of data/Maps, goto the den and it works, save the game and exit. Move the file back and load the savegame and everything works fine including exiting and entering the den. Something in the map file causes problems on the first entry it seems.