Rumour: Bethesda to reveal sci-fi open-world game Starfield at E3 2017


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Rumour: Bethesda to reveal sci-fi open-world game Starfield at E3 2017

By Sherif Saed, Monday, 5 June 2017 20:58 GMT

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According to a 4chan supposed leaker, one of Bethesda’s big announcements at E3 will be a sci-fi version of Fallout.


There’s a rumour currently making the rounds online that was started by a 4chan user who says he’s familiar with Bethesda Game Studios’ upcoming slate, particularly as it pertains to E3 2017 announcements.

Nobody has been able to verify the many claims in this rumour, so it’s best to take it with a grain of salt. Basically, the poster claims that Bethesda Game Studios has been working on a sci-fi open-world game in the same vein as Fallout called Starfield. According to them, the game has been in early productions since Fallout 3, but only entered full production after studio finished working on Fallout 4 DLC.

Starfield, alongside Fallout 4 VR will be the two big announcements from Bethesda Game Studios, as opposed to Bethesda the publisher, at this year’s E3. We already knew Fallout 4 VR would feature at the company’s E3 show.

Supposedly, Starfield takes place in the Fallout universe in the far future. The game is going to have five-ten races, as well as space travel and a hub world. Some of the game worlds will be randomly generated as way for Bethesda to court Minecraft/sandbox games fans.

The name Starfield is based on a trademark registered by Zenimax years ago, but the rest of the rumour is so out there it’s hard to believe any of it is anything beyond hopes and dreams. The leaker also mentions a “secret” agreement with HBO to develop an RPG based on Game of Thrones, and says it’s going to be the next big thing after Starfield.

Bethesda’s E3 2017 showcase is scheduled for Sunday, June 11. Hopefully, the company will have more to show from its internal development studios than just Fallout 4 VR.


Basically, it seems that Bethesda is making a new IP called "Starfield" that is supposedly set in the Fallout universe in the far future, what does everyone feel about this?
From the OP from 4Chan:

I'm a leaker at Bethesda and I wanted to layout their plans for the future for you guys and give you some pre E3 leaks.

Firstly i'm speaking only about Bethesda game studios here not the publisher.

There will be a few announcements at E3 one is a new major title from Bethesda themselves aswell.

The two Major announcements are Fallout 4 VR and Starfield.

They are working on Skyrim VR aswell but they aren't sure if they are going to show it yet since they don't want to take the light away from Fallout 4 VR or Starfield.

Onto Starfield. The game has actually been in conceptual stages since around Fallout 3's release. It went into pre production officially very low tier pre production after Skyrims Release. After Fallout 4's release it went into full pre production and after all the DLC was out they sped into full development.

The game is going to be a sci fi open world RPG in typical bethesda first person fashion. Its going to feature 5-10 races there's still some debate on what should and shouldn't go in and takes place in the Fallout universe just so far in the future and far away from earth that it'll only be mentioned in hints. This is part of an ongoing planned interconnected universe of every Bethesda franchise. They gave hints of this by implying the Brotherhood of Steel created nirnroot in Fallout 4. They're getting a little wacky with the lore and using "Elder Scrolls time wounds" to justify lore inconsistencies.

Basically Fallout is the beginning of the timeline, Starfield is the middle, and Elder Scrolls is Far Future.

The game will feature space travel and hub worlds aswell as RNG worlds. Its meant to be a test into more sandboxy/minecraft ish AAA thing but with Bethesda gameplay and still actual designed worlds/quests/etc.

They have another Fantasy game of a famous franchise in the works. Game of Thrones and preproduction Elder Scrolls VI and conceptual for Elder Scrols VII which is Todds Magnum Opus.

Feel free to ask any questions.

If this is true, I guess it confirms our suspicions that they're trying to fit Elder Scrolls into the lore as well.
Read something similar about this on the Codex, sounds a bit too bullshit fanfiction to me at this point, but I won't be suprised it if it turns out to be true.
If true, it's a desperate issue to appeal to those Bethesda worshippers, who think that there two favourite hiking simulators are related to one another, giving no thought to how the original devs would have taken this.

Even if it is in the Fallout Universe, I honestly do not care.

Like, lets face it, the connections will be so arbitrary it won't even be worth mentioning. Unless they are literally going to recycle Brotherhood and Supermutants in space(I doubt even they are dumb enough to think recycling old garbage in to a brand new franchise is a good idea) it'll probably just be quick continuity nods, kinda like the nirnroot stuff in Fallout 4.

Plus, I guess if they are working on yet another franchise, that'll mean between Starfield and Elder Scrolls, they'll have a lot of work to do, meaning thankfully they don't touch actual Fallout for a good few years or so. If we are lucky, we could get another 15 years or so without Bethesda laying there grubby little fingers on Fallout.

EDIT: Read through the 4chan posts. It's one of those once in a blue moon events, where 4chan are actually responding to this correctly.
This sounds like bullshit to me. Bethesda wouldn't be this dumb to do something like this. The whole timeline thing pretty much gave it away that this is a load of horseshit. That and Bethesda supposedly having plans to game releases dating up to 2030. Bethesda didn't even know what to do after Fallout 4 and you expect me to believe that? Not only that but no where in any of Bethesda titles that I played have there ever been hints to a merge cinematic universe of their titles. VG247 should be ashamed that they published a click point article with no facts to back up the "leakers" claim. Then again do we really expect anything less from today's game journalist?
You know...
I'm going to give Bethesda the benefit of the doubt.

Hopefully they saw how much of a fuck up Fallout 4 was and how it divided their own audience, I'm hoping they learn this time and give us something new.

Even of true, the connections to Fallout would be minimal.
I guess this would be announced however as I do know they had a sci-fi game lined up.

Maybe this will give us a break from Elder Scrolls and Fallout.

Maybe it could just be another big dumb sci-fi.

I'm in the minority that doesn't hate Skyrim, as far as big dumb games go, Bethesda do make some of the best.
They are good to play when listening to a podcast or so.

So the fact that they are making their own IP, I'm cautiously optimistic about it.
I would love a Bethesda space opera game.

However, I admit, they already have a Fallout 3-esque one.

It's called Borderlands 2.
If this is true then the connection to Fallout will be Mr. House and maybe those ghouls who went into space. And the Zhetans. There was no alien city under the Mojave. That was the spaceship that Mr. House built. It was a huge ship that he built underground. It may have looked like an alien ship when it burst out of the ground and shot off into space, but it wasn't.

I'm excited to see Mr. House make it into space. That would be cool.
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Even with my cynicism, I doubt Bethesda would go THAT far to fuse Fallout and Elder Scrolls into one universe. Sure, they'll ruin the sanctity and dignity of Fallout and Elder Scrolls with each game but I doubt they'd go so far as to completely ruin both franchises simultaneously.

The new sci-fi open world IP though? I think that's something they may feasibly make. After all, they need a new cash cow.
I doubt even they are dumb enough to think recycling old garbage in to a brand new franchise is a good idea) it'll probably just be quick continuity nods, kinda like the nirnroot stuff in Fallout 4.
I thought the nirnroot plant was a Easter Egg to themselves. Even though most of us really know that it was just Bethesda recycling their assets because they were too lazy to make new ones.
Alright so I looked at supposed leaks.
From what I can gather, future plans will either be very good or extremely awful.
I'm hoping they learn from their mistakes not just in mechanics, but also in questlines.

Elder Scrolls VI will apparently take place on a different Continent and change the base building to building colonies, honestly, if Bethesda don't fuck it up, that actually sounds fairly decent.

However, it's Bethesda and Bethesda will do Bethesda things.

If they interconnect their series, that would be retarded.
So yeah... I don't know if I'm excited yet
As far as I am aware, I don't expect anything good coming from bethesda. In fact, I don't want anything good coming from them. I would rather have them sell off their franchises to companies that actually can take care of them.

However, those fusing Fallout and Skyrim together? After Kid in a Fridge, I wouldn't be surprised.

Whatever they come up with, casuals will buy them for their power fantasy, being dragonborn, killing dragons and biggest, strongest badass in existence.
Hopefully they saw how much of a fuck up Fallout 4 was and how it divided their own audience, I'm hoping they learn this time and give us something new.

Like what they learnt after Oblivion, Fo3, and Skyrim ? That it sold a lot more on day one ?

Anyway, that would fit with their goal of making Fallout more like Mass Effect. Hopefully, it might lead them to Andromedia audience reaction.
Well, for starters they've learnt that a voiced protagonist doesn't work.
They also understand that the FO4 skill system was awful.

Maybe I'm giving them too much credit