How Do You Feel About Gender Identity Hw ?

Is Gender Identity Important?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I don't know

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R.Graves is going through the "Self loathing" phase of the edgy teen who also frequents 4Chan.
Graves got banned from 4chan. If that doesn't tell you everything you should know...

I must say it is both amusing and sad to see people willing to listen and answer to basically anything he says. The new guys have started to realize he's either having a stroke, self righteously ignorant, or purposefully disingenuous, and thrills on getting reactions out of people independently of wether he actually thinks it or not. After a semi constant buzz of inadequacy and mildly offensive if not cliche stuff, he'll be told off, to relax and tone down, maybe even actually muted or handicapped, and then once after an undefined margin of time, bam, mutilated genitals on general chat. On the Discord server, this actually happened up to five times, if memory serves right. I'm not a fan of gossip and drama but that's just to have you know before humoring him. You can see the first phase right now, anyway.
How the fuck did you manage that @R.Graves ? Did you post gore in the hentai boards or something?
nah i was actually banned while posting in /b

also @Arnust if you could stop speaking of me like im the goddamn bogeyman that'd be cool.

self righteously ignorant
that's the only insult that holds any merit tbh
You can see the first phase right now, anyway.

i think its worth noting that i've never broken the rules on the forums. tbh this is the most out of hand i've ever gotten on here near as i can remember.
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Eye mean, #notalltrans are Chris-chan or Tampon Inspector Yaniv, or the GameStop psycho. Too many, tho ya
“See this one blatantly ‘unnatural’ thing I just happen to fit in is NORMAL but this other one (that I’m not) ISN’t” yeah my man that’s totally not the history of literally all “anomalies” we’ve come across and grown on.

Whereas being gay is a delusion, as the fact of life is that men are supposed to bum women and women, men. Wow this is really easy to do huh.

Let alone how, or to who, are they supposed to be answering to with what they (and you) do with their own lives and bodies, when it’s not getting in the way of someone else and being a clearly positive change for their psyche and lifestyle.
No doubt, when interracial marriage was being debated, there were some annoying skeptic fucks who deducted the dangers of the mixing of races.