NMA's Opinion On Vehicles

They do but it was a mistake.
Yeah, I know about that quote, and no offense to a great writer but in this case, fuck his opinion. Horses have a lot to bring to fallout. They help the believability of travel, patrols, and trading. Not to mention if they had been in New Vegas it would have greatly added to the western feel of the game and like I said, would have made patrols and whatnot more believable.
Yeah, I know about that quote, and no offense to a great writer but in this case, fuck his opinion. Horses have a lot to bring to fallout. They help the believability of travel, patrols, and trading. Not to mention if they had been in New Vegas it would have greatly added to the western feel of the game and like I said, would have made patrols and whatnot more believable.

If mules and cows survived (albeit in a mutated form for the latter) why not horses?
The Gamebryo engine is so shit that the XRE cars have to be operated via invisible explosions that manipulate the Havoc physics to make them move. Bethesda's version of the engine is like a Puppet show that somehow results in a game.
Curious bit of information:
Did you know that the Civilization IV game uses a modified Gamebryo engine? Seems like that engine works better as a 4x turn-based strategy game than a 1st person game.


If mules and cows survived (albeit in a mutated form for the latter) why not horses?
Hard to have mules surviving by themselves since mules are sterile and are a mix between a male donkey and a female horse. So if there are mules in Fallout there has to be also donkeys and horses.
I would love to see makeshift vehicles in a new Fallout game or fan-made spinoff. Something like the cars in Beyond Thunderdome where it's the bare chassis of a pre-war vehicle running on crude oil, microfusion cells, or whatever energy source
it can run on.
If vehicles were to be implemented, however, they should get rid of fast travel IMO.
It will be really nice if there are some bicycles in Fallout.
It may not be as efficient as riding a horse, but still better than walk on your own feet in many cases.
They serve a gameplay and a lore purpose, and are even more needed in the later titles, as they would replace that insanely moronic fast-travel teleport thing.

And yet, working vehicles should still be a rare thing. First, many of the parts would be broken or rusty.

I see nothing wrong with the [misnomer/so-called] 'Fast Travel'. The wrong, is in the player' [IMO bizarre] misconception that it is teleportation; and this is very , very common. It makes me wonder if some people naturally assume that their favorite television characters live two seconds away from where they work; (because they leave their house ~and suddenly they are at work!). Fallout 1 & 2 had this. It was a two week walk through salt flats to get from the Lost Hills Bunker to Vault 13; but it didn't take two weeks playing the game. Useless as it is in FO3, even that game accounts for time. In FO3 it is a three hour walk from Vault 101 to Rivet City; and anyone can test this with their PipBoy clock.

Of Vehicles: I would expect the Fallout populace to have made wind carts [as per Steel Dawn :) ], or Bio-Diesel ~they have cooking oil. Barring any of those, how about bicycles?
**This doesn't account for the widely available cheap power though... With that they could make go-carts and/or dune-buggies pretty easily.

***As I understood it, the Fallout world is not intended as a plausible future ~at all. It's the [stylized] general fears and assumptions of the 1950's made fact; no matter how implausible. Hence science goo makes [B-movie] Supermutants, and Atomic side-effects made disfigured ghouls; and cats (and horses) would be easy food, and eaten to extinction in short order.
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It will be really nice if there are some bicycles in Fallout.
It may not be as efficient as riding a horse, but still better than walk on your own feet in many cases.
Fallout Tactics has Phil the Nuka Cola guy riding a bicycle. It is a special encounter so it is not canon though.
Yeah, I know about that quote, and no offense to a great writer but in this case, fuck his opinion. Horses have a lot to bring to fallout.

Yup, same here. It's one of these moments where I thought "lol?".

To me, horses are a part of the Fallout world, as much as cats are. Just because X hasn't been seen in Fo1/2, doesn't mean the whole (game) world got rid of X.
Fallout Tactics has Phil the Nuka Cola guy riding a bicycle. It is a special encounter so it is not canon though.

this raises a good point... Why don't travelers use bikes? I mean it'd be bumpy as shit, but you'd get to your destination much faster.
They said Wasteland 3 will probably include vehicles. It could be a nice gameplay mechanic if they balance it right.

As for Beth's Fallout games, they sure as hell need vehicles to replace fast travel. It's stupid and walking gets tiresome in Beth worlds.
Are we talking about FO3-4 'lol postwar everything is garbage', or FO1-2 'Nukes don't fucking ruin EVERYTHING'?

Fo1-2 made it pretty explicit that cars are used, there's a damned whole chopshop in one of the towns which presumably makes more than a living stealing people's cars.
It would be nice to see cars in fallout, its been long enough since the great war that we should be seeing repared or makeshift vehicles.
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Maybe I am overthinking this, but don't you need horses or some sort of vehicle to run a ranch? How are the the Brahmin barons running their ranches?
It would be nice to see cars in fallout, its been long enough since the great war that we should be seeing repared or makeshift vehicles.
I definitely think it should always be implied that vehicles and horses are used by factions and whatnot but I don't think it should ever become a gameplay feature.
Problem is though that hores arn't as 'Hardcore' as cow etc. There are abit more sensitive and not as hardy. That why I think there are brahmins but no horses. However I could see something like Mules and/Or donkeys. But horers need a alot of looking after and alot of set foods where as the brahmin in fallout seems to just eat whatever and not to much care about.

I am also trying come up with a vicheal idea. I think a car would be too big though to get to alot of ruined areas I think it has to be some smaller like a bike or somehthing
It's Fallout tactics so it's not canon tho.
Fallout Tactics is semi-canon. Bethesda said that major events in it are canon, they even have some mentions to Fallout tactics events in Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 (and Fallout New Vegas also mention some things from it too, like Caeser saying that the midwest BoS doesn't even know their own origins).
Well, the wiki also says:


