Mad Man with a Mad Plan
The age old question with many good answers. I'm sure we've all thought about it. Bonus points for posting a picture.
I'll start - Anna Kendrick
I'll start - Anna Kendrick

Famke is just cheating, tbh.
I dunno it depends I only ever meet like one celebrity and they was't female. I guess I have meet like a few more 'Celebs' but yeah they was't to famous and also I didn't really talk with them. So therefore I can't really comment. I really would't recommend dating celebs either escapily if your not. I mean they will be rich and famous and you be you. Maybe thats a good thing I don't. I think it be hard to really comment how really who you would have a realtionship with if you never meet them because trust me they probably pretty bland and like everything their own way not talking about all but most would be use to it. Also don't forget about the looks when ever you see celebs their all make up photo shoots and photo shop ; They don't look as good in real life so just remember that !
Moral of the story just because you famous does make you good at sexual relationships
Odd fact, Ashley Judd used to be my babysitter.
My brother used to date Miley Cyrus' mom.
What? Seriously? Give us the details. She has a nice face/body.
You're like some 'Joe Hollywood'-type individual.
No one. They all ugly as nuclear war survivors without makeup.
Odd fact, Ashley Judd used to be my babysitter.
My condolences.
Why? Do you think she's, like, way too strict, and stuff?
judgemental much? you too good for someone who aint perfect?No one. They all ugly as nuclear war survivors without makeup.
No, just your first world celebs are second hand merchandise. Though yeah, I was judgemental much, wrong times. Just wait for judgemental day, Graves.judgemental much? you too good for someone who aint perfect?