War. War never changes...
Just use a crowbar on the damn thing.-And that rock.... MAN THAT IS ONE HUGE ROCK!
Strength of 7 won't move it. Strength of 9 won't budge it either. Is it only the rare Hercules of Heroic Strength proportions who can move that gigantic rock?

Actually I don't like the whole "cold hearts" stuff. So I go there (to find Garrett's father's diary), but I don't do quests - I just provoke them and kill them. Probably it's even worth more this way. And it's much better for the karma )COLD HEARTS FARM:
Plus, I really appreciate that one doesn't have to return through all those traps - just use the ladder ))
It's probably a serious off-topic in this thread, but I'd say it here anyway )Strength of 7 won't move it. Strength of 9 won't budge it either. Is it only the rare Hercules of Heroic Strength proportions who can move that gigantic rock?
After lots and lots of playthroughs I discovered for myself some startup things that ARE SERIOUSLY improve the game.
0) I ALWAYS place 10 in AG and IN - IN gives you the boost in points per level and AG gives precious action points in battle. I know that one can use certain Chips to upgrade, but actually I consider them a bad thing. If you configure your hero in hopes of later upgrade , you play 3/4 of the game with disadvantage and you get that upgrade in the time when it already doesn't matter much;
1) I ALWAYS set LK to 1. I know about the chance of critical hits but it's not worth it. Later in the game you even can improve it a bit, and after Lvl24 LK looses a lot of it's significance (Slayer (totally independent of LK) or Sniper (just makes LK negligeble) perks );
2) I almost always choose "Good Natured" trait. You specialise in ONE weapon class, so you'll loose just -10% to ONE TAGGED skill (tagged means you'll have to use only 5 actual points to compensate for that later), but you get +15% to First Aid, Doctor, Speech, and Barter (effectively, +60 points, 2++ levels worth). Win.
2) There are two main "builds": HtH or Shooter;
3) For Shooter I almost always set PE=10. It actually makes sense. You have perfect PE without serious penalties from the start and you don't need to take "Sharpshooter" perk - you can just get something more useful (say, "Dodger");
5) If I play as a HtH-person, I tend to choose ST=1 (2 max). System is a little bit flawed and it doesn't matter if you have ST=1 or ST=5 - your melee damage is still the same (1). But if one chooses to use ST=1, there're lot of points to beef up Charisma. Yes, you are not that strong, but you'll have the opportunity to invite lots of NPCs to compensate for that.

The alternative here is to set ST=10 from the start, get full +5 to melee damage, and CH will be much lower so you'd play as a loner (but Klint will help you anyway);
6) I almost always tag the Lockpick. There're lots and lots of locks on the game and it's much more comfortable if you have 100%+ to open crates, lockers and tables without trouble. )
Of cause I played F2 with very different characters, but some builds are just better.

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