Finally something you're right about.I'm guessing "being entertaining" is nowhere in your job description, then.
Finally something you're right about.I'm guessing "being entertaining" is nowhere in your job description, then.
Finally something you're right about.
You haven't really been right about much so much as you just stopped arguing and flinged shit everywhere and claimed that the brown spots on the walls were victories.That you'll admit to, anyway.
You haven't really been right about much so much as you just stopped arguing and flinged shit everywhere and claimed that the brown spots on the walls were victories.
That made an unsurprisingly little amount of sense.1. I'm reminded of a joke.
A man walks up to the bar and says to the bartender 'I bet you 20 dollars that I can piss all the way from one end of your bar to the other into this here glass.' Bartender says 'I'll take that bet. You're an idiot.' Man places the glass at one end, walks to the other, hops up on the bar and unzips. Proceeds to piss all over the place, gets not a single drop into the glass sitting at the other end. Bartender laughs, demands the 20 dollars, which the man gives him without protest - in fact, he's laughing too. Bartender demands to know what is so goddamn funny. The man replies, 'Do you see those 3 men sitting at that table over in the corner?' Bartender says 'Yeah, so?' Man says 'I bet them each 50 dollars that I could piss all over your bar and you'd laugh about it.'
2. I'm not here to convince anyone of anything, least of all my employment status, luck with women or any other sort of personal information. You'll believe whatever your ego demands you believe. I stopped arguing because it was perfectly evident that doing so was a waste of time and energy. Pearls before swine and all that.
3. You apparently don't mind when other people fling shit all over the place. You might be able to understand my confusion when I myself was being admonished for flinging shit back. I get it though, you've decided their shit doesn't stink, possibly because you've been immersed in it longer than you've been exposed to mine. To any rational observer, however, you're still neck-deep in shit.
That made an unsurprisingly little amount of sense.
1. Ok.
2. I never asked you about anything about your life, just vaguely answered your remarks about mine without going into any details. So, whatever.
3. What others flinged was rather miniscule compared to your consistent spergouts.
You're projecting mate.Yes, but the nature of the thread implies that you actually believe that. A dishonest leftist looking to score brownie points? Quelle surprise.
You're projecting mate.
No one ever said anyone in here has to believe in what they write.
Or is it that you actually HAVE no strong convictions about anything? Is that it?
Crni has tons of good old leftist convictions, a lot of general humanist stuff. You don't care about that though, you're going for the score. Verbal score. You're so score-obsessed, you aren't even keeping track of the things you yourself are saying. You keep contradicting yourself because you only post in the moment.
You make some big point about "You should be insulted and offended on a daily basis so you develop the ability to realize how little either of those things actually fucking matter.", yet - what do you do - on a daily basis?
Oh, sure, it's "for fun" (except you're not fooling anybody)
You made some parody of me, and in doing that, you resorted to ALL CAPS, yet ironically, I have not once given you an ALL CAPS reply. You on the other hand resort to ALL CAPS quite often. Well, of course you do! You are always right! When you're right as often as you are, rambling away in ALL CAPS makes all kinds of total sense! No need for self awareness when you're always right! No need to even know what you posted five minutes ago!
I always wanted to learn how to play an instrument.Exercises in dishonesty for cheap lulz? Yeah, sounds about right for you. The moment you go "well I don't personally believe this but I know it's unpopular so I'm going to post it anyway" you're doing nothing but brownie-hounding. Which is, again, about right for a leftist.
Or is it that you actually HAVE no strong convictions about anything? Is that it?
I always wanted to learn how to play an instrument.
Who knew, that you would be my first one.
If I were to do a proportionate response and actually enforce rules, you'd be banned basically right now from all the accumulated warning points from the last two weeks alone.Your low reading comprehension is not my problem.
2. You are not the only person in this thread, obviously. I also don't really care about your life and livelihood, as it has zero bearing on mine or anything I've stated beforehand, but it's fun to laugh at all your posturing and insinuations.
3. Oh, so we're going with a proportional-response doctrine now?
If I were to do a proportionate response and actually enforce rules, you'd be banned basically right now from all the accumulated warning points from the last two weeks alone.
If you don't like it, fuck off.
But no, you want to stay here as long as you can until you finally get banned so you can rant on wherever about how you stuck it to the lurrals who finally couldn't stand your superiority and banned you. Yawn.
We should make a Edgy Sub forum, and herd everyone that is like Cliffy into there.
After all, he has around 750 posts, but probably less then 10 are about Fallout or even games in general. 99% of the remaining ones are probably just flaming and insulting others.
Doesn't seem to contribute much to the site, so he could probably fill a Edgy sub-forum just by himself.
It was actually a bad joke, not an attack of convenience. Didn't you see the "Badum tss" and the "Shitpost" (which I stole from the Codex) smileys?I've spoken my piece about Fallout. F76 is just fucking depressing, so I don't see any point in talking about that any more than I already have. None of my other currently-being-played games are particularly worth talking about (at least, any more than I already have talked about them). It's not like you actually care either way. This is just another attack of convenience.
At the moment I just skip most posts if it is you quoting others or others quoting you, because I am certain 90% of the time it is just you guys going in circles and not relevant to the thread.
Let me clarify this, because I know I rarely type coherent stuff. But this is not an insult to you or others, this is an observation of your (you and others) behavior, and it's getting tiresome to filter out the same stuff over and over. And I am sure I am not the only one that think that around here.
Wasn’t cross-site trolling ban worthy?If nothing else at this point I'm happy just being your punishment for dumping that sack of trash named mfkndggrfll on Codex's lawn.