Goodsprings Brahmin


First time out of the vault
There is this Goodsprings dialogue between the Courier and Easy Pete:

COURIER: Why are you called Easy Pete?
EASY PETE: Was a prospector until I decided to settle here to get away from the NCR. Now I just take it easy and help out with the Brahmin and Bighorners.​

There are no Brahmin in Goodsprings. Just an observation.
Goodsprings was on a caravan route before the Deathclaws took residence in the quarry and the route was recently closed. Caravans in FNV always have Brahmin. Easy Pete can easily take care of the caravans' Brahmin while they're in town. :shrug:
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Goodsprings was on a caravan route before the Deathclaws took residence in the quarry and the route was recently closed. Caravans in FNV always have Brahmin. Easy Pete can easily take care of the caravans' Brahmin while they're in town.

The dialogue does not specify caravan brahmin, and it does not refer to them in the past tense. There are no caravan brahmin in town either.

Anyway, it is just an observation, but apparently, snowflakes are already triggered. LOL! :lol:
The dialogue does not specify caravan brahmin, and it does not refer to them in the past tense. There are no caravan brahmin in town either.

Anyway, it is just an observation, but apparently, snowflakes are already triggered. LOL! :lol:
Goodsprings doesn't know the route was closed. That is why Chomps Lewis has to stay there all day on the road to warn people about the Deathclaws.
Remember, the Deathclaws only appeared in the Quarry Junction after the Powder Gangers took over the NCRCF and that was just very recently.
So for all Easy Pete knows, caravans are still coming. And to be honest, since Chomps Lewis has to warn people not to use the Quarry Junction road, it makes sense that many caravans still try to use that route. After all, Goodsprings is the place where caravans go to stock on water.
Not to mention that Ringo's caravan was still using that route and he got attacked by the Powder Gangers just a day or two before the Courier wakes up. So at least some caravans still use the route. :shrug:
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Oh... Brycen's started calling people snowflakes now? Must be nice to be immature enough to insult people without any wit to it.

As for Brahmin, pretty sure there would have been caravans with pack brahmin passing through Goodsprings and New Vegas before the events of NV and it is more than likely that Easy Pete was helping to take care of those brahmin rather than any locally domesticated ones (seeing as bighorners seem more endemic to the region).

Goodsprings doesn't know the route was closed. That is why Chomps Lewis has to stay there all day on the road to warn people about the Deathclaws.
Remember, the Deathclaws only appeared in the Quarry Junction after the Powder Gangers took over the NCCF and that was just very recently.
So for all Easy Pete knows, caravans are still coming. And to be honest, since Chomps Lewis has to warn people not to use the Quarry Junction road, it makes sense that many caravans still try to use that route. After all, Goodsprings is the place where caravans go to stock on water.
Not to mention that Ringo's caravan was still using that route and he got attacked by the Powder Gangers just a day or two before the Courier wakes up. So at least some caravans still use the route. :shrug:
Were the cazadores on one of the routes also a recent development or was that route never used? I can't remember atm.
Were the cazadores on one of the routes also a recent development or was that route never used? I can't remember atm.
I don't think that the game provides any clear information about it. But they are in a small ruined settlement with dead bodies around. If I had to take a guess, I would say they are recent, because the bodies don't seem that old.
Man, that must have been like the most eventful week in Goodsprings ever. Deathclaws move in to the northeast, cazadores to the north, some mailperson gets shot in the head, a prison break occurs to the southeast, and a merchant starts hiding out in their gas station. Holy fuck.