This is disputable, at certain parts.
1st, i wouldn't call community "thriving" right in here General Discussion Forum. Reason: people are few, and among them, some lack proper forum discussion skills. One would think they'd get it after spending a long time in this forum (which can readily be recognised by their forum stats), but quite ofen this is not the case.
2nd, most of the mods i am aware of are not "killer" in as much they fail to achieve quality standards similar or higher than those generally maintained by vanilla Fallout games those mods are made for. Note, it is usual and OK to have mods that way, my point here is that i just wouldn't call such mods "killer" ones. Another note - YMMV and this is just a personal opinion, of course.
3rd, i see double standards in this forum. My post which consisted of the following video without any commentary was deleted in this very topic, with the reason given "Try to at least comment please". I didn't know i had to comment. How would i, seeing such posts happening, even very recently,
left and
right and remaining non-deleted, i wonder. So for some people, apparently, it is OK to do so. But for r right. others, including myself, it is not. Double standard, pure form of it.
So yeah, this forum kicks ass. Sometimes not in a way one expects it to, though. Much like KICKING ASS happens in this here song:
P.S. Here we go, same thing but with full commentary. One is glad to be of service.