Fallout, Lore, Aliens, Easter Eggs, Bethesda and Mothershit Zeta

Mothershit Zeta should be banned in every country.

  • Yes.

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • [Speech 50] Absolutely.

    Votes: 22 88.0%

  • Total voters
Fallout is about wacky shit? You're one of THOSE people. Get out of here. You certainly don't know what the fuck you're talking about and I saw your type before. WacKy ShIt and CoNsPiRaCy with a 1950s FeEL? Did Bethesda's Fallout 3 brainwash you that hard? You probably don't take the games seriously or something because you're entirely missing Fallout's point. And conspiracy? What?

fallout has SOME wacky shit im not saying is all about wacky shit

I have not felt the wackyness has gone up any more in the Bethesda ones

But i play 1 and 2 yea last year but there was wacky stuff in it

no they LITERALLY are not. the game is serious 100% of the time
Must be a unrealse version because i would not call F1 100% serious is it the most serius of the series sure i guess it is the first game they were trying to set the tone

its not ambiguous. the implication is 100% clear. what do want the audio log to say "omg they just launched the nukes!!! aliens launched nukes the world is d

link me to the log cuz i call BS
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The first Fallout didn't have any wackyw shit. It played itself straight the entire time.

The second game was where the whacky shit started to become apparent. I actually didn't mind it so much, I love the first game for its depressing atmosphere but I feel it works in junction with the game. Fallout 2's whacky humour works with the game because it feels a lot more satirical and critical of the political landscape at the time.

The aliens in Fallout where itherwiso treated very well. Heck, Bethesda had it right the first time, you find an alien ship and you get a good weapon out of it. That's all it needed to be. By adding in a DLC that revolves around that easter egg puts too much focus on one part of the franchise that didntd need any focus at all.

Aliens were cool, they were a cool thing to find and it was cool to have a quick chuckle and move on with the game. MZ made aliens uncool as it was a joke that was extended to 6 hours... Then it just becomes boring.
I need to point out another thing that makes me think that the missing human voice in the Alien Captive Audio #17 is the bug instead of the bug being subtitles left in the game. I thought I had posted this in my previous post, but after reading it again I noticed I forgot.

There is, in the same DLC, in a different Audio Log (#7) a missing audio bug too. In this case it's missing the Alien Babble. Is this also because Bethesda cut what the aliens were saying because of lore?

This is the exact same bug, but missing the alien sounds instead. The same bug, in the same DLC and in the same type of audio game files (Alien Captive Logs).
Which leads me to think that whoever was making the Audio logs somehow got confused with audio #7 and #17 (probably because of all the "7"s) and instead of adding the human audio to the alien audio, the person doing it thought he had already added them, but instead it didn't add them at all, so the #7 had the human voice but missed the aliens, and #17 had the aliens and missed the human voice. Seems like an honest mistake to be honest.

Also there is nowhere in the entire game and it's DLCs another bug where the game has subtitles left from cut content, but there are thousands of bugs because the game is missing assets. Just take a look at something like the Unnoficial Fallout 3 Patch and you can see for yourself.

Seems very strange that only one bug of forgetting to remove subtitles exists in the whole game and DLCs, but we have so many bugs caused by missing game assets. And that complemented with what I wrote above, how the log #7 has the same bug but missing the aliens instead... Gives me a strong base to think that the bug is that the audio is missing, and not that the subtitles are the bug.
Does that technically make Audio Log #17 canon? I hope not.

Even if it is I'm still going to say that the aliens didn't do the Great War. Not just because it's stupid to have outsiders cause one of the most important events in the series, but at the very least the log never makes it clear the aliens got the launch codes to begin with so there's hope.
link me to the log cuz i call BS


Our defenses consist of 3 battalions of light infantry, 34 pieces of field artillery, 108 armored vehicles and 42 aerial vehicles.
(Alien Babble)
We have 38 ICBM's always on alert and ready to fire when the word is passed down from the White House.
(Alien Babble)
The codes to activate the launch sequences are... are... uhhngh.... no... I can't let you... uggh... get out of my mind!
(Alien Babble)
Agggh! The c-codes... are... ugh.... no... I can't betray... AGH! My head! I can't... won't... AGGGGH! Agggh...
(Alien Babble)

its not ambiguous. the implication is 100% clear.

Paste me the part of the text where it implies that they get the codes, or where the aliens use the codes. I can't find it, maybe I don't know how to read English.
Paste me the part of the text where it implies that they get the codes, or where the aliens use the codes. I can't find it, maybe I don't know how to read English.
its clear that the implication is that they do get the codes. this isn't hard dude. its almost like you're purposefully ignoring things like context, subtext, and things that are blatantly apparent.

there's no elegant way to write "omg i gave them the codes they're launching nukes! reeeeee"
While I hate 3, not as much as 4 or 76. It's other dlcs were not outright horrible like shitty workshop dlcs. However, mothershit Zeta should Burn in hell along with the rest of bugthesda. It's a Perfect example of how inept this company is and how they don't give a shit.

"Let's make Aliens canon, fuckup lore, add cryo Frozen cowboy, samurai and little child for lulz. Also let the player destroy huge part of the landscape with a death laser, for shits and giggles"
its clear that the implication is that they do get the codes. this isn't hard dude. its almost like you're purposefully ignoring things like context, subtext, and things that are blatantly apparent.

Paste the part of the log that proves they get the codes and that they use them. Show me evidence or give up. Going back and forth like this is a waste of time.

you mean literally the whole of canada. an entire country's worth of landmass is canonically dead for shits and gigs.

The player doesn't have to redirect and fire the death laser. Canonically dead? Give me a break.
fuck it he's too powerful. you can't fix ignorance if they're ignorant on purpose.

I thought we were trying to have an intelligent debate backed by facts. I pasted the text of Log #17 to support my claim. You responded by calling me ignorant. You lose.
I thought we were trying to have an intelligent debate backed by facts
can't have a debate when there's nothing to debate. its 100% clear that the implication is that aliens fired the first nuke of the great war. you're just being a contrarian purely for the sake of defending fallout 3.

Our defenses consist of 3 battalions of light infantry, 34 pieces of field artillery, 108 armored vehicles and 42 aerial vehicles.
(Alien Babble)
We have 38 ICBM's always on alert and ready to fire when the word is passed down from the White House.
(Alien Babble)
The codes to activate the launch sequences are... are... uhhngh.... no... I can't let you... uggh... get out of my mind!
(Alien Babble)
Agggh! The c-codes... are... ugh.... no... I can't betray... AGH! My head! I can't... won't... AGGGGH! Agggh...
(Alien Babble)

Paste me the part of the text where it implies that they get the codes, or where the aliens use the codes. I can't find it, maybe I don't know how to read English.

Thanks just as i remember i like how it proves in noway hey actually got the codes and use them But even if they got the codes there is no evidence they actually use them

So not sure what R.Graves is smoking

anyone playing the games knows China still the prime candidate to shooting first.

can't have a debate when there's nothing to debate. its 100% clear that the implication is that aliens fired the first nuke of the great war. you're just being a contrarian purely for the sake of defending fallout 3.

You are blinded by your hate of the Bethesda
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anyone playing the games knows China still the prime candidate to shooting first.
except for the part where its said no one knows who fired first but then fo3 all but outright says "it was aliens" whether you wanna admit it or not.

the implication was placed there on purpose and there's no reason to imply something unless you want the audience to pick up on it and accept it as true.

just because the game doesn't stop the log and has Fraud howard pop on screen and say "aliens did it" doesn't negate the fact that the log is clearly saying that aliens did it.

its like you don't understand that when something is implied this heavily that there's no ambiguity about the writers intentions. its just a more natural and elegant way of saying aliens did it than having the game stop to tell you that.

its like the end of prisoners. no one's gonna say Jake Gyllenhal didn't find Hugh Jackman unless they're retarded.

edit: altho now, rather embarrassingly, i'm noticing that the codes could be in reference to the 38 ICBMs...

edit 2: no wait it turns out im more dumb than you think i am because it turns out ICBMs are use to deliver nuclear payloads.
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lol ok.

altho at one point there was gonna be a fallout movie where it would be revealed that it was the head of Vault-Tec that launched the first nuke...

so at least we've avoided that.

I do remember that some people think they did it and i think it was metion in 3 or 4 not sure

But from 4 to me it points to the chinese

DEFCON Status - 2077








You are blinded by your hate of the Bethesda
Nah, we just hate bad games. If Fallout 3, 4 and 76 were done by any other company, i would still be trashing them and calling that company incompetent. Bethesda just happens to be responsible for some of the worst RPGs (and they are barely RPGs) in the last 12 years.
You are blinded by your hate of the Bethesda
lol no.

see fallout brotherhood of steel on ps2 isn't magically good because interplay made it. fallout 2 has done as much damage to the series image as fallout 3 or 4. fallout 2 just also happens to be a quality game with a lot of genuinely good stuff going for it. 3/4 don't have that no matter who made them.
Norzan: My vehicle is in mint condition and parked in the garage.
(Mannawyadden Babble)
Norzan: It has a full tank of gas and $2,500 in cash stashed in a secret compartment in the glovebox.
(Mannawyadden Babble)
Norzan: The keys to unlock my car are... are... uhhngh.... no... I can't let you... uggh... get out of my mind!
(Mannawyadden Babble)
Norzan: Agggh! The keys... are... ugh.... no... I can't betray... AGH! My head! I can't... won't... AGGGGH! Agggh...
(Mannawyadden Babble)

R.Graves: its clear that the implication that Mannawyadden does get the keys, steals the $2,500, and drives away in the car. there's no elegant way to write "omg i gave him the keys he's stealing my car! reeeeee"