Most Hated Fallout Character


Just a Sweet Irradiated Transvestite
The Fallout character you cannot stand at all. You dread bumping into them if they're part of the main story or you avoid them altogether.

Without a doubt in my mind, it's First Citizen Joanne Lynette.

Fuck. This. Bitch.
I wish there was an ending to Fallout 2 where she gets kidnapped by raiders and they have their way with her. I can't think of any other Fallout character that deserves that as much as she does.
I can think of a few:

Sole Survivor

Lone Wanderer

Moira Brown

Three Dog



Dogmeat from 3 and 4



And last, but not least Kait from shitout 4
The Fallout character you cannot stand at all. You dread bumping into them if they're part of the main story or you avoid them altogether.

Without a doubt in my mind, it's First Citizen Joanne Lynette.

Fuck. This. Bitch.
I wish there was an ending to Fallout 2 where she gets kidnapped by raiders and they have their way with her. I can't think of any other Fallout character that deserves that as much as she does.
I haven't dipped my toes that deep into Fallout 2 too much so could you give me a brief summary of what Joanne is like? What does she do/say that makes you hate her so much?

Now for my personal opinion: So far I despise Mayor Mcready from Little Lamplight. I wanted to be able to blow his friggin' brains out but theirs no child killing by default in FO3. The little mayor of the all kids town is just so stuck up and deserves a beating honestly.
could you give me a brief summary of what Joanne is like?

She´s a bitch, with pretensions of superiority. And this bastard does not believe anything you say. Think of Miranda at the beginning of Mass Effect 2.

I can think of a few:

Lone Wanderer

Moira Brown

Three Dog

Dogmeat from 3 and 4

Can't tell about Fo4 characters, but i would add the children, the nuka cola quest characters, the vampire wanabee and other characters related to them, Eden when you meet him, the lack of clear goal for Tempenny and Burke, pretty much everyone at Point Lookout, and probably some others that i fortunately forgot.
Before you go buttmad:

-Theresa. Probably she's the one who lead the first wave of V13 dwellers into the dire and merciless desert where they all died for nothing.
Fallout 2:
-The whole Bishop family. They're just terrible wastelanders united in one casino and playing politics, women are one dimensional hoes.
-First Citizen ofc
-San Francisco cast in general
-Navarro cast
Fallout 3 & 4:
Everyone that can be possibly met.
I haven't dipped my toes that deep into Fallout 2 too much so could you give me a brief summary of what Joanne is like? What does she do/say that makes you hate her so much?
She's very entitled, like everyone else in Vault City she's never had to deal with the horrors of the wasteland. So she's used to getting what she wants, never been told no.
She won't take ANY criticism or questions she deems threatening. Ask her about the "servants", question her motives, she'll banish you from Vault City, even if you're in good standing. She's a cunt.
She's very entitled, like everyone else in Vault City she's never had to deal with the horrors of the wasteland. So she's used to getting what she wants, never been told no.
She won't take ANY criticism or questions she deems threatening. Ask her about the "servants", question her motives, she'll banish you from Vault City, even if you're in good standing. She's a cunt.

Almost the same description the MCA Fallout Bible paragraph about the character. She is a bitch, but it makes sense in context, unlike Moira Brown...
First Citizen, even just from watching let's plays.

All three V101 Overseers
That Irish guy in Megaton b/c he's an asshole.
Princess I think? In Little Lamplight.
Def all the Point Lookout people w/ that daughter you're supposed to find being right at the top. Though that ghoul's attitude is a strong contender. Oh, except for that little kid in the mines. He was okay.
Everyone in Mothership Zeta for sure.
That BoS lady in the Citadel you can recruit. What an uptight douchenozzle.
Bannon b/c he never shows up for work, and he worked with slavers. But mostly the part where I can never find him when I want to.
So many people in Tenpenny tower for being snooty as all hell.
That guy from the Pitt, Werhner or whatever. And the lady that helps you but never stops complaining. I get it, you're a slave, life sucks, shut up already.

Johnson Nash in Primm, b/c he plays caravan like a jackass. ENOUGH WITH THE JACKS OKAY?!
That weirdo at Fortification Hill that sounds like he's a bit too friendly with the dogs.
The lady what done sold Boone's wife. So creepy, omg.

Marcy whatever her name is, because even if you never talk to her she'll just randomly saying something cruel.
The Institute
The BoS
Most of the companions...
Yeah it would actually take much less time to say which one's I didn't hate. I'll let you know if I think of one.
He expects me to fight feral ghouls, nightkin AND send ghouls INTO SPACE for a "Oh yeah, they went to Boulder City."
Happened to me on my first playthrough. Didn't know you could steal the information from his computer. Suffice to say he's not been making it till the end slides in most playthroughs after that.
Daren Hightower.

I know he's paranoid that someone is out to kill him, but man is he an asshole. I'm glad i robbed and killed his ass.
So far I despise Mayor Mcready from Little Lamplight. I wanted to be able to blow his friggin' brains out but theirs no child killing by default in FO3. The little mayor of the all kids town is just so stuck up and deserves a beating honestly.

I was just thinking "I can't think of any character I really hate" but MacCready comes close. It's the fact that you HAVE to get into Lamplight to proceed with the story and you CANNOT do anything but get on MacCready's good side. Still, it's not as bad if you have the Child at Heart perk.

The Fallout character you cannot stand at all. You dread bumping into them if they're part of the main story or you avoid them altogether.

Without a doubt in my mind, it's First Citizen Joanne Lynette.

Fuck. This. Bitch.
I wish there was an ending to Fallout 2 where she gets kidnapped by raiders and they have their way with her. I can't think of any other Fallout character that deserves that as much as she does.

I did a playthrough once where I became Captain of the Guard for Vault City. Not only do you obviously have to do the VC quests, but you have to kiss her ass as well.

Most of the residents of Vault 101 and Amata when she kicks you out. Ungrateful pricks.

The gobshite who tells you to get out of his shitty shack in Arefu and his dumb wife who somehow knows what a fall catalogue is.

Fawkes when he refuses to get his ass into the radioactive chamber, due to "it's your destiny" shit. Can I class the game itself as a character? If you do get Broken Steel and send him in it essentially calls you a coward.

Raiders in Fallout 3. Boring one dimensional bad guy psychos.

Dr Li can be annoying.

The Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout 4, aside from one or two characters.

Preston Garvey is a character that irritates me to no end. Bland voice acting, makes you do everything despite making you General and of course "ANOTHER SETTLEMENT NEEDS OUR HELP!"

I honestly can't think of a character that I absolutely hate though. I bet I'll think of 'em as soon as I encounter them.
-Lynette. I hate so many people in Fallout 2 (one of my main complaints about that game is that everyone except Marcus is either stupid, bland or an asshole) but Lynette infuriates me.

-Everyone in Fallout 3 (except Moira, because I actually found her kinda adorkable.)

-Barton Thorn. He actually doesn't do that much, but goddamn, was I pissed when I first met him.
First Citizen Joanne Lynette, Three Dog, Alphonse Almodovar, Moira Brown, Jericho and that old guy in Megaton who supports the Enclave. I hate the fucking Bishop family in New Reno too. They are all the biggest pieces of shit in that city. And the guy who steals your car in New Reno. I hate that fucker, too. I also hate that one merchant in the Den who has all the children, pick pocketing everyone.
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The Fallout character you cannot stand at all. You dread bumping into them if they're part of the main story or you avoid them altogether.

Without a doubt in my mind, it's First Citizen Joanne Lynette.

Fuck. This. Bitch.
I wish there was an ending to Fallout 2 where she gets kidnapped by raiders and they have their way with her. I can't think of any other Fallout character that deserves that as much as she does.

I wish that there is an ending for Fallout 2 with her being exposed to a massive amount of radiation and then turned into a ghoul. Then sold into slavery to someone who looks down on ghouls.
I found her to be literally the only character with a personality in thee game. I like her.

I thought hancock was a solid character. Fallout 4 has a lot of solid characters. They're just trapped in an awful game.

Sorry, but I don't agree.

Moira just orders us around and gives us some suicidal quests. Not to mention skill checks do not help, since you get worse rewards.

Though she does have got more character than the rest of the npcs in game.

Hancock I don't know anything about him, except ghoul radiation drug. So I couldn't bother.