Yeah I really preferred this alot too keep the game little more changeling and also made use guns weapons that you might not of wanted but had too. Do you know any mods for FNV that change back to a more fo3 kinda repair system !?
While we can change values of the repair system, even change how much you can repair to. The changes don't do anything. It is hardcoded.
Norzan is just parroting the same 'immersion breaking' illogical oversights that were slowly gathered over time and are now used as a weapon against Fallout 3. He has a valid point, but these things are far less serious problems than people on this forum make them out to be. I'm the pickiest, most critical person in the world, and I didn't even realize half of these things when I first played Fallout 3. It reminds me of how everyone shits on the movie Signs because 'oh why would aliens come to a planet covered in water if they get hurt by it?'. Who the fuck actually thought of that the first time they watched Signs? Most people just read someone else say it on the internet.
Not trying to be rude or anything, but different people have different priorities. If it is not a problem for you, it doesn't mean it is not a problem for others.
To me it annoys me to no end that people exist for no reason.
They are in dire need of water, but still live to old age without problems, people are pretty much trapped inside their settlement walls, surrounded by Super Mutants, Raiders, Talon Company, Deathclaws, crazy Robots, Giant ants, Yao-Guai, etc. and somehow manage to kept fed when there isn't enough food or scavengers/hunters around. It annoys me that people have infinite amounts of pre-war food after 200 years, it annoys me that Andale has 4 families that have managed to live in the same 4 houses since the bombs feel, only armed with a couple weapons, no armor and no food, but survived for 200 years because they are inbred and eat human meat that comes from who knows where (the wasteland doesn't have enough humans to sustain 4 families for 200 years) and that can be easily wiped out by 3 raiders, or one Deathclaw, or one Super Mutant, or one Mr Gutsy, or one Sentry Bot, or one Yao-Guai, etc.
It annoys me that a settlement of little kids who kicks out people once they reach 16 years old, have managed to have a successful settlement that have lasted for 200 years while keeping the Super Mutants from the main Super Mutant base at bay using weapons that deal the same damage or very close as a BB gun.
It annoys me that Rivet City exterior is oriented West-East but it's interior is oriented North-South, it annoys me that most buildings are larger inside than outside, it annoys me that buildings have rubble piles inside of them where there is no damage to the walls and ceiling (so where did that large pile of rubble came from?), it annoys me that people have been living in a settlement for many decades or even centuries and there are rubbish and debris everywhere, it annoys me that Mr Handys can just collect pure water out of the air (condensation collectors) but no one in the wasteland can build their own condensation collectors and get pure water. It annoys me that there are NPCs that are essential just because, it annoys me that karma system is so damn useless and broken, it annoys me that I can shoot/throw grenades/use Mini Nukes at Megaton's Bomb and it will not explode (an no one will react either). It annoys me that people complain about dirty water, but the game shows us that there are these things called My First Infirmary that cure radiation for free and right away. It is not nitpicking, it is real annoyances. They actually impact the fun and joy I get from playing the game. I have to try and shutdown/suppress my brain so I pretend I don't notice these things, but my OCD always kicks in and these things spoil a great part of the game for me.
People are all different, what annoys me won't annoy many others, and what annoys many others might not annoy me, but that won't make me say that what annoys them is nitpicking just because it doesn't annoy me.
The reason the BOS is protecting him is due to morale. Morale is one of the most important things to have when your running an army. If your morale is low, people will flee or not fight as hard. 3 Dog helps improve their morale and keep hopes high (3 Dog also plays some kick ass music to boot!)
But the BoS still protects GNR even if Three Dog is dead.
Here's a quote from another forum. If they are capable of this, what's stopping them from buying good reviews? Someone from the development of New Vegas said that Bethesda paid major gaming outlets not to give overwhelming praise to New Vegas. Because in the contract of Obsidian with New Vegas, they would get an extra fee if the game got great reviews.
That quote is actually from here, re-posted on the other forum. I wrote it
