Fallout 76 on pc


Appears to be in fucking shambles, no ultrawide support, no text chat, no push to talk, common pc settings missing. Apparently the game breaks if you manage to get higher frames.

Pretty disappointed in Bethesda but really I shouldn’t expect much. I will just have to cry in my collectors edition helmet.
Huh. I read about this problem with framerates. So, it's a game that can only run on very high end PCs, but if your PC is juuuust too good, the game is also broken ?
Seriously, have you seen the minimal config for F76 ? Quite impressive. My computer, which is alright for today's standards, can run Witcher 3 and Rise of the Tomb Raider at 60FPS, no problem, but it simply cannot play F76, a graphically mediocre title with zero scripted NPC on screen ? Optimization my ass. I'm not surprised though, Fallout 4 is the only title I refuse to launch during summer, because I'm genuinely afraid of my PC parts getting too hot.

For Pete's sake, the trailer had massive framerate drops (15 FPS max at the scene in the silo), and these trailers are made on post-production computers, aka PCs at around 5000-7000 Dollars minimum, with more memory than a Kwisatz Haderach on crack.
No wonder why there's no NPCs. Can you imagine NPCs scripts packages running around while you play ? Your computer would melt. It was what consumed the most memory in Skyrim, and it's the same thing today.

It seems that Beths continued piss poor performance keeps coming back to the ancient engine. Are they ever gonna invest in something more modern?
Jesus those technical issues in the video. I haven't seen that many but they're definitely there. I don't understand the apologists really, if they care so much about the game then bitch about the issues to get them fixed. Don't ignore and excuse that shit. And the AI is definitely random as hell. It will either gang up on you as I watched one guy shoot a ghoul and a bunch more came running from around the corner they swarmed him and killed him which cracked me up. Then there's moments like in that video where they stand still or some of them just watch you like they've never encountered a celestial being blessing them with divine light and they're awestruck for a few minutes.
It seems that Beths continued piss poor performance keeps coming back to the ancient engine. Are they ever gonna invest in something more modern?
Why should they? As long as there are people still buying it and even defending their engine - OMGAWD! LOOK AT ALL THOSE MODS!, they have no reason to change anything here. Both is expensive, developing a new engine, which Bethesda probably has not the resources for as they would need to hire more people for it, or buying a new engine and getting used to it while also paying for the licensing. I think their next game, will be done in the same ass old engine for exactly that reason.

What's funny is how even mods become less and less possible with new Bethesda titles, beeing released on Steam, focusing on their own platforms, trying to monetize the content and making things more depending on online. The only really redeeming quality of Bethesda games was the creative freedom the players had with the content. Even though Bethesda never was supportive of mods in my opinion, at least they didn't really obstruct the creation of mods. I guess it was only a matter of time, before they saw mods rather as competition than asset to their games.
We have to wait and see I guess. But Bethesda said a hell of a lot of things over the years and I always take that with a grain of salt. Well, more like a bag of salt really ...
We have to wait and see I guess. But Bethesda said a hell of a lot of things over the years and I always take that with a grain of salt. Well, more like a bag of salt really ...
I'm saying it's more speculation based off what they've said. Like TES VI doesn't even sound plausible technologically so if that's even partly true it can't be gamebryo/creation engine :lmao:
I'm convinced Starfield AND the next Elder Scrolls will be on the ahem "Creation Engine". If they legit make a new, from scratch Engine for TES 6, I'll be surprised.
So will I, it would mean that they have to get a lot of new resources. I mean devloping engines has become somewhat of a rarity for companies anyway, most of them simply buy a licence and develop a game on it.