So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

So i haven't played Fallout 2 yet (or 1 for that matter, yeah i'm a heathen) but i was just reading stuff about it and i found the stuff about intelligent Deathclaws. I honestly really find this fascinating and my question is:
Am i the only one who's kind of bummed that they were apparently wiped out by the Enclave?
Having a faction of intelligent deathclaws where you can either help or destroy in a future game sounds awesome. Of couse i wouldn't want that to be handled by Bethesda because they somehow would make it stupid. And Bethesda is probably never going to alllow another team make a Fallout game, so i guess it will never happen. Just think it would be awesome.
Am i the only one who's kind of bummed that they were apparently wiped out by the Enclave?
Having a faction of intelligent deathclaws where you can either help or destroy in a future game sounds awesome. Of couse i wouldn't want that to be handled by Bethesda because they somehow would make it stupid. And Bethesda is probably never going to alllow another team make a Fallout game, so i guess it will never happen. Just think it would be awesome.
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