Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

Thank You very much!
English is not my native language and maybe I misunderstood wiki (I thought it was normal if my skills go up, it shows in the inventory)
3.) Yes, I set "range--->melee". SMG frames: that means he cant use pistols?
Thanks again NovaRain for your help!
I was reading "Readme" files and i nowhere can't finde this informacion.
Something is not quite right with how the end fight on the oil rig works...

The RP replaced a door script on the oil Rig to make a door stay open so you could reach the Vertibird landing pad (the one close to where you fight Horrigan. that leads to the stairs and the elevator). The changed was from QIBSTDR1.INT to QIENDDOR.INT.
Leaving the door open lead to confusion on where to exit after beating Frank, killing the player instantly if the wrong exit is chosen, and showing the exit movie twice in a row. The last two is a side effect of advancing the time when leaving the fight map (bug fix).
It looks bad and really should be reverted back to how it originally was (Since You can't get from there with the Vertbird anymore, I see no reason not to).

Fixing this leads to another bug that was possibly introduced in an attempt to do just that.
When Frank Horrigan starts a conversation with you, the door in front of Sgt. Granite and his men used to get locked. It no longer does as the pointer to that door was changed to the door leading to the Vertibird elevator (Changed what hex the door was in but not the pid, so it broke the first door and the second door doesn't work anyway. killap probably didn't remember how he disabled the door in the first place and "fixed" something that shouldn't have been. That's my guess anyway. If not, I have no idea what he tried to do.
I think this affects the Unofficial patch as well, at least going by the source scripts it does.
To fix this, in QCFRANK.INT, change any instance of 22701 to 19280.

Looking in to this makes me wonder a bit about Frank Horrigan locking the door in front of Sgt. Granite and his men.
An obvious reason to lock that door is to prevent you from walking out to the barracks map after beating Frank. Doing that will will play the ship video and put you in San Francisco, even though you didn't walk towards the ship. That doesn't feel right.
It also prevents the player from fleeing to another map during the fight.
But if those are the only reasons, the devs could have locked the door behind Sgt.Granite instead, and they didn't even bother giving that door a script.

So, was the intention also that Sgt. Granite should only help you fight Horrigan, not help Frank fight you?

What is also confusing is why they chose to put the door locking code in Horrigan's talk procedure, since activating the turrets or attacking him before he starts a conversation will bypass that code. That leads to previously said problems with leaving the door open, plus it make Sgt. Granite and his men attack you too (unless you recruited them before the fight).

So why will Sgt.Granite fight you when the turrets are active or you start the fight but not when Frank first talk to you? It makes no sense, and I don't think it was meant to be that way.
I think that door was supposed to get locked when the fight starts, no matter what the circumstances, the devs just didn't think of all possibilities. I mean why would they otherwise even have bothered?

If we still want Sgt Granite to be able to fight on Horrigan's side, at the very least, the door behind him should get locked instead of the door in front of him, as soon as the fight starts.

Thoughts anyone?
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So, was the intention also that Sgt. Granite should only help you fight Horrigan, not help Frank fight you?
Judging from Horrigan's armor stats and turrets with unique .223 minigun, I think it is the intention. Because the fight is already tough enough without Granite's team for average players.

So why will Sgt.Granite fight you when the turrets are active or you start the fight but not when Frank first talk to you? It makes no sense, and I don't think it was meant to be that way.
I think that door was supposed to get locked when the fight starts, no matter what the circumstances, the devs just didn't think of all possibilities. I mean why would they otherwise even have bothered?
Yeah, the same door locking code should be also added to the terminal when running the counter-insurgency program and maybe Horrigan's damage_p_proc.

EDIT: But there's still a problem if player attacks Granite's team outright. And locking the door because of this seems like a punishment for player (you can't enter the lobby, game over).
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Swift Learner does work, check the change of your xp value. It just doesn't show up in the message when you gained xp.
Of course you have again right!
You are awesome!
PS: can I change this that proper value show up in the message?
EDIT: But there's still a problem if player attacks Granite's team outright. And locking the door because of this seems like a punishment for player (you can't enter the lobby, game over).

Aah, Dammit! Nothing is ever easy with this game. :-(

Forgot completely about that possibility. Thanks for pointing it out.
I guess I will have to think a bit to see if I can think of a good way around it, but unfortunately the level design is not all that good to work with.

Could maybe have the door not lock while the player is in the corridor area of the map. And maybe set the exit grids to go to San Fran when you open the door to the exit (the one behind Horrigan), instead of when Frank dies like it is now.
Aah, Dammit! Nothing is ever easy with this game. :-(
Forgot completely about that possibility. Thanks for pointing it out.
I guess I will have to think a bit to see if I can think of a good way around it, but unfortunately the level design is not all that good to work with.

Could maybe have the door not lock while the player is in the corridor area of the map. And maybe set the exit grids to go to San Fran when you open the door to the exit (the one behind Horrigan), instead of when Frank dies like it is now.
How about changing the starting hex from the barracks map to make player and party members pass the first blast door directly (might need some tweaking to make sure no one get stuck or outside of the map), and close/lock it when the countdown starts like the one leading to downstairs?
If a psychotic player attacks Granite's team outright, he/she won't get locked behind an sealed door, but he/she will have to face both Horrigan and Granite's team together (a tougher but still possible fight).
How about this?
  • Lock right door to Sgt. Granite and move player to hex in front of him when coming from the barracks map and the reactor is off. (Need to use code for changing ENCGD.MAP exit grid, overriding starting hex don't affect exit grids or stairs.)
  • Lock left door to Sgt Granite when Horrigan talks to player (as it was originally), and also when the turrets are activated against Frank.
  • Don't lock the left door if the player attacks Sgt. Granite and let Horrigan come and help, or if Granite is recruited.
Not sure what is the best thing to do when the player attacks Horrigan or the turrets first. Can't seem to lock the door in Horrigans's damage_p_proc, I mean it works, but my keyboard and mouse buttons get unresponsive in-game after that.
I suppose a tile_in_tile_rect check of the player or a spatial script could be used to lock the door when the player has left the corridor (no combat), but that wont work if the player attacks while inside that area.

Hm, what about just making that left door self closing (only stays open for a short while when the reactor is off), but not lock it at all. And then change Sgt. Granite and his men to TEAM_LONER or something, so they don't fight you when you attack Horrigan or the turrets (and change them back to TEAM_ENCLAVE if you attack one of them). Would that even work?

Brand new play through. Installed RP 2.3.3. Clearly, I am a niece, but Aunt Moreorless still calls me male? How dare she assume my gender!

The game also has a weird lag during the last round of combat.


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I installed this mod with the Legacy version setting checked during the setup because the instructions told me to do so if I'm running on a Mac OS.

As soon as I run the game (I'm running Fallout 2 via Wineskin), the first loading screen pops up but after a few seconds an error message pops up regarding some 'cities failing to load'. At that point, the game pretty much freezes/crashes and I have to exit out.

Anyone else playing this mod on a Mac OS and ran into this problem before?
I installed this mod with the Legacy version setting checked during the setup because the instructions told me to do so if I'm running on a Mac OS.

As soon as I run the game (I'm running Fallout 2 via Wineskin), the first loading screen pops up but after a few seconds an error message pops up regarding some 'cities failing to load'. At that point, the game pretty much freezes/crashes and I have to exit out.

Anyone else playing this mod on a Mac OS and ran into this problem before?

Sounds like sfall is not working properly.
Have you checked out the Restoration Project technical wiki link from the very first post in this thread?
Scroll down to the section about "GOG Mac edition" and read that. Might be something useful there. You might also want to glance at the WINE section, something about setting ddraw.dll to native... That's the main component of sfall.