Oh absolutely mate! Blizzard deserves a lot of flak. But not for this product in my opinion, but for their presentation where the developers and executives seem to be completely clueless about the target audience that attends their shows at Blizzcon. You get a lot of gamers in there with probably pretty expensive gaming PCs at home and you tell them, wait you don't like this cheap ass monetized product we threw out? Yes, you can of course criticse and hate Blizzard for making a mobile game out of Diablo as a franchise, but if you're surprised about this move as a fan, then I have to ask my self under which rock you must have been living. So when I look at some of those youtubers al lbeeing, BOYCOTT BLIZZARD! And the company is now dead to me! I kinda have to roll my eyes. It's like as if you would only realize now with Fallout 76 that Bethesda is making Fallout games for the money and not to make proper Fallout games where they do not care about what Fallout fans want.
If you're really mad at Blizzard for monetizing a 20+ year old franchise, then you really havn't been paying attention I think. It's not like I wasn't in that position once when Bethesda released Oblivion which I was really very hyped for as a fan of Morrowind, just to realize that Bethesda as a company does not give a shit about their fans, hell I believe that Todd Howard outright lied to people when he explained Oblivion at E3 showing features that never made it into the final game. And it really is the same with Blizzard, I loved Diablo 2 and Star Craft 1, I still play SC1 to this day as it's a really good RTS game with a neat story behind it. But the Blizzard that made those kind of games possible is long gone and I am surprised some people still feel like Blizzard betraid them just now and not 15 years ago, when the Diablo 2 team pretty much decied to leave the company or when they got bought out by Activision.
Or to say it like this, there is zero chance that even a Diablo 4 released on the PC will ever be anything in the spirit of Diablo 2 or even Diablo 1.