Glad to see NMA is still kicking A


It Wandered In From the Wastes
News feed looks great and some nice articles too. Nothing to say, just to nice to see the community and site still thriving. BTW way the site is look pretty on point as well.

While i'm at it, man has the community made some killer mods and restoration, total conversion or other wise. also cool to see news on related games.
This is disputable, at certain parts.

1st, i wouldn't call community "thriving" right in here General Discussion Forum. Reason: people are few, and among them, some lack proper forum discussion skills. One would think they'd get it after spending a long time in this forum (which can readily be recognised by their forum stats), but quite ofen this is not the case.

2nd, most of the mods i am aware of are not "killer" in as much they fail to achieve quality standards similar or higher than those generally maintained by vanilla Fallout games those mods are made for. Note, it is usual and OK to have mods that way, my point here is that i just wouldn't call such mods "killer" ones. Another note - YMMV and this is just a personal opinion, of course.

3rd, i see double standards in this forum. My post which consisted of the following video without any commentary was deleted in this very topic, with the reason given "Try to at least comment please". I didn't know i had to comment. How would i, seeing such posts happening, even very recently, left and right and remaining non-deleted, i wonder. So for some people, apparently, it is OK to do so. But for others, including myself, it is not. Double standard, pure form of it.

So yeah, this forum kicks ass. Sometimes not in a way one expects it to, though. Much like KICKING ASS happens in this here song:

P.S. Here we go, same thing but with full commentary. One is glad to be of service. :salute:
Sorry to ask you to post something of substance the very first post of the thread, but it seems you managed to find something to say. I watched the video for a bit and couldn't even see how it was relevant.

This is disputable, at certain parts.

1st, i wouldn't call community "thriving" right in here General Discussion Forum. Reason: people are few, and among them, some lack proper forum discussion skills. One would think they'd get it after spending a long time in this forum (which can readily be recognised by their forum stats), but quite ofen this is not the case.

2nd, most of the mods i am aware of are not "killer" in as much they fail to achieve quality standards similar or higher than those generally maintained by vanilla Fallout games those mods are made for. Note, it is usual and OK to have mods that way, my point here is that i just wouldn't call such mods "killer" ones. Another note - YMMV and this is just a personal opinion, of course.

3rd, i see double standards in this forum. My post which consisted of the following video without any commentary was deleted in this very topic, with the reason given "Try to at least comment please". I didn't know i had to comment. How would i, seeing such posts happening, even very recently, left and right and remaining non-deleted, i wonder. So for some people, apparently, it is OK to do so. But for r right. others, including myself, it is not. Double standard, pure form of it.

So yeah, this forum kicks ass. Sometimes not in a way one expects it to, though. Much like KICKING ASS happens in this here song:

P.S. Here we go, same thing but with full commentary. One is glad to be of service. :salute:

uuhhh actually on second thought you're right. i guess it's nice to see NMA still here witha few good mods and members.
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Public service announcement for all internet users: No matter how hard you try, or how well you can type. You cannot in any way convey sarcasm, or flat jokes in such a way with text that it can be understood as it was originally intended without context.

Therefore I suggest if a line of text requires context, simply state the context similar to the Elcor in Mass Effect. At least then those reading the senseless ravings of the mad can be understood to a reasonable degree. Simply stating "I'm joking" after the fact does not solve the problem of being a dick to others nor clarify the position of the original posted information, as joking in an undefined manner without the reader understanding it's point will simply be understood that the original poster in fact has no idea what the joke is. After all they wrote it, and that utterance is all anyone has to observe from their input.

Which from there the assumption can be made that they are simply back peddling from their original position in an attempt to be more agreeable to reduce the amount of flak they are receiving as a result of their failure to convey context.

In other words, lets all work together to become more effective at communicating in a reasonable fashion so that we're just smearing shit all over the walls like a bunch of monkeys.

Did I fact good?
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In other words, lets all work together to become more effective at communicating in a reasonable fashion so that were are not just smearing shit all over the walls like a bunch of monkeys.

Did I fact good?

Either we're or we are not, not were are not. Just an observation.
Observation: typing in a way resembling Elcor talk will make messages "sound" monotonous and uninteresting.

Unnecessary addendum: personally, i'd prefer to implement this idea using superior protocols of speech used by HK-47.

Grim realization: while fine, this idea will not last, because meatbags lack proper circuitry to persist with it.

Self-irony: shame, isn't it.
NMA is barely kicking though sadly. When a series has been watered down to such an extent with such a fragmented fanbase little can keep this place active. Plus people have migrated to Discord, Codex, Facebook, and countless other places to fill their posting needs. We do what we can, but we could be much more active.
It's simple really. We should just unban everyone that's been banned and let chaos rain down.

That would entertain me.

What about advertising NMA as a cool place. As much as the order is the cock of NMA we need NMA for the assholes.
It's simple really. We should just unban everyone that's been banned and let chaos rain down.

That would entertain me.

What about advertising NMA as a cool place. As much as the order is the cock of NMA we need NMA for the assholes.

Problem is people still go by the assumption that we are under the reign of SJW's and Bethesda drones. Apparently any mention that Fallout 3 is not good will get you banned from one poster. On the other hand some think we will set you on fire for liking it. NMA got a bad rap right from the start. Most of it is bullshit and troll warfare.
Thanks Rosh.

I just found out that psychosniper died. We banned a lot of crazy people when I think about it and I am always against that as chaos always brings life.
Thanks Rosh.

I just found out that psychosniper died. We banned a lot of crazy people when I think about it and I am always against that as chaos always brings life.

Died? What was his avatar again? How did you find out?

Agreed. Banning only the most egregious trolls is necessary. Some of them actually encourage posting when they are lucid.
Problem is people still go by the assumption that we are under the reign of SJW's and Bethesda drones. Apparently any mention that Fallout 3 is not good will get you banned from one poster. On the other hand some think we will set you on fire for liking it. NMA got a bad rap right from the start. Most of it is bullshit and troll warfare.

Ok you have a point made a few posts around the place. That's pretty much what people say, why should I go there cause I will get hate for liking fallout 4.
We have to embrace new fags. We need to campaign that this place is not toxic and do a huge round of advertising. Maybe even get Todd Howard to say we are awesome and stuff if we support his cluster fuck versions of fallout.
We have to embrace new fags. We need to campaign that this place is not toxic and do a huge round of advertising. Maybe even get Todd Howard to say we are awesome and stuff if we support his cluster fuck versions of fallout.

Hard to agree with one another when the simple use of the word "fag" by some is deemed insulting and banworthy on some sites but on others it is casual conversation. The issue is we are in the middle ground between Bethesda forums and Codex. The center is always a shitty place to be. Tagaziel not too long back used word censors to edit words like Bethesdatard which can be good and bad. I vote allowing those words but discouraging their use but we don't all agree. That is the problem with NMA. We can't all agree so we have stayed in one form for too long. Currently this form is looking like stagnation instead of growth. The 2016 election drove out many active posters.
That is the problem with NMA. We can't all agree so we have stayed in one form for too long. Currently this form is looking like stagnation instead of growth.
Just curious, how many mods/admins are still active these days?