First time out of the vault

Works - You have right! I didn't copy this file. Thank you!
Did you happen to have a bag or a backpack in your inventory and it's above the items that should be removed?It has been a while since I played Fallout 2 Restoration Patch but the fever caught me and I am still playing.
BUGS I have seen
1) Not sure if anyone else is having this minor issue, but I noticed in some instances items do not disappear. For example, I got the ten cat paw magazines and of course, I pointed out the double issue where I get issue #5 the energy weapon special and I noticed I got to keep all my original items.
2) Another bug I found was when I got Algerian (The savant in New Reno Arm's basement) all he does is replicate the enhanced weapons. I pretty much could make him replicate the enhanced versions as long as I had the template versions in my inventory.
The issue is not due to "items in bag/backpack" but "below bag/backpack in the inventory list". There was a vanilla issue that bag/backpack prevent script functions from removing items properly. Many issues with bag/backpack got fixed in newer sfall.Yes, I did have a backpack. But the items were not in said backpack.
The issue is not due to "items in bag/backpack" but "below bag/backpack in the inventory list". There was a vanilla issue that bag/backpack prevent script functions from removing items properly. Many issues with bag/backpack got fixed in newer sfall.
BTW, how did you got a backpack in RP 2.3.3? AFAIK all bag/backpack are removed from the game.
AFAIK what he doesn't allow is releasing a community patch/repack/whatever using the same name of "Restoration Project", e.g. you cannot release a patched/updated RP using "Restoration Project 2.3.4" name, but one should be able to release something like "community patch 1.42 for Restoration Project 2.3.3".Hello,
I read above that Killap had not allowed the community to make changes to the Restoration Project.
I have one small gripe with the restored content, namely the fact that K-9 won't go into the EPA with you. What's the reasoning behind this? If someone in Power Armor can climb a rope and the dog in Modoc apparently also manages to, what prevents that particular tin bucket to get down an elevator shaft?
Laddie was able to climb down the rope of Modoc's well in the vanilla game.
By that logic, if that rope can hold a Power Armor user, it surely can handle a robotic dog
That was my point. Just because a dog is a dog (robotic or not) doesn't mean we can't lower/lift it with a rope.By that logic, if that rope can hold a Power Armor user, it surely can handle a robotic dog
on top of that, right?
If not, you could carefully lower the dog down alone and continue on normally.
What You said
The newest 4.x still works under WinXP. It's not like its XP support will be ended anytime soon.Newest sfall does not work under XP AFAIK.