First time out of the vault

I don't know if anyone has proposed this, and a lot of us disagree with some of Bethesda's decisions and probably outright laziness with lore, but has anyone tried to bring some/all of the massive fan projects together as an alternative timeline which makes an "Official Unofficial" canon. It would be really great to do this and Bethesda doesn't seem to mind fan-works. It would give us some piece of mind (and don't get me wrong, I do like the Bethesda titles), that we can appreciate our own "official canon" as a legitimate alt timeline for Fallout. Star Wars fandom should do the same thing to preserve legends, and expand upon it, but that might get Disney's ire. Fallout Resurrection, Nevada, upcoming stuff like Miami, Cascadia, and North Star, and whatnot. I'm arguing for a community agreement or 'committee' to establish this canon and maintain it perhaps on a separate wikia.