Gun Control

This would be a huge improvement, if you ask me everyone who wants to own a fire arm should actually have to do some mandatory training with his weapons I also think that local gun clubs and shooting ranges should be a lot more supported, the more gun owners become a part of some community the easier is it to spot the individuals with severe issues, to speak so. But I doubt it would happen any time soon since any kind of regulation and restriction would be immediately attacked by lobbyists and gun fanatics. They might be very small and not stand for the gun community as a whole, but they are very well conected and very vocal.

No to mention that any kind of gun regulation no matter how well done it is (which I do support though!) can only be a start, considering how severe the situation is economically or when you look how mental issues are dealt with in the United States.

Deal with the mental health issue and I think you won't need to even touch on gun control, frankly. Not to mention all the other positive knock-on effects that would result from mental health care being more accessible, less stigmatized and just plain better. It's stupid that people want to go for the guns FIRST, of all things, when you've got that elephant in the room. Of course, all of this ignores a lot of important stuff like the fact that when you look at the numbers we're still far from the worst in the world about this and yet we catch undoubtedly the most flak for having something like the 2nd (seems like a lot of Tall Poppy Syndrome if you ask me). Between Eurochauvinism and good old fashioned "Fuck the USA, am I right guys? YEAH, FUCK THE USA!" crap, it's always an interesting surprise when people start demanding we DO SOMETHING about something they don't like here or abroad. Sure, we'll get right on that.
Obviously if you're standing in the spot light, you'll get a lot of shit thrown at you. The US can get kinda preachy sometimes, with it's democratic values, liberty and beeing the bestest nation in the world I think US citizens think very highly of them selfs and their nation on average but when you look at the last 30 years of military interventions in particular, yeah people love to point out US hypocrisy in particular, even if other nations might be worse in some cases.
Kinda reminds to this song, you know:

Just saying this from an outsiders perspective, despite all my criticsm I love the United States.
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“It’s not so much to catch shooters, because we know that’s very difficult, but actually to address very widespread problems that reach millions of kids,” Katherine Newman, a sociologist at Johns Hopkins University, told LiveScience in July.
You bore me, Scalper. Welcome to my ignore list.

As for treating guns like cars - I don't see how that would actually do any good, given how a lot of licensed drivers who supposedly passed driving tests behave on the road. (Ever been to Atlanta?) Also, those driver's licenses are about as effective at stopping unlicensed use of automobiles as wet tissue paper (a number of accidents are caused by people driving with suspended or revoked licenses). Finally, driving a car isn't an enumerated right. Bearing arms is.

Also, fun fact about the police - a lot of them don't practice with their firearms nearly as much as private owners do, and are actually nowhere near as safe with their weapons as a number of civvies are.

Also also, I agree that guns shouldn't be glorified. We don't glorify pruning shears or socket wrenches or any other tool. This glorification (and mystification as well) is something we can thank dumbfucks in Hollywood for (in part anyway). I'm not saying every movie with guns is a terrible thing but some of them have put out some really irresponsible shit that has done a disservice to sane gun owners. Regarding training - I think we should actually inculcate healthy respect for firearms from young ages. Basic firearm safety should be a common elementary school thing (stuff like "if you find a gun, tell an adult first and foremost" and so on). I was fortunate enough to be introduced to basic firearms safety in Cub/Boy Scouts and later 4H Shooting Sports programs and quickly understood that they were not toys, no matter how fun range time was.

Interesting you should mention Atlanta, I once debated a US cop from Atlanta about the gun laws -issue, he was black cop. He had some interesting things to say although he was a big NRA fan.






Please don't tell me that the government can kill us whether we have AR15's or not because they have drones, when cave dwellers kicked our ass in the desert with camels and IED's.

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I understand it's a amendment in the bill of rights, but how come this causes so much discussion it lasts in a thread over 100 pages? I grew up in a rural area and never cared about this issue as some people do over it. If the government started persecuting people for their religion I don't think people would care as much as the 2nd amendment despite being the 1st with my experience on the internet.

Why does Fallout 3? Which is more important? Who knows?





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You guys are confusing Gun Controll with Fun Controll. No one will ever take your precious toys away. No. One.

A guy shoot once a couple of toddlers and kidz in a kindergarden with his rifle. Nothing big happend. Another one shoot more than 50 random people. Nothing big happend. If that isn't enough to force changes, than nothing is.

So there is really no reason to be paranoid guys.
You guys are confusing Gun Controll with Fun Controll.


Look at these totally real facts.



Fallout 5 will take place in Chicago or Detroit I hope. Nah, it will be New York.
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Is it meme day again? Fun how those discussions always evolve in repeating useless nonsense oneliners. I could counter those with images from cats and some snarky comment on it that says "Each time someone opposes gun controll a kitten dies" and it would have the same effect. But yes, let us pretend that a highly complex topic can be sumarized in just a few memes. Totally beats every argument.
Is it meme day again? Fun how those discussions always evolve in reapting useless nonsense oneliners. I could counter those with images from cats and some snarky comment on it that says "Each time someone opposes gun controll a kitten dies" and it would have the same effect. But yes, let us pretend that a highly complex topic can be sumarized in just a few memes. Totally beats every argument.

You are really clueless if you think any debate is actually ever going to be solved here. You fuckers circlejerk and whine now when we try to get things light instead of miserable?

What argument? THE SAME ARGUMENTS? Grow up.


It's because you don't have a sense of humor isn't it, Crni? I'm sorry.

memes are fun and people seem to pay attention to them for some reason

if you can encapsulate a decent message (even if it's not the whole message) in a meme it's generally a good idea to do so as a way to gradually get people interested in the topic

that said, yeah, this thread goes nowhere faster than any other I've ever seen so might as well.
I didn't say it will ever be 'solved' Toront. See this is a part of the actuall problem, people always think this is a black and white scenario, that you have to find perfect solutions or that every political debate is about who's right and who's wrong and something that ought to be solved! You want gun controll?! What are you! A communist libtart wiener who's supporting Hitler ... I mean Hillary! OH! You're in favour of guns?! Damn fucking hilliby, you want your slaves back too?!

It's identity politics at its best. There are extremists on both sides, and those memes usually represent them.

That's not how I understand either democracy or liberty. We're not living in the 17th century anymore, or we would still torture people to get them to confess in court, starting witch trials, killing homosexuals, keeping house slaves, making sure wifes can't study - and also keeping them silent, god damn it! Things that seemed impossible 150 years ago, are now normal.

Societes are always and constantly in a process of debate and transition where ideas and thoughts are tossed around, that's how we achieve progress in the long run by debates and sometimes very agressive arguing, the free exchange of ideas.

However, surely nothing will be ever achieved by throwing a gazillion of sensless memes around. And honestly, I am just tired of it.
I didn't say it will ever be 'solved' Toront. See this is a part of the actuall problem, people always think this is a black and white scenario, that you have to find perfect solutions or that every political debate is about who's right and who's wrong and something that ought to be solved! You want gun controll?! What are you! A communist libtart wiener who's supporting Hitler ... I mean Hillary! OH! You're in favour of guns?! Damn fucking hilliby, you want your slaves back too?!

It's identity politics at its best. There are extremists on both sides, and those memes usually represent them.

That's not how I understand either democracy or liberty. We're not living in the 17th century anymore, or we would still torture people to get them to confess in court, starting witch trials, killing homosexuals, keeping house slaves, making sure wifes can't study - and also keeping them silent, god damn it! Things that seemed impossible 150 years ago, are now normal.

Societes are always and constantly in a process of debate and transition where ideas and thoughts are tossed around, that's how we achieve progress in the long run by debates and sometimes very agressive arguing, the free exchange of ideas.

However, surely nothing will be ever achieved by throwing a gazillion of sensless memes around. And honestly, I am just tired of it.

Well, I am tired of you repeating the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over. This is why you have 50,000,000 posts.

Oh it's back to the children with Crni. Not a common talking point repeated over and over and over.
Because I see the same arguments made over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

I notice that a lot of people here have the habit not to read what I ACTUALLY(!) writte and just read something in it what they THINK(!) I writte. Like when I make two sentences, they kinda only get the information out they want while ignoring the rest. So when I say something about sensible gun laws, it's suddenly that I wan to bann all guns, which I never proposed nor said, I am actually in favour of guns and plan to own a weapon one da. But, yeah I am suddenly one of the 'extremists' out there. Take a few of the other users that also continiously confuse communism with leftism, socialism or social democracy/democratic socialism.

memes are fun and people seem to pay attention to them for some reason

if you can encapsulate a decent message (even if it's not the whole message) in a meme it's generally a good idea to do so as a way to gradually get people interested in the topic

that said, yeah, this thread goes nowhere faster than any other I've ever seen so might as well.

It's actually a logical fallcy, because the intention is to ridiculoue an argument rather than to adress it. Making a joke is one thing, simplifying a complex political issue another. And I am seeing this issue on the right and the left.
The funny thing about the extremists is that they are increasingly dictating public opinion through polarization and the political wings are not blanching at the prospect but instead welcoming it with open arms. To say they're irrelevant in the West is blissful ignorance.

As for ridicule: It works. Rational discussion might as well be at an end anyway, we've effectively exhausted that route and people's attention spans are too short for debates anymore. The political wars of the future are going to be quick, dirty and meme-filled. The aut-right is cringy as fuck but they do understand very well the power memes possess as tools of mockery and drive-by commentary, and they understand that people gobble that shit up.