Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

hey I was using this mod on for one of my games but then I downloaded fallout 2 on another computer and now it's saying that "the instruction at 004f11db refrenced memory at 00000010" could not be read from" if anyone can tell me what this is that would be very helpful
I was joking. In Fallout 1 store inventories don't respawn. That's a thing Fallout 2 added.
ah, ok) bad english here, i speak almost blindly... need advise about this traders so much, at least where the reason of this restock bug?? i just farming lvl before it happens, didn't do anything special at all...
ah, ok) bad english here, i speak almost blindly... need advise about this traders so much, at least where the reason of this restock bug?? i just farming lvl before it happens, didn't do anything special at all...

Well, first thing I would do is check the official wiki to see if it's a bug that San Fran shops don't respawn (they should). If nothing turns up I'd get my own hands dirty and use the mapper to see if the Restoration Project didn't "accidentally" mess something up when Killap was giving the map a makeover.

Maybe it's an issue with the script. In that case you would delete the script tied to the shopkeeper critter that isn't restocking. Individual scripts are found in the Script game folder. Deleting the specific faulty script results in the game reading the one in the Master.dat but this would be for last resort. Not recommended.

But have you tried reloading an earlier save? A save you made BEFORE entering the main San Fran map for the first time? You'd me amazed how many bugs are fixed this way. Do that, buy something and wait a few days to see if the shop respawns items. I recommend waiting in a different map or in the worldmap by burning days travelling around the San Fran area.
have not much earlier save(( i traveling san-francisco many-many times before bug, i think 76 lvls was trouble-free, and bug starts on 77 or 78 lvl; after this i burned not a couple days, but a couple years, its not helps... should i try to re-install game?
How safe is it to update sfall to 4.0.6 while running this mod?
The one it uses is 3.3a

Each updated sfall might have different options activated/deactivated, even changed or gone, and Killap might have activated/deactivated some options for good reasons of his.
I don't think it's very safe in other words. If you mod foldered the RP and other mods you might use, then you can always update sfall in your main directory for the vanilla game though.

And if you decide to try updating sfall's RP, I advise you manual checking and backup files. Not sure it would be save compatible even if you can?

can it be that traders not restocking cause 13 years limit past?? my 13 years limit past twice...

Really? What can your character do for so long? No idea if it's related to your restock bug but even the npc must be screaming you to finish the game already? I was on rush to finish the few times I made it to San Fransisco but it's not like the game is depriving you at that stage, even if some merchants don't restock.
I don't think Killap or even the game designers thought of this kind of playing style, you know, grinding for the fun of it, for so long. Don't know, I can't see anything related to a time limit in the bartering scripts I use as models for modding, but I didn't pick the SF merchants scripts.

Edit, or did you finish the game and grinding after the credits for some reason?
Really? What can your character do for so long? No idea if it's related to your restock bug but even the npc must be screaming you to finish the game already? I was on rush to finish the few times I made it to San Fransisco but it's not like the game is depriving you at that stage, even if some merchants don't restock.
I don't think Killap or even the game designers thought of this kind of playing style, you know, grinding for the fun of it, for so long. Don't know, I can't see anything related to a time limit in the bartering scripts I use as models for modding, but I didn't pick the SF merchants scripts.

Edit, or did you finish the game and grinding after the credits for some reason?
just love to kill everything, thats it... but i played trouble-free pretty much of my 78 lvls, why they need this stupid game limits? i need eternal no-limits machine!!! tell me, how can i fix it by myself or with some patch etc??? maybe need some kind of editor or what else?
just love to kill everything, thats it... but i played trouble-free pretty much of my 78 lvls, why they need this stupid game limits? i need eternal no-limits machine!!! tell me, how can i fix it by myself or with some patch etc??? maybe need some kind of editor or what else?

The fact that you've been running around for 26 years and 78 levels killing random mobs is nothing short of amazing, my guy.

I think you can disable all time limits by editing the appropriate line in the ddraw.ini inside the game folder, but I'm sure some of the more seasoned players here might help you out more.

Send us a postcard when you get to 99 you crazy bastard.