Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

Hello there, I'm not sure if this question belongs on the sfall thread or not (If it does, feel free to tell me and I'll mosey on over there), but I was curious if it's possible to implement this "fix" from Fallout 1 Fixt's sfall into the Restoration Project's sfall:

- Can no longer use drugs to cheat with skill-gain books and getting Perks you shouldn't have access to.

I highly doubt it's as simple as simply writing it down on the ddraw ini somewhere so I was curious. If it isn't that simple, can someone upload a potential fix to my problem?
The sfall that is in Fixt is a modified/alternative version of the original sfall.
There is one for Fallout 2 as well, and I believe it has what you are looking for, though I'm not sure as I haven't tried it myself.
See for yourself, it's here.

Also don't copy over ddraw.ini, but edit the one you have to include whatever you want from the new one. Or perhaps you can do it the other way around as well. Some editing of that file is needed either way. :shrug:
Alright then, it is really simple as simply overwriting the dll and then editing the ini? I'm a bit confused on that to be honest. Does the new dll adjust the ini accordingly, or...
@burn Alright then, how do I edit the ini accordingly? For example do I just type in DrugExploitFix=1 under misc somewhere like in that ini Darek linked me earlier?
Having an issue with the restoration project not changing the armor of the companions. Everything else seems to be working ok. I have version 2.3.3. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
Having an issue with the restoration project not changing the armor of the companions. Everything else seems to be working ok. I have version 2.3.3. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
Are you sure you've checked "Party members change appearance when wearning armor" option during installation and not installed other mods on RP?
After a fresh install, I did the manual install of 2.3.3 because the installer version had an error code 5 and had to abort. Is there a way to do it manually? I've looked and haven't seen an option to edit in the files.
After a fresh install, I did the manual install of 2.3.3 because the installer version had an error code 5 and had to abort. Is there a way to do it manually? I've looked and haven't seen an option to edit in the files.
Manual installation package does not include NPC appearance mod. It only has some of the extra content.
EDIT: don't get confused with "the manual install already comes bundled with Appearance Mod" in the readme, the Appearance Mod it says is for the player, not NPCs.
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I uninstalled the game and did a fresh install to try the installer version once more.

I get the error: "An error occurred while trying to rename a file in the destination directory: Movefilefailed; code 5. Access denied. click retry again, ignore to skip this file, or abort to cancel installation.
I get the error: "An error occurred while trying to rename a file in the destination directory: Movefilefailed; code 5. Access denied. click retry again, ignore to skip this file, or abort to cancel installation.
If your Fallout2 is installed in C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86), it's perfectly normal that RP installer doesn't have permission to rename files in them.
If it is still in a "*whatever drive letter*:\program files" or "*whatever drive letter*:\program files(x86)" it might still happen.

I had to transfer all my Steam games from my "D:\program files\Steam" to "D:\Steam" just so I could have my Fallout New Vegas modding tools working because they couldn't get permissions to alter/edit/open anything in a "program files" directory (my OS drive is C:\, I am an Admin account, have UAC disabled and I run the tools "as Admin" and it still couldn't get permissions).

You can try running the installer "as Admin", that sometimes work with some software, but it doesn't work with all (never understood why).

It might also be your protection software blocking the installer from doing it's thing. Could be antivirus or some firewalls.
If it is still in a "*whatever drive letter*:\program files" or "*whatever drive letter*:\program files(x86)" it might still happen.

I had to transfer all my Steam games from my "D:\program files\Steam" to "D:\Steam" just so I could have my Fallout New Vegas modding tools working because they couldn't get permissions to alter/edit/open anything in a "program files" directory (my OS drive is C:\, I am an Admin account, have UAC disabled and I run the tools "as Admin" and it still couldn't get permissions).

You can try running the installer "as Admin", that sometimes work with some software, but it doesn't work with all (never understood why).

It might also be your protection software blocking the installer from doing it's thing. Could be antivirus or some firewalls.

I did try to install as admin. My directory for steam is a harddrive dedicated to steam and steamapps only. H:\Steam>Steam>steamapps>fallout2 I will try again when I return home from work. If anything, when I resolve this I'll probably take screenshots or make a video for people that encounter the same problem. I remember on my old pc and older version of the mod it worked without issue. It's been years since and this problem is relatively new to me. Thanks for your help guys, I'll update if it's resolved or not.
Alrighty, just figured out what was happening. Regardless of which hard drive you have steam installed, OS or not, You have to take fallout2's folder out of the Steam directory folders to properly apply the installer. Now my only remaining question is how do you apply the latest version of sfall to the restoration mod?
@burn Alright then, how do I edit the ini accordingly? For example do I just type in DrugExploitFix=1 under misc somewhere like in that ini Darek linked me earlier?
Alrighty, just figured out what was happening. Regardless of which hard drive you have steam installed, OS or not, You have to take fallout2's folder out of the Steam directory folders to properly apply the installer. Now my only remaining question is how do you apply the latest version of sfall to the restoration mod?
Why do you want to?
Just drop latest ddraw.dll into fallout2 directory. Apply ini changes as needed.
I loaded your add-on and I'm very happy(i love NPC armor mod!).
Unfortunately I noticed an error in calculating? (showing) unarmed dmg.
In inventory show me the dmg: 1-5 (I have the 8 strength, so it should be 4-8) and no matter if I increase the unarmed skill or I add a Bonus HtH Damage Perk value in inventory stay constant.
Spiked knuckles is also a bug when it is used. Damage should be 4-10 and not 4-13.
Probably, the damage is ok because I feel that when increasing skills or choosing perks I have better damage. I Think the problem is only in display.
What do you say?
Probably, the damage is ok because I feel that when increasing skills or choosing perks I have better damage. I Think the problem is only in display.
What do you say?
It's because sfall fixed Bonus HtH Damage perk to make it work in the same way as Bonus Ranged Damage. The +2 damage now applied on the damage roll rather than Melee Damage derived stat, so you don't see max damage value of your melee/unarmed weapons in the inventory increased.

If you want to see the bonus damage from perks displayed in the inventory, you can update sfall to 3.7 or newer and set DisplayBonusDamage=1 in ddraw.ini.
Thank You for answer but I'm half satisfied(about perks everthing is ok).

1.) According to fallout wiki:
"For example, base melee damage ("Punch") is 1-3 damage. With Unarmed of 55%, that becomes "Strong Punch" which adds 3 damage, for a total of 4-7....."
I have "Strong Punch" and still is 1-5dmg.
EDIT: sreen in annex.

2.) what abut Spiked knuckles? why 4-13 not 4-10dmg

3.) Also Sulik dosen't want use range weapon:-( any advice?


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Thank You for answer but I'm half satisfied(about perks everthing is ok).

1. Damage from special unarmed attacks never shows in the inventory screen, even in vanilla.
2. Spiked knuckles itself has 4-10 dmg, and your Melee Damage will be added to its max damage. So 4-13 is correct with Bonus HtH Damage fix from sfall. Like I said, the +2 damage from the perk won't show up in the inventory (unless you enable DisplayBonusDamage option), as the same as Bonus Ranged Damage that you don't get 7-14 dmg but still 5-12 with 10mm pistol either.
3. ...have you checked his combat control settings? And he can only use guns with SMG attack frames.